Kelvin Kwan Watches Movies to Prep for Love Scenes with Christine Kuo

Kelvin Kwan (關楚耀) was currently filming director Wilson Chin’s (钱国伟) Lan Kwai Fong 2 <喜愛夜蒲2>. For his upcoming bed scenes with TVB actress, Christine Kuo (苟芸慧), Kelvin has been watching Category III movies for inspiration. Despite the preparation, Kelvin still sounded nervous and afraid of being called a pervert!
The first Lan Kwai Fong movie was a box office success. Set in Hong Kong’s popular nightclub district, it depicted modern young love and lust. Lan Kwai Fong 2 will feature an independent story and new cast apart from its first film installment, while retaining the basic successful components of the first film. Chrissie Chau’s (周秀娜) boyfriend, Avis, will also appear in the movie.
TVB actress, Christine Kuo, has an extremely sexy role in Lan Kwai Fong 2. Besides the model turned actresses in the film, director Wilson Chin decided to cast Christine because of her fresh face. He was not surprised that TVB allowed its actresses to pursue the sexy route, stating, “TVB also has many bra and kissing scenes. It’s not too different from this role!”
Lead stars, Kelvin Kwan and Christine Kuo, were unfamiliar with each other before being cast in the film. The pair grew to know each other after numerous meetings and on set discussions regarding the upcoming filming requirements. Director Chin decided to shoot the duo’s bed scenes later, in order to achieve greater onscreen chemistry.
Kelvin has been watching Category III movies to learn the body language of actors in bed scenes. As a male actor, he was concerned that he will be considered to be a pervert if he crossed comfort limits with his costars. However, Kelvin was advised to loosen himself, otherwise he will appear very stiff and awkward in such scenes.
Christine also gave Kelvin further assurance. Kelvin said, “We have discussed this together. I do not have much experience in acting. She comforted me and told me not to be afraid.”
Kelvin was currently prepared to tackle the physical scenes at any moment. He said, “I have packed floss and mouth rinse [for the kissing scenes]!”
Kelvin may in fact possess more experience in singing than acting. He shot to early popularity in 2006 by filming anti-drug commercials with Jill Vidal. Ironically, the former lovers were arrested in 2009 for the possession of marijuana in Japan, while detained for 25 days. This incident halted Kelvin’s singing career for more than a year.
Aside from Lan Kwai Fong, Kelvin will be filming an upcoming drama with City Telecom (CTI) later this year.
Sources: Oriental Daily, 21CN
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Jayne: Wilson Chin is known for his titillating direction, even back in the days of Beautiful Cooking. It may have been more about the cleavage rather than the actual cooking.
I am surprised that Samantha Ko is not in Lan Kwan Fong 2. She is one of TVB’s sexiest actresses.
Samantha Ko is a prawn. Hot body but ugly face.
lol finally. I thought I was the only one.
I agree with u’s. Not a fan of Christine either!! Think she needs some more acting classes.
To me, Samantha is a very charming person with a very happy gorgeous face. Not much plastic other than her nose and eyes.Her chin and cheek look a bit flabby but natural…..
Her body needless to say: Voluptuous…with a pair of fantastic boobs to appreciate….
Cristine also looks very cool with me with very minimum plastics on her face….. Her chin and cheek also look quite flabby and perhaps that make her very cute….
You can Christine! Your acting can be improved a lot anyway……
Interesting… never heard the term “prawn” before. In North America this type of girl (pretty body, not so pretty face) is known as a “butterface.”
How does that work?
Everything is pretty about her “but her face” – or, “butterface.”
So now if you hear someone called a “butterface” you know what it means 🙂
Just curious? Why butter?
You mean fat like butter or mashed up like butter?
It’s a play on words…
Take this sentance:
Everything is pretty, BUT HER FACE.
If you say “but her face” fast enough, it sounds like “butterface” – that’s why people started using that word.
Now they say “She’s such a butterface” instead.
Aahh… interesting.
Thank you!
It’s too complicated if u have to explain the phrase. Just say- she ugly!
Ah, but saying “She’s Ugly” doesn’t let you know she has a great body 🙂
“She’s a butterface” is short, and tells you more – she’s a great body, but a not so great face 😛
I never heard of prawn too. Very creative, Sushiroll! I can imagine how a prawn looks like…
But fried prawns the head tastes crispy and nice too, not just the body…
Oh dear, your name is sushi and you mentioned prawn…
i was thinking the same….
only thing that turns me off from samantha ko is her yellow teeth
Kelvin Kwan with his stubble reminds me of Patrick Tam! Kelvin appears to be a bit shy in the video clip of the press conference. But maybe the character in the movie is a bit shy and awkward in bed?
Do you need to watch porn to act as a pervert?
There are many types of perverts. Edison Chen is definitely a gifted one with an extreme lust to sex….However, with constant exposures to porns, he is now being grown/trained to become even more dangerous and acting more hard core than average American’s hard core guys despite having just an average size of p*nis…..
Lets see if he would end up forcefully/insanely raping a celebrity one day when his soft approach of coercion of females to have sex doesn’t work in his favor.
Yeah, Kelvin Kwan looks like a young Patrick Tam.
who’s the girl with that huge breast? the white looking one but speak Chinese..
Kelvin, after the drug incident, is climbing up again. I don’t really have a reason but I think Kelvin’s behavior in this drug incident makes me never like him.
Is he gay, you need to watch Cat III to do love scenes with C.Kuo?
i guess he is hahaha.
tan leong ping,
We have a lot of female readers on this site and it would be highly appreciated if your messages do not contain such a sexual tone. We have already deleted the messages with strong sexual references.
Please consider that there are also very young readers on this site. These messages are inappropriate. Thanks for understanding and in the future refrain from using such sexual references in your comments.
whoever he is he is LUCKY since this girl seems very pretty. too cute for him actually haha….n who is that big boob girl the camera was zooming on? my god, perv camera man ahhhaa
Is the movie filmed in Mandarin or Cantonese? Christine Kuo is a newbie in TVB. Her acting is just so-so, but she should be able to speak Mandarin well because she was born in Taiwan. However, her Cantonese is barely acceptable.
I like kelvin shy n cute 😉
Apparently, Kelvin is concerned that he doesn’t appear “experienced” enough with his bed skills in “Lan Kwai Fong 2,” which was why he watched those Category III movies.
It does sound that he lacks confidence in his bed skills.
Cat III is not a good measure of errr… training.
Why is he watching porn to learn the angles? Unless in this new movie his gonna be naked too? Excuses excuses. He WISHES he can do porn with Christine Kuo
I was just wondering… if he has to watch “category 3” movies to prepare for ‘fake’ scenes with a girl, then what does he watch/do to prepare for real interaction? -.-“
brothels? lol
lol any excuse to watch porn isnt it…
not surprised that tvb let christine participate in LKF2
her popularity would soar, just like shiga’s did after starring in LKF.
anyways its tvb whos gonna reap the benefits – first the royalties, then milk christine’s popularity afterwards.
what kind of a man is he to admit watching porn to prepare for a role? Either he an attention seeker or he one clueless naive person!