Karena Ng Announced Loving Raymond Lam 6 Months Ago?

On February 6, 33-year old Raymond Lam (林峯) finally announced that he is dating 19-year old Karena Ng (吳千語). Seeing that the negative tabloids would only continue to make matters worse, he has decided to step up and clear all doubts in order to defend his girlfriend and her family.
Earlier, Raymond was seen at a bank in Central dressed in a hip-hop fashion. Approximately an hour later, he left the bank while chatting away happily on his cell phone. Raymond was all smiles the entire way. Anyone could probably guess that his girlfriend, Karena, was on the other end of the line.
Raymond and Karena’s relationship allegedly started when they collaborated in the movie, Love is…Pajamas <男人如衣服> last year. Around half a year ago, reporters found an uploaded image of a cupid on Karena’s Instagram profile. In addition, Karena had left a comment which said, “I love you”, declaring her love for Raymond.
Since Karena has not yet addressed the media’s questions after Raymond’s announcement about their relationship, her manager was asked to clarify things. “Karena is currently busy filming in mainland. She didn’t even have time to attend the promotional event for the movie, Hotel Deluxe <百星酒店>.” After hearing how Raymond had openly admitted their relationship status, Karena’s manager said, “Really? That’s great. They’re a good match.”
Mavis Pan: “None of My Business”
Raymond’s ex-girlfriend, Mavis Pan (潘霜霜), does not wish to be linked with any of his relationship tabloids. About a week ago, a netizen discussed Raymond and Karena’s relationship on her Weibo profile. Mavis later retaliated and said, “I am going my own way. What has it got to do with you? You go ahead with your relationship. It’s none of my business.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Shirley for JayneStars.com.
Really? I read an article saying she thinks he’s too old for him. Lol. She’s eating her words now.
I meant he’s too old for her. Is it still posted on this site?
Yup it’s still on the site. I remember it clearly as I really thought she had no interest in a guy 10 years older than her.
I bet if they ever do break up, the reason for her would be: “He was too old for me, and things didn’t work out.”
yep those were her words and there’s an interview clip with her saying it. she said she doesn’t want to date a guy over than 10 years because the age gap is too big for them to have any common ground. raymond lam is 14 years older.
yeah , i read that too….She said that he is too old for her…lol
golden couples…beautiful couples..RL so lucky in everything…he got fame, fortune, power, handsome, skillful in acting & singing, got pretty girls & soon beautiful BB as well….
glad to see positive support 🙂
This news is soooo annoying!!!
It’s not annoying at all, you loser!!! GREAT news, Congrats to both of them.
Don’t call me a loser, your mom’s a loser.
All your FAMILY ARE LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t go on people’s post and respond by calling them a loser.
um was reading old news and came across this , ‘Karena indicated that she hoped to get married by 25 years old and have children before turning 30 years old.’
ya just perfect. in 5 yrs time, she is 25 and raymond is 39 😀
that is good…some of Raymond’s fans just afraid that Karena is too young, not muture, don’t know what she want…but since she has plan…and this plan sound match Raymond…it is good to have kid before the woman get 30 (yes…i know woman can still give birth when she is over 40!)
That is on condition they can last 5 years.
can they even last 1?
um maybe try and look at things more positively?? we shall come back to this topic in a year’s time
happy rayman and rena love long months. dey marry hav good baby. me hope happy many many times
So much denying dating each other, only to come clean. They really like to play the fans for fools. Keep quiet and stop lying if you are not going to admit, or you are not YET ready to admit your relationship. The whole world already knew anyway. Only make yourselves look like fools.
Best of luck to both Raymond and Karena though.
I agree as well.. It is always best to come clean at some point because the truth will come out sooner or later… But best wishes to the both of them!!
Let’s see how long this will last!
No one has the right to be judgmental on private matters of an artist. A true fan wishes a happy and healthy life for LF. He cannot please everyone, family or fans. I admire him for speaking out despite of the backlash that he knows that would follow him. The choice was his, he still NEEDS and DESERVES a happy life OFF stage.
As long as LF stays in the entertainment industry, I will count my blessings to be able to attend his concerts, buy his music and watch his movies. Be supportive and continue to enjoy his works as an awesome entertainer. LF Love FUNG!
Totally agree!! so far, what Raymond does very normal and correct… I like him even more…he is honest to his fans and responsible to his relationship…we can not just said 19 years old must be not mature…who knows…maybe she willing to give up her career one day and marry Raymond to be a supportive wife…no one is forture telling…will continue support his performance on stage! I think his true honeys will support him!
Comments need to be nicer. We are no one to judge what they feel for each other. Alex To’s wife married Alex to which us the same age as her father. Age is not a factor in a relationship. It’s respect honesty and loyalty that us important. Obviously he loves her cuz he stepped out to clear her name. Lets respect LF
Age and personality is the factor…. Just hope Raymond Lam does not end up in a breakup with his fake tears and crying dramatic press con.
Promise me that you won’t cry if it won’t happen, ok?
Dont even bother with the comments on here. Just enjoy the articles, read them and look away from the comment section. Some of the things being said here makes you wonder if these people were raised by Satan himself to further promote negativity in this world.
no wonder RL looks crappy…he tried to hang out with the young people..lol..
Hong kong version of jay chou and his young girlfriend…hannah??
RL is way too old for Karena! 2-3 years difference is okay but 14 is really pushing it haha
I don’t think man older than woman for 14 years is such a big deal…some woman/lady actually like mature man because they feel more security…it is good that both of them admit the relationship, they both willing to take a big step toward it…it is good…brave for both of them…support
Check out her Weibo Mavis Pan (潘霜霜) (link via Google Translate)The Pan Shuangshuang Angelina microblogging (1322)
I asked you to stop pulling the Hong Kong media have also shot in NM is really lying ! Those “comrades” do not like me a far point do I wildly! Do not give me mistaken identity! I thank you! Over the past two years I have been from the never tell the whole story! But rest assured! You want or do not want the answer will be clear at the right time! Just a matter of time! Do not my BB!
You are quite right, Funn, 5 years is a long time,and as we all know, many things can happen especially when Karena is so young still.
I thought we should live for the moment?Many same age couples or those with very small age gap end up divorced or separated anyway, so their age difference shouldnt be a problem at all.
They like each other at this moment- so that should be enough.
I find most of these comments hilarious. These two are liars: attack! These two “steps” up: Screw it. What a bunch of baloney. What a joke. She’s too young. He’s a player.
…..This is the future of our world.
look i don’t think they will last long because:
a) raymond’s busy schedule and no time to spend with this little kid
b) 19 year old kid haven’t experienced enough yet and do not want to settle down
c) sooner or later she’ll see how g@y raymond is.
d) there will be better looking guys who are younger than raymond
e) raymond fans will blast her enough to scare her off
A) True.
B) You should never judge one by their age. I’ve met late teens, young adults who have thought processes better than 50 year olds.
C) Disregarded.
D) True, but if she does choose better looking guys, it explains her character. Not really much an influence on Raymond.
E) Raymond’s non-fans portraying themselves as fans will scare her off*
e. Who are more scary, his fans or his non-fans who are talking moral and saint-alike?
I think Raymond’s fans, the ones who are sane, and just likes the man for the stuff he does on stage and have no care what he does off stage stays silent. I mean, look at his concert sales even after that so called Mavis incident, it had no effect at all.
As for his non-fans, they’re human. That is all.
Actually the concert and album sale of LUML after the scandal with PSS were said to be better than before :P.
yu get out of here u are a player yourself
Would prefer to play together? I do not mind.
even wait 5 years. seriously she’ll be 24 and he’ll be 38. who’s gonna marry at 24? not an artist.
noone knew who karena was until her name got linked to raymond.
Plenty of people will marry at 24. An artist? Isabella Leong married at the age of 19. Anything is possible in this world.
Karena is known for her so called “western blood” before linking to Raymond.
Ah Sa got married before 24 :P.
Karena is already quite famous from her very first movie Magic to Win in 2011. Only the Txb fans dun know much about her but I can tell you that she is more famous than many Txb fake white lotus in HK.
Just cause you didnt know her, it doesnt mean others didn’t as well.
So artistes don’t get married at around 24????!!. youzee, I thought there were some who were married by that age, or even before. I guess I was imagining things. I guess I also imagined that by age 24, Ah sa was a veteran married young woman.
What is wrong with chinese . They are sure stuck in the past two or three centuries, tsk, tsk, tsk. Why does the man has to be taller than the girl, why does he has to be only 1 or 2 years older, why does the man has to be making more money than his wife. Chinese also have this mentality that the woman cannot be older or taller than her husband, or make more money. Also, they think that a rich person should only be with a rich person, or someone from the same bloodline or social standing. Chinese go nuts when a woman is older than her honey, or the man is a few years older than the woman, because that is not the way it should be. This kind of thinking is a bunch of horsecrap which needs to be abolished.
I do not know what will happen to Jay and Hannah, or Raymond and Karena in the future, but for now, their relationships are theirs, and who are we to play age-critics and judge or criticize their age difference.
Look at Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey. He is younger and does not make the kind of money she does, but they are happily married….. FOR NOW…. with children.
Oh well, the matter isn’t that the commentors here are Chinese or Asian, but they simply wanna do a thing: Criticize for the purpose of criticize.
With all due respect Fox, the commentors who make the age critique statements are chinese or asians. Even when you read the comments on weibo, the crazy things you see are mind blowing. These comments are written in chinese are they not Fox..
Everything I said is still so prevelant in the asian culture.
Actually Chinese or Asians are less fuzzy about intergenerational relationships than Westerners (with their Judeo/Christian mores) if the male is older.
The practice of some 70-yr-old dudes taking in some 18-yr-old concubines were quite common without anyone batting an eyelash.
However, Chinese/Asians tend to go apes when the female is the older party if if only by a few years. Just look at all the name calling of sister/brother love of relationships like Elva Hsiao and Charmaine Sheh. A very frustrating double standard.
raymond looks as happy as moses chan in the pix
a ver cuanto tiempo dura esta ridiculez de comedia!!!