Eric Tsang on Car Accident: “I Never Felt Closer to Death”

Eric Tsang (曾志偉) and his daughter Bowie Tsang (曾寶儀) were in Taiwan today to support the grand opening of a good friend’s restaurant. On Christmas Day, Eric was involved in a deadly car accident in Hokkaido. He described his feelings then as, “I have never felt closer to death. When the car crashed, I did not even have a moment to think. When I opened my eyes, there was snow everywhere. My car no longer looked like a car; my front tire had exploded, and I was injured in many areas. My luggage was completely broken and all the snacks that I had bought went flying out!”

Luckily he had no internal injuries and was just prescribed many painkillers to handle the pain from his external injuries. Eric had trouble breathing the first day and the doctor told him to remember to take deep breaths or there may be a chance that he would develop pneumonia. “The doctor told me to rest more as there is no medication to really heal my injuries. I used to be deeply against taking medication. When I was younger, I only took two days to heal! But now, as I get older, I am being forced to accept usingmedication. When I open my suitcase, there is more medicine than clothes!”


This article is written by Kiki for


  1. After all the bad deeds you did, you better worry about your deathbed.

      1. @m0m0 If you think so…What is death? Just died with eyes closed? You belief and mine are very different.

    1. @hohliu
      If he truly did those bad things then karma will bite him back sooner or later. I had an uncle that did quite a few bad things in his life too, but of course not as bad Eric and suffered for it during the final years of his life. At first, I thought my uncle would get away with it all as his life overall was pretty good and smooth sailing just like how Eric’s life is currently. However, during his final years karma struck back at him but was not that bad as his bad deeds were not as bad as Eric’s. Maybe Eric’s time has not come yet?

  2. @moseenaddict He is a known sexual predator in the industry according to Grace Han and had been accused of raping Yammie Lam and drugging other actresses. I truly believe he did the evil deed to Yammie and other women. I hope Yammie’s spirit will be haunting him until the day he dies. He is the combination of Harvey Weinstein and bill cosby of asia. Here are some articles about this accused rapist. Too bad HK doesn’t have the 2nd amendment for women to protect themselves.

  3. Wow.. I never really paid attention to him so never heard that he was a rapist. I only know that he gets drunk and falls asleep alot lol.
    Thanks for the info!

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