Mandy Wong Froze Up When Michael Miu Kissed Her

Mandy Wong (黃智雯) got to kiss both Michael Miu (苗僑偉) and Kenneth Ma (馬國明) in Line Walker: Bull Fight <使徒行者3>, and it was two very different experiences.
Attending a press conference for the upcoming action epic on Sunday, Mandy blushed at the mention of her kiss scene with Michael. The veteran actor reprises his role as Cheuk Hoi, a former police officer. Mandy plays Madam G, who is tasked to investigate Cheuk Hoi.
“It was actually pretty embarrassing,” recalled Mandy. “[Michael] is a male god for so many women. I would never in a million years think he would suddenly kiss me.”
The original script did not have the kiss, but after fervent discussions between the producer and Michael, they believe that adding a kiss would push the emotions of the scenes further.
“It made sense,” said Mandy. “I’m a very passive person. (Michael said you froze up when he kissed her!) I didn’t know how to react at first! Before we did the scene, we talked about it, and I thought I’d be fine, but once he kissed, I froze up! It was a surprise.”
As for her kissing scenes with Kenneth Ma, who plays a triad leader, Mandy said, “It’s not the first time we kissed! The kiss with Ma Ming was a lot more gentle. With Michael, it was a blood rush! I told my mother I kissed him. She definitely got jealous.”
Line Walker: Bull Fight takes place three to four years after the original 2014 series. Bull Fight brings Raymond Lam (林峯) back into the cast, reprising his role as the police undercover Bao Seed. Bull Fight also stars Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪) and Priscilla Wong (黃翠如), new cast members introduced Line Walker’s 2017 prequel, Line Walker: The Prelude <使徒行者2>.
This article is written by Addy for
Potential SPOILERS (not really but in case some people are sensitive)
I’m trying very hard not to binge watch this show because I want to enjoy it, also no subtitles on the tvb app yet so I need to focus to understand some of the dialogue lol. I finished episode 3 and some thoughts…
– this has been discussed many times here but after watching just a few episodes, I think Mandy has what it takes to win BA if she continues to do well in the show aka if tvb doesn’t give up writing her character halfway. Priscilla too, something about her acting has matured.
– I hate hate hate Kenneth’s hair also that storyline is confusing already
– three episodes in and no mention of pakho’s character. that was the cliffhanger from LW2 so it’s a huge plot hole if they don’t address it.
– opening and ending theme songs are so good, the visuals are beautiful. I also think so far the show is filmed very nicely.
– it’s early but I hope they will give some context to where these characters have been since we saw them last. brief flashbacks because it feels kind of like I am missing something.
– first episode scenes with mayenne, ckwan, and 6wing killed me. so funny.
@tt23 i was confused for a while but decided to just watch it as if its a new show.
The scenes with the duo, it was a real funny as it was literally referring to Carol Cheng and the way she is with the duo! Wonder how many got the joke!
@conan2209 hahaha only true FAMA fans will understand that reference so funny.
Glad you’re watching it! The whole promotion of the early access for some people was very confusing so don’t blame you.
@tt23 It’s not easy for me to watch it cos I don’t like Mandy, though I’m quite sure they’ll give her BA this year. Sam just doesn’t has it in her yet to get BA
@conan2209 I know and she and Sisly Choi are in almost everything like there are no else to cast. haha lol…
@wm2017 @conan2209 I’m not the biggest fan of both of their acting but them in this show is worth watching. At least so far.
@wm2017 that’s why I stopped TVB altogether till i found Ali! I will stop again if they decide not to promote her any further!
@tt23 same I am trying to watch it slowly and am two episodes in ( still no Ben or Priscilla) I think PH is completely cut. I think the bigger plot holes is the time line unless I got it messed up. I thought LW1 ended in 2017, but they start the drama in 2019? Also another point I missed when rewatching, did Foon Hei go to prison in LW1 for killing someone (cause everyone saw him kill Victor no?)
I heard this show has a ton of cameo appearances. Also lol I love how FAMA is always together. Name a more iconic duo lol. Anyways, this definitely seems like it’s Mandy’s winning ticket, lots of screen time so far. I feel like the ending theme song isn’t as “brainwashing” as the ones in previous 2 seasons, maybe it hasn’t grown on me yet.
@bubbles23 you’re totally right the timelines need to be sorted out, I mean I am only three episodes in and there’s like 37 but if I didn’t recently rewatch LW1 & 2, then I would be v confused. Also is bao seed seeking revenge for Charmaine or mayenne? How dose the opening scene connect to the story?
Foon Hei started in prison in LW1, that’s where he met Kobe I forget why though BUT it doesn’t line up with where he ended off in LW2 because he didn’t turn himself in even though he promised cheuk sir that we would, he went to Thailand instead and met up with Pakho. Plot holes. Thought not surprised, TVB is never great with consistently telling a story that makes sense lol.
FAMA is the best. I don’t love their show with Dodo but they keep me watching because they crack me up haha
@tt23 (Potential SPOILERS) Bao Seed is seeking revenge for Mayenne. Not sure what the opening scene with Charmaine is about.
@tt23 Ugh now I have to go back to LW1 cause I wanna know what he went to jail for, though I’m pretty sure it wasn’t for killing someone aka Victor. Him killing Victor and not being charged for it is the biggest plot hole. Should have just made Victor die in an accident….
I wonder if C Kwan will appear in the new drama with Ali since 6wing stars in it. I actually love the Dodo show especially when they make jokes with her name lol.
I think that opening scene is just in response to Charmaine not starring. My guess is that she’s lost contact with Bao Seed and went missing.
@bubbles23 yes Ckwan will be in, saw him in the praying ceremony with Ali and 6wing.
I’m sure that AI show will be funny, just hope the script will not screw it up. I also half hope there will be guest appearance from Dodo but I’m sure it’s fat hope.
I don’t like that game show but it’s funny to see them banter and tease Dodo
I am envious of you guys. I don’t access to the series yet. Will just have to wait to comment later. Waahhh…
@potatochip if you don’t mind watching online here is a link:
They update pretty fast 🙂 would love to hear your thoughts!
@tt23 Aww, that’s sweet. I really wish I could watch, but I am actually Vietnamese and need the dubbing or English subtitles. I know I lose a lot by not hearing their actual voices/words. I grew up on Hong Kong series, and although the stories aren’t as engaging, they give me nostalgic comfort. Once the series officially comes out on the TVB channels (which is at the end of this month?), then the other formats would be available too for me. I can’t wait!
@potatochip oh so sorry! I hope they show up somewhere soon! You always have great thoughts and insights so wanted to get you in on the discussion haha.
It’s honestly so weird they released the series like this anyways. Maybe they got desperate because the ratings for C9 operation are terrible lol
@potatochip it’s coming out Nov 16 but by then, the series would have finished online or close to so maybe they will have other languages for you!
@tt23 Yeah, usually as each episode plays, the other language options are also available so I don’t have to wait till the end. Phew.
TVB really should have aired Chinatown. Very disappointed that they didn’t. Huh? I just checked and they are airing “The Witness” with Him Law after C9? why are they delaying LW3 so long? This can’t be good for ratings if the entire thing is out before they air. And does this fit into award season? Kelly Cheung is in this series, they are really over-promoting her. When is LM2 going to be aired?
@potatochip yeah the witness is next… LM2 is either the week before or after LW3 premieres on TV.
@potatochip can you read Vietnamese? Try
I tend to use bilutv but they don’t have this on high priority right now. Watchasian is my source for eng sub
@littlefish Thanks for the links! I am illiterate in Vietnamese but will check out the watchasian site.
@potatochip tvhayz actually dub in Vietnamese if You can understand Vietnamese 🙂