Gallen Lo’s 9-Year-Old Daughter is a Beauty

Spending quality family time together this winter season, Gallen Lo (羅嘉良) and his wife, actress Sophie Su (蘇岩), had time off for the holidays. Their 9-year-old daughter, Sela, was covered head-to-toe in winter gear while playing in the snow. Taking after her parents’ good looks, Sela drew praise for her beauty.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year, Sophie posted on social media, “Hoping to return to a carefree, peaceful, yet passionate life.” In addition to photos, she uploaded a video of Sela and Gallen playing in the snow and having a snowball fight. Although the actor is already 60 years old, Gallen remains a child at heart and was seen having just as much fun as his young daughter.
When netizens saw the post, they were mesmerized by Sela’s luminous skin and bright eyes. Many complimented her for becoming more beautiful as she grows older.
Sela is Gallen’s daughter from his second marriage, and he also has a 23-year-old son with his ex-wife, Clare Fong. Despite their divorce, they regularly see each other and Clare and Sophie are friends. Gallen is grateful that everyone gets along well, “My wife, son, ex-wife and I have had dinner numerous times in the past…. I’m really lucky to have such an understanding family.”
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This article is written by Su for