Tracy Ip Marries Architect Raymond Zhou

Another Miss Hong Kong is off the market! 2005 Miss Hong Kong winner Tracy Ip (葉翠翠) has wed her longtime boyfriend, Chinese architect Raymond Zhou (周曉東), in a lavish wedding ceremony at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong on July 11. Tracy’s close friends Jess Sum (沈卓盈), Gigi Ho (何傲芝), Cindy Lee (李思雅), Jinny Ng (吳若希), and others served as Tracy’s bridesmaids.
The venue was decorated with flowers and the couple’s wedding pictorials, creating a romantic and blissful atmosphere. However, when asked about what moved her the most at the wedding, Tracy said her husband was not romantic at all. “He played the guitar as a substitute for his declaration of love to me, but he struggled in playing it smoothly. Everyone was laughing at him. I was laughing too.”
Asking if the couple are planning to have kids soon, Tracy said, “Not for now. [Raymond] is worried that I’ll pay him less attention if we have kids.”
Tracy and Raymond slept together the night before the wedding, breaking a Chinese wedding traditional that required the bride and groom to not see each other before the wedding day. Tracy expressed that she grew up overseas and does not care too much about traditions.
However, one tradition was kept. On the morning of the wedding, the couple engaged in wedding door games with their bridesmaids and groomsmen, in which Raymond and his brothers were forced to eat a variety of exotic foods, including insects, scorpions, seahorses, and bamboo bees.
Jess, one of the bridesmaids, was so excited for Tracy that she couldn’t sleep the previous night. She poured her heart out while playing the wedding door games, and she thanked the groom for giving her a good amount of lucky money. Happy for Tracy and Raymond, Jess expressed that she hopes to have a romantic wedding of her own soon.
Matthew Ko and Grace Chan Attends Wedding
Tracy’s former rumored boyfriend, Matthew Ko (高鈞賢), attended the wedding with his girlfriend Chika. Matthew said he did not feel awkward about attending the wedding with his girlfriend, expressing that although they were once rumored together, he is still very good friends with Tracy. He said Chika and Tracy also know each other personally.
Matthew and Chika have been dating for two years and have already met each other’s parents. However, Matthew said they currently have no plans to get married. “I want to earn enough money first. We also want a baby after we get married, but that probably won’t happen until three years later.”
2013 Miss Hong Kong winner Grace Chan (陳凱琳) was also invited, but she arrived alone without boyfriend Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎). Grace said seeing Tracy made her want to get married too, but she admitted that she is not at that stage in her life yet. Asking if Kevin is her ideal marriage partner, she said, “I don’t know! We’ve only just came to know each other.”
Source: IHKTV
This article is written by Addy for
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First, Congratulations!
Tracy ip is like many of other actrice. Really attractive. But as a lead actress? I think she can’t. Maybe a second or a third lead role. A madam in a Cops-drama shall fit her. A beautifull tough woman, close cases with his group. Our a rich Powerfull woman, Who Will do anything to gain her goals.