Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong Spotted with Matching Rings

In October, 27-year-old Lu Han (鹿晗) and 20-year-old Guan Xiaotong (关晓彤) confirmed their relationship to the world, breaking the Internet. The couple haven’t been shy about being public, and didn’t mind mentioning each other to the press. Fans have also been keeping a close eye on the couple, looking for signs of further development. The couple have been spotted wearing matching watches, bracelets, and even shoes.
A while ago, Lu Han was spotted at a jewelry shop in Shanghai only moments before it was to close. Lu Han told the sales associate at the time that he felt anxious for making a purchase so close to closing. Lu Han purchased matching rings.
Soon after, Guan Xiaotong was spotted wearing the ring that Lu Han purchased for her. Initially fans assumed that it was just a gift, but further inspection has led fans to speculate that the ring could be an engagement ring. According to the store’s official website, the ring that Guan Xiaotong is wearing is marked 18K platinum, and is meant to be purchased as an engagement ring.
In an interview conducted last year, Lu Han said he originally wanted to get married by 27 or 28 because of his parents. He added, “I am traditional-minded. It is possible that I won’t even be in the industry in two to three years. My parents do really want grandchildren.”
This article is written by Addy for
brave or crazy don’t know but it definately takes some guts to publicize the relationship w/ luhan given he’s so crazy popular.