Linda Chung and Ruco Chan Act Intimately on Set

Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) and Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) partner again as a romantic couple in The Apothecary <大藥坊>. Rumors have it that the two had developed good feelings after collaborating in Brother’s Keeper <巨輪>. Last week, while filming on Kowloon Peak, Ruco and Linda reportedly left the set to wander off into the mountains while holding hands. Could it be true that their onscreen romance has been brought to real life?
During a short filming break for The Apothecary, Ruco and Linda both left the main set separately. Allegedly, they later met up at an intimate spot and held hands after making sure no one was watching. The two went for a 30-minute walk alone in the mountains before returning to the film set. A crew member revealed, “They appeared awkward when filming for the series first began, but they played around crazily soon after. Ruco always prepared a bottle of hot drink, but only Linda was allowed to have some. He was afraid she would catch a cold, and even offered her an extra jacket. It was obvious he came prepared!”
Since last October, tabloids claimed Linda often carpooled with Ruco to and from work. They were once caught on the spot during a minor car accident en route to an event in Macau. Both of them also constantly praised one another, which further fuelled speculations. Ruco had announced in the past that he has wanted to work with Linda before he entered TVB. Once, he even found it hard to detach himself from his Brother’s Keeper character. Ruco recalled, “It was a little difficult, because Linda is truly a very good and beautiful girl.”
Linda also commented on Ruco after filming Brother’s Keeper, “He’s really good at memorizing his lines, and his action scenes are amazing! He has a philosophical personality, and is a thoughtful person.” Although Ruco was rumored to have dated model/actress Ankie Beilke (貝安琪) for a while, he was reportedly not fond of her wild partying habits, and instead preferred Linda’s good-girl personality.
When asked bluntly if he is currently dating Linda, Ruco dodged the question. On the other hand, Linda denied that she frequently carpools with Ruco except for the time they shared a ride last October.
Source: Oriental Sunday via
This article is written by Shirley for
I think that they suite quite well together! 🙂
Boy, i would love for this to be true. I love this Panda couple, they’re such a gorgeous pair.
Love your naming. “Panda”
Why “Panda” couple?
I would assume it’s because Ruco’s name is Chan Chin Pang. So “pan” for him and “da” for her which is technically PanDa. Pretty clever and cute.
Thanks, and yep, very clever. Just hope her “real” BF (if she has one) does not take offense.
Panda couple …hilarious 🙂
Yes, I would love to see them together ! 🙂 Well suited <3
Don’t! Toy! With! Us!!!!!
Couple or not? Huh? HUH?!
Come on. If you wanna marry, marry Linda. If you wanna play, everybody else.
Please let this be real! Let them be real! Let’s hope they’re doing sexy time together.
But please settle things first with Phillip. Don’t want to have Ruco being called the other guy!
P/s Went to the link hoping to see some really intimate hand holding photos. What did I see instead? A gentleman holding a lady’s hands whilst she was slowly walking down a steep walk thing. How many times have I been fooled by such reports? Sigh…. He’s just being a gentleman. She just needed some help.
You’re probably right, Ruco was just doing the gentlemanly thing. But knowing him to be always keeping a distance from his female co-stars to avoid rumours (much like his Keith Lau character where he told Mavis that he would not be nice to just every girl in case they got the wrong idea), Linda seems to be special cos he did not take pains to avoid her off screen; instead he even went for a walk with her away from the rest of the crew, something very unlike his normal behaviour. So i do think he likes Linda, but whether the feeling is mutual is questionable as Linda and Philip seem to be still very much a couple. Linda looks like such a nice girl and every man’s dream girl while Ruco’s such a gentleman too. Would really love to see them end up as a real life couple 🙂
Yes he likes her. She likes him too. Not sure if they wandered off together or they were just moving between scenes. Either way, he can’t possibly avoid giving his hand to her to assist her because imagine if she fell down and he didn’t offer his hands? oh fans in Ruco-dom will scream.
“Yes he likes her. She likes him too.”
Do you remember Ruco or Linda ever saying anything unkind about their co-stars? They are always generous in praising others.
Jayne, indeed as with all stars to their co stars. But I believe there is genuine affection between these two. Sometimes you can’t hide the sparkling in the eyes, small smiles, body language, etc.
Linda and Ruco are comfortable with each other. If you remember at the Malaysian awards ceremony, linda held onto Ruco’s arm while talking to him. Hope all these rumors won’t affect their friendship.
Love this Panda! the news just showed pictures of them helding hands down a steep hill, but there is no proof that they walked away.. no other more intimate pictures! (i beg for some) so that I guess they are being very careful in front of others.
Hope it is true, love to see them together..they look good together. Btw, didn’t Ruco smokes, thought last time from watching his interview he didn’t smoke no?
He smokes. On the linked article, if you scroll down, there’s a picture of him smoking.
I also think Ruco and Linda make a good-looking couple, but don’t think that Linda likes guys who smoke.
Geez, I really hope that they are together. They seem like really nice people and Linda seems like the type of girl that Ruco likes.
I don’t think that there should be a problem with Ruco smoking. That could change. If they are really together and Linda does not like him smoking, I’m sure Ruco would quit just for her. Not a problem!
@Lan: That is true. Habits can change and Ruco does not seem to be a hard-core smoker(?). Perhaps it’s just stress getting in the way.
Main point is that previously when Linda and Ruco were rumored, Linda seemed more adamant about insisting that they are just friends, while Ruco seems to convey from his vague answers that he has something for Linda.
They can sure make a good couple… question is more on Linda’s side.
@anonymous fan , I noticed it too abt ruco that he doesn’t mind being linked with Linda whereas with others he’s normally very fast to deny. He does have a special liking for her I’m pretty sure.
Maybe Ruco is afraid to offend all her fans?
Ruco and Linda do look good together. ^^ I ship them (but if Linda is happy with Philip then I wish her happiness.)
isn’t linda supposed to be secretly dating that phillip ng guy?
Linda’s been rumored with Philip for about seven years now. And they openly support each other whether it was during Linda’s concert or Philip’s new film, so I personally believe that they are real and still together.
watched Linda’s or Philip’s interview, i have a feeling that they were real couple but now broken up. Also feel that Linda has fallen for someone now but Who???
If Philip Ng is the real deal I’m pretty sure he’ll beat Ruco Chan hands down. And I mean physically. And I hope that doesn’t happen. Ruco’s too pretty 🙁
ruco go go go, that philip is a joke in linda’s life, after 7 years also.. still didn’t marry her, most probably using her as a stepping stone only, what a waste of time and youth
Well, it was Linda the one who never admitted the relationship with Philip. He once happily announced and one day after that, she denied and made him lose face. Up to now, Linda has never said anything about the relationship while making it like an open secret.
Btw, his career is still going nowhere so maybe if he only regards her as a stepping stone, he should think twice to choose another stepping stone.
It is/was an open secret, Fox. (:
Either way, I am happy for Linda (:
But several weeks or months ago, didn’t they ‘break up’? I am guessing that is either that was a rumour, they may be reconciled or they became friends who supports each other!?
It’s indeed an open secret, but I feel he is more active to maintain the love while she is acting higher.
I just hope that everything works out for them.
True, that Linda was the one who never admitted. But she does keep maintaining that they are good friends and that the “relationship” has never change. On the other hand, even though Ruco-Linda are fairly well-received, she seemed more okay with denying that. This was during BK of course. Things could always change. Just my two cents.
I think it means she is eyeing on another man but still keeping Philips until she can find a better candidate. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t have any feeling to Philip but she is still considering. So I won’t feel surprised if Linda dumps Philip in the future. However if she can’t find a man she thinks more suitable, she’ll get married with Philip eventually. Of course, if Philip still wanna get married with her :P.
Just look at them!!! What a gorgeous pair!!! I can watch BK again just for them right now!!! OMG! Why didn’t Ruco meet Linda first 🙁 but Ruco really need to quit smoking first and go to church lol. Anyways, at least in dramas they can be madly in love with each other! Better than nothing Ruco! He’s going to walk down the red carpet with Linda again this year!!! Cannot wait! 🙂
I do believe most of the actors and actresses smoke. THey just don’t do it publicly for image. As for church, can’t each have their own religious preference? No no Linda must take Ruco AS HE IS.
No, if Linda is a religious Christian, it won’t work. Most Christians believe that the ‘other half’ should be a Christian because it could create problems easily. And that by believing in the same things, they would have similar values/goals in life, hence reduce the likelihood of arguing or ‘walking’ in different directions in life.
Those that are devoted Christians find partners that are Christians too. As for Linda, she already found someone that have same belief and values in life. Most of her friends are Christians too like Leanne Li, wong cho lam, Grace wong, christine kuo etc… They all don’t smoke too. So Ruco is not suitable although I would really love to see them together but I know it will only be onscreen! Nothing wrong with Ruco, he’s a great guy! Linda is just not for him. He will find someone good too I’m sure.
Of course there are people that are Christian and end up with someone that is not Christian. Such as Athena chu and Paul wong. She as a devoted Christians should not get pregnant before marriage! Lol but she did because her partner didn’t practice the same belief (no sex until marriage). Like Vanness wu, he insist on no sex until marriage because of his devotion as a Christian. It’s just easier when both have same religion. Lol.
“Linda must take Ruco AS HE IS”
If that’s the case, then I don’t see them working out in the long run either.
According to the Bible, “your body is a temple”, must be worshiped.
And, smoking is in direct conflict with this teaching.
Errr the smoke is incense perhaps?
Oh come on! Most of them smoke. But some do stop when married or have children.
Linda doesn’t look like someone who brings her bible everywhere and Ruco doesn’t look religious. Anyway all these are pure speculations.
I agree with what JCLL said.
As for smoking, that really depends on how Linda sees smoking.
But you don’t need to carry your bible 24/7 to be a “devout Christian”. A “devout Christian” could be someone who carries out and lives out the values as a Christian.
Linda’s best buddy was Shirley Yeung and she isn’t Christian. Hence I don’t think religion is a must to her.
Philip seems to be a smoker too. Ruco went to Wong Tai Sin Temple on lunar new year eve. He tends to favour buddhism. The couple denied the rumour in tbb’s interviews lately. Ruco said he will give hands to whoever in need. Even the host said he’s a gentleman.
The title is so misleading. How is helping Linda down a hill an intimate act? However, I would like it very much if the rumors about them turn out to be true. If this is the case, I just hope that Linda has already broken up with Phillip or else this will have a negative impact on both Ruco and her acting careers. Linda will be labeled as a cheater and Ruco the third person.
I so want this to be true! They look so good together <3. If any woman's going to hv him, I want it to be Linda!Ruco, go go, fans are behind you all the way!
Ruco has changed his personality a lot since The Other Truth came out…
… even dumping his long time GF and doing the whole “good boy routine” for TVB!
Nevertheless, liking this whole ‘Panda’ combination.
Ruco is one actor who has been relatively scandal-free, even pre-TOT so i wld say that this is his genuine personality, not just a “good boy routine”. How do you know he dumped his g/f? It looked like an amicable split, no one bad mouthed the other and she’s now married to another man.
I love Ruco in BK and I would love if this pair is together! Go Ruco and Linda!
Both look compatible.