Steamy Scenes Made Katy Kung and Joey Law Grow Closer

Starring in Hong Kong Love Stories <香港愛情故事>Katy Kung (龔嘉欣) and Joey Law‘s (羅天宇) bed scenes are generating buzz for the upcoming drama, which will air on TVB on December 7. Due to the 10:30 p.m. airing slot, the drama is meant for mature audiences.

With the story revolving around the skyrocketing housing market in Hong Kong, Katy and Joey portray a couple who still live at home with their family and are having difficulty finding private space for intimate moments. The couple resort to checking in at hourly love motels, resulting in many rushed moments together.

Praising the script for its genuineness, Joey identifies with his character as he is also working hard towards home ownership. “The script brought out a lot of emotions. I also hope to have a place I can call home, and be able to buy a place to live with my family. I believe many young people are working towards this goal as well.”

The 12-episode drama is dominated by many intimate scenes between Kay and Joey’s characters. Katy exclaimed that Hong Kong Love Stories is her most risqué performance to-date. “I’ve never filmed bed scenes before. Usually they are pretty mild and just involve kissing. Filming these scenes was extremely awkward, but I put aside my feelings and risked everything! We’re at the limits of what can be broadcast on television. When the cameras stopped rolling, I would joke and ask everyone what exactly are we filming?”

Joey laughed and indicated that their intimate scenes helped them quickly become close with each another. “I was not too familiar with Katy at the time, but by the second day of work we had already filmed two intimate scenes! I don’t know if the crew deliberately arranged these intimate scenes first so we could get to know each other faster.”

Since the drama was filmed at hourly hotels and capsule hotels in Hong Kong, which Joey had never visited in person before, he felt it was an eye-opening experience. As these spaces were very tight, he was very sweaty when filming the bed scenes with Katy, “It was very hot and stuffy. Our skin was very sticky and uncomfortable when we were touching.”

On the other hand, Katy joked good-naturedly, “I’m very happy to be able to film bed scenes with a Mr. Hong Kong–I feel so lucky!”

Sources: HK01, Hket

This article is written by Kiki for

Katy Kung and Joey Law’s “Hong Kong Love Stories” to Air on December 7

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  1. joey law has been getting so much hotter these days since girly days. i wonder if it is ps, make up or working out.

    1. @m0m0
      Agree. He has definitely been working out! (Don’t know about plastic surgery etc.) Did you guys see the promotions for this series? Joey was asked about the steamy bed scene. He got all embarrassed and had his tongue all twisted; instead of saying he had his underpants on that time, he said that he did NOT have underpants on when shooting the scene. He was struggling to correct that while Katy Kung and the female reporter were laughing so hard and teasing him. He was so adorable !

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