Paul Wong Repeatedly Lashes at Wong Ka Keung

Former Hong Kong rock band, Beyond, which debuted in 1983, consisted of Paul Wong (黃貫中), Wong Ka Keung (黃家強), Wong Ka Kui (黃家駒), and Yip Sai Wing (葉世榮). Although its 30th anniversary concert this year did not happen, Ka Keung and Sai Wing will hold individual concerts, in which a segment will be dedicated to Ka Kui, who passed away in 1993. On May 25, Ka Keung wrote a letter to Ka Kui, his brother, on Weibo. The letter’s contents got on the nerves of Paul.

On May 27, Paul retorted at Ka Keung on Weibo three times. One of the posts said, “Ka Keung…what did I ever do to you…your music is not going to improve even if you continue to discredit me.” Not wanting to further anger Paul, Ka Keung and Sai Wing made no response to his message. Paul later used WhatsApp and told a magazine source, “Ka Keung has no friends!”

Once Paul’s post was published, around 3,000 fans were quick to comment. Most of them told Paul to control his anger. Ten minutes later, Paul quoted a Weibo post of Beyond’s former manager, Leslie Chan, which pointed out that Ka Keung was using Ka Kui as a method of promotion. The post said, “He says that Ka Kui told him to do so in his dreams every time. I sincerely send Ka Kui the song “Story”. After another fifteen minutes, Paul continued his rant, “Us brothers were all throwing up, seeing him beat up the assistant until he committed suicide.”

An insider revealed, “After Leslie published a photo album in mainland China, he wrote a letter of apology to Ka Keung, expressing his wish of having a 30th anniversary concert for Beyond. He became angry when Ka Keung refused! Paul used to hate Leslie, but now he’s using his words to lash at Ka Keung. As to how Ka Keung said he saw Ka Kui in his dreams, many friends know about it, but he never mentioned anything about reporting a dream. Also, the song “Story” was from five years ago. Ka Keung had wanted to have the three of them produce it together, but Paul went off by himself. Ka Keung and Sai Wing both refused, and the song could not be published. Paul bore a grudge against this ever since.”

Speaking of the suicide of Ka Keung’s former assistant, the insider continued, “[The assistant] said he had no house and borrowed money from Ka Keung without paying him back. He and his girlfriend even slept over at Ka Keung’s band house. But the worst part was how he stole Ka Keung’s two guitars and sold them in mainland China. Ka Keung fired him because he couldn’t stand it anymore.”

Paul was still in rage when reporters called him through the phone. He admitted, “I did hate Leslie in the past, but I’m a very fair person. I’m only agreeing with what he said.” Paul further revealed that many people know about how Ka Keung beat up his assistant in the past. At this point, reporters are unable to reach Ka Keung for his response to Paul’s words.

Source:  Next Magazine #1212 via

This article is written by Shirley for

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  1. What was the contents of the letter which sparked this anger?

  2. Paul Paul Paul!
    Beyond is NOTHING without Ka Kui!
    And Paul, after been decades in the entertainment industry and now a FATHER, acting like a childish teenager that rant everything ONLINE!
    -something I guess now even we, normal ppls will think twice doing so after seeing how much damages it can do! and even someone new or behind the scene will think zillion of times to post their “TRUE FEELINGS” online!

    1. agree,beyond is only ka kui and the rest is kelefe.

  3. The part where he bashed Ka Keong for using Ka Kui’s name, seeing him in dreams, HARLO- Leslie’s manager can even hear him talking to her k?! And she is not hearing them while she is asleep! Hahas!

  4. I feel bad for Ka Keung. It seems like he has never really recovered from his brother’s death. And who is Leslie Chan to accuse anyone of using Ka Kui for promotion? Sounds more like he’s trying to make a few bucks from Beyond’s 30th anniversary concert. And Paul. What is there really to say? He wasn’t as good or as talented as Ka Kui, he didn’t really succeed in his solo career, and his comment about Ka Keung beating up his assistant is completely irrelevant. In other words, we can disregard everything he says.

  5. He doesn’t sounds like real gentleman doesnt he?. Very childish for someone his age, sometimes wonder what did Athena saw in him. No career and bad attitude.

    1. and dont forget, “UGLY” as well… She was a goddess in many men’s eyes and yet WTH ill taste does she have right? haha LOL…

  6. I’m pretty sure they had some sort of “fall out” like this a few years back and became bros again. Wonder if it’ll happen again this time..

  7. It is not professional to rant everything at weibo. A very childish act. How old are you, Paul? I respect Wong Kar Keung for remaining silence.

  8. This video may shed more light to the situation.

    I read on another forum the reporter mentioned in the video wrote some nasty stuff on weibo. Something along the lines of hoping Athena has a miscarriage and hopes the unborn never makes it to the world.

  9. Not going to say Paul is right or wrong .. I think when it comes to these brotherly arguments, both are equally wrong.

    Ka Kui won’t be too happy to see this happening ..

  10. The oldies need a raise. they bring bak the drama in the past to live for the future. but seriously no one cares anymore. we’re living in the 2013 not 1993!!! tat’s like 2 decades ago!!! MOVE ON IDIOTS!

  11. Wow….interesting how badly this whole issue got twisted….

    Anyway, since I already outlined things quite clearly in another forum, I don’t want to rehash everything here. I do want to say 2 things though: 1) the article is wrong — Paul getting upset had nothing to do with Steve’s letter…I’m surprised that this particular Media outlet made that association when all the other outlets reported the issue correctly….2) this issue occurred last week and both sides have since calmed down as well as put the issue behind them…so I don’t see the point in this media outlet rehashing the issue now (and doing it wrong on top of it).

    Basically….before we start bashing people, please let’s get the facts straight first…

    1. Whoa. I just wondered over to AsianFanatics to read up on this and… very twisted, indeed… Does anyone have more info on this in Chinese?

      1. Yes, there’s tons of info because this is technically already “old news”. I recommend going on Paul Wong’s weibo, as there is a lot of good info on there….his supporters actually took the time to put together a timeline of events starting from the time the issue erupted back in July last year up until current, complete with screenshots from Facebook and weibo….for those who want to know what really happened (and not the twisted version from the tabloids), I would recommend taking some time to read that. Also, ND Daily did a pretty thorough summary of the issue too (though some of the other media outlets weren’t bad either)….this is actually the first article I’ve read in the past 2 weeks that twisted the situation so out of proportion (though I probably shouldn’t be surprised, since it’s Next Magazine…)

      2. Thank you~! I’ll go check it out. It’s interesting how up and down their relationship is, especially what with Paul showing support for Ka Keung’s concert, and Ka Keung replying in kind. But it’s only been a month and THIS happens…

  12. Wong1: I’m the real Wong!
    Wong2: No I AM!!!
    Wong3: BOO!
    Wong1: AHHH!
    Wong3: Yo you both wrong~Stop being wrong Wongs.
    Bear: I’m a troll for this comment!
    Wong3: You’re not a Wong GO AWAY!
    Bear: bear hug?

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