Francis Ng Battles Michael Tse for Rebecca Zhu’s Love in New Laughing Gor Movie

Best Actor, Francis Ng (吳鎮宇), Michael Tse (謝天華), Kate Tsui (徐子珊), Janice Man (文詠珊), Chapman To (杜汶澤), and 2011 Miss Hong Kong winner, Rebecca Zhu (朱晨麗), appeared at the praying ceremony and press conference for Shaw Brothers’ new move, Laughing Gor: Potential Criminals <Laughing Gor之潛罪犯>. Francis Ng admitted that his filming fee was increased substantially in Potential Criminals, thanking TVB executive, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), for her generosity. Francis said, “Of course my filming fee was increased, otherwise how would the press know about it?”
Francis revealed that he will portray a different character from his previous role in last year’s Laughing Gor film, Turning Point <Laughing Gor 之變節>. In the new film, Francis will play an intelligent, white-collar criminal. “There are not many actors who can portray an intelligent, white-collar criminal convincingly, ha ha!” Asked whether he was concerned that newcomer, Rebecca Zhu, may drag him down in their partnership, Francis said generously, “I have spoken with Rebecca at length, hoping to relax her a bit!” (You have been asked to lift newcomers to greater heights each time?) “This is what every generation of actors have done. I will help where I am able to!”
Michael Tse Possesses Confidence to Win TV King Award
Michael Tse revealed that he will be involved in a love triangle with Francis Ng and Rebecca Zhu in Potential Criminals. Asked whether he received strong backing from TVB to become this year’s TV King, Michael admitted that he possessed confidence this year, “Both of my series received good ratings this year; at least the report card results are presentable!”
Jayne: Turning Point seems to have a more star-studded supporting cast than Potential Criminals. Are you looking forward to the new Laughing Gor movie?
Fala Chen #2…. Same story, fighting, killing, drugs, gangs, Rebecca Zhu’s character going to die, Laughing Gor is the hero?
Movie box office tank?
Laughing Gor ending, end?
Story: Laughing gets close to bad guy again and become hero again and insert some supposedly battle of the brains TVB style which means dumb.
Ending: Laughing stays alive or in a mystery state to open up another Laughing Gor franchise. Burn all the tickets!
@Jayne: Not me. I want the Laughing Gor franchise to end ASAP, before all my love to Laughing Gor gone.
I don’t get what style the girl with Kate is going towards. She looks like cosplaying Sadako in working clothes.
I think its Janice Man, she can not be that uglier then Kate….ugh!
I don’t understand why Francis agreed to film this movie again. I hate to see him playing supporting to Michael Tse again…
Don’t be worried. Last time Laughing Gor is supporting in Laughing Gor movie.
Francis playing white collar role… major disappointment! He looks GREAT in his last role as the mafia big brother.
Agree with Michelle, dont make sense he has to play supporting role opp Michael Tse. Come on…… he’s the much bigger star. Without Francis I bet very little people will be interested in this movie.