Athena Chu Becomes “Mean Mom” in Husband’s Absence

Since the disbandment of legendary Cantopop group, Beyond, Paul Wong (黃貫中), Steve Wong (黃家強), and Yip Sai Wing (葉世榮) have gone to live their separate lives without issue. However, Steve recently uploaded a 1000-word essay onto his Weibo account, trashing Paul and their previous manager, Leslie Chan (陳健添). Although Paul is known for his fiery temper, he ultimately decided to take a mini leave of absence to avoid rumors after Steve’s angry claims surfaced.
Steve Reveals Real Reason Behind Beyond’s Breakup
Beyond was one of Hong Kong’s most prominent bands in the 1990s. Although the group said they disbanded so each member can pursue their own interests, Steve recently revealed the real reason for Beyond’s breakup. Accord to Steve, Paul was mostly at fault because he thought work and earnings were not fairly distributed among the three members. Paul stated that he was unwilling to continue supporting Yip Sai Wing, whom he felt contributed little to Beyond’s success.
To prove that his blog post indicated the truth, Steve daringly swore on the lives of all his family members. Ignoring Steve’s anger, Paul’s only response was through a text post sent to Leslie, stating: “I will not swear along with Steve because I love his family more than him. To swear on the life of your family is too extreme, I can’t do it. If this is really credible, why do you need to make an oath?”
As to why Steve waited years after their dissolution to bring up the topic again, he said he was unable to hold back the truth anymore. Steve also indicated that he would also be pursing legal action against ex-manager, Leslie.
Athena Takes the Rein – Becomes the Tough Parent
During husband Paul’s absence, Athena Chu (朱茵) shouldered the responsibility of being the “mean mom” to her nearly two-year-old daughter, Debbie.
Earlier, Athena was spotted heading into a shopping center with Debbie. They initially entered the mall in a great mood, but Debbie started whining when they returned to the car. Unlike her usual gentle demeanor, Athena became very angry at Debbie’s disobedient behavior and heatedly scolded her. Sensing her mom’s anger, Debbie stopped crying immediately and sat back down in her seat quietly.
This article is written by Su for
What’s with the headline when more than 80% of the news concentrated on the disbandment of the group?
IKR I mean moderated criticism overpowered.. Small potatoes with nothing to do.
I knowwww. I kept re-reading the title just to make I wasn’t reading the wrong article yolo
The crazy media at it again.
A loving parent scolding their child does not make them “mean”. Athena did the right thing by putting her foot down. Or is it the culture to let the child get whatever they want….. interesting.
Ikr. It’s a part of the Asian culture. whats so wrong about that right?
needs more athena less beyond
“Mean” moms make the best moms IMHO.
parenting is on hands skill, mom also learning to cope with emotions, second child would be easier, she should have her hubby buy stuffs like toilet rolls in bulks, less stress
SO WHAT…. if Athena is a tough mom I mean you cant spoil your kid all the time they need to learn what to do and not to do!
Its not like she’s being abusive or anything the media is just saying a lil to much
Debbie is adorable and resembles Athena. Thumbs up. 😀 🙁 LOL!
Athena still looks so gorgeous!
True. One shouldn’t spoil the child.
My old time friends were so shocked when I scolded my child for behaving. They never see me throw my temper before. Must been a shock to them.
some people are gifted with kids, they take time to talk and understand the child, not only the child’s well being but the child’s emotions are considered at all times
sometimes, at family reunion dinners / birthday celebrations, the mums would have a tell it all and complain time about their kids, gosh, let the child bond with the grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins during these few hours, let the child enjoy the meal as well
“Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged”
Colossians 3 : 21
Part of a parent’s love for their child is discipline so I don’t find anything wrong with Athena yelling at Debbie for acting up.
I just find it so sad that Beyond disbanded on such bad terms. I used to always assume that members in a group were all close friends, but I see how sad it is that that is not always true. However, the good thing is that is true in some cases like with the Little Tigers. I heard that Nicky, Alec and Julian are still the closest of friends even to this day. Sad that not all groups can be so close in real life… sigh…