Cecilia Liu and Ming Dao Dated for More than a Year?

Since Nicky Wu (吳奇隆) and Cecilia Liu (刘诗诗) announced their relationship on their respective Weibos in November 2013, Chinese netizen have been busy searching for details of Cecilia’s old romances. The 26-year-old, who made her acting debut in 2005, had a clean image throughout her 9-year career, and only admitted to one relationship prior to dating Nicky. It was later confirmed by various sources that Cecilia’s ex-boyfriend was not from the entertainment industry, and that they had dated for three years.
Cecilia’s ex-boyfriend was reportedly a staff member from her management company, called “Ah Wing”. Ten years her senior, Ah Wing is a “kind and mature” man from Hong Kong. The netizen claimed that Cecilia was deeply in love with Ah Wing, and the couple stayed strong for three years. However, as Cecilia’s career was taking flight, her mother did not approve their relationship. Their differences in income also became a strenuous factor. It was said that Cecilia’s mother pressured her to break up with him, and the couple finally broke up in 2010, shortly before the filming of Bu Bu Jing Xin <步步惊心>.
Cecilia and Ming Dao’s Relationship
In early 2013, Cecilia admitted to dating someone “in the last two years”, but did not clarify whether her recent relationship was the one with Ah Wing. Following Cecilia’s statement, a Chinese netizen observed that Cecilia may have dated Taiwanese actor Ming Dao (明道), who collaborated with Cecilia in the drama An Angel’s Happiness <天使的幸福>. Produced by Ming Dao, the idol drama was filmed in late 2011, and was based on the 2007 Korean television drama Thank You (Gomapseupnida). Cecilia and Ming Dao, who portray a couple in the series, may have developed real feelings for each other during filming. It is estimated that they dated for almost one and a half years before breaking up in mid-2013.
When the filming of An Angel’s Happiness was near completion, extra actors of the drama, who were also fans of the actors, claimed that they spotted Ming Dao and Cecilia talking quietly in an empty hallway. Ming Dao and Cecilia were concerned about leaving each other and were discussing about what they should do afterwards. After a long heated discussion, Cecilia grew angry and hastily left the premises. Ming Dao took attentive care of Cecilia on set thereafter.
On February 26, 2012, the day of Ming Dao’s 32nd birthday, Cecilia posted a happy birthday message to Ming Dao on her Weibo at exactly 00:01. The netizen detectives claimed that “00:01” became a time for many celebrities to openly express their love on their Weibos: Chen Sicheng (陈思成) posted a message admitting to a relationship at 00:01, Xie Na (谢娜) posted about the Qixi Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day) on 00:01, and Yang Mi (杨幂) uploaded a photo of her and husband Hawick Lau (劉愷威) at 00:01. Cecilia’s manager also shared Cecilia’s birthday message to Ming Dao on her own Weibo so Cecilia’s intentions would be less suspicious.
During a July 2012 episode of a mainland Chinese variety show, Taiwanese actress Joe Chen (陳喬恩) admitted that her two closest male friends in the industry were Ethan Juan (阮經天) and Ming Dao. At the mention of Ming Dao, Cecilia’s face brightened and nodded at Joe’s compliments on Ming Dao.
When Ming Dao was on hiatus to serve his mandatory military service in Taiwan, the Taiwanese media spotted Ming Dao exiting a hotel with a “sophisticated, black-haired” girl. Their appearance attracted pedestrians; the girl was suspected to be Cecilia.
Ming Dao Sings About Lost Love
After announcing her relationship with Nicky Wu in November 2013, Ming Dao released his first solo album Lovelorn Aesthetics <失戀美學> in December. On a Taiwanese variety show to promote the album, Ming Dao admitted that he had broken up with his most recent girlfriend half a year ago. The music video for “Suddenly Want to Love Her” <突然好想愛她>, a track in Ming Dao’s album, spoke about an actor and actress developing feelings for each other on set. Ming Dao wrote the song’s lyrics, and his reps confirmed that the story depicted in the music video was based on Ming Dao’s own past relationship.
It was speculated that Ming Dao was worried about his declining career and put their love on low priority, prompting Cecilia to initiate the breakup due to Ming Dao’s lack of dedication in the relationship.
Interestingly, around the time Cecilia and Ming Dao were suspected to be dating, Nicky Wu admitted in an interview that he had met a girl that he liked, but chose not to pursue her because she had a boyfriend.
Source: QQ.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
around the time Cecilia and Ming Dao were suspected to be dating, Nicky Wu admitted in an interview that he had met a girl that he liked, but chose not to pursue her because she had a boyfriend.
oh this is interesting indeed
You think this is the reason why the series have not aired yet? It’s been 3 years, and no sign of airing date. They broke up and it would be awkward to promote the series together?
I been waiting for the series like, forever!
I don’t believe that is the reason. Can’t see how awkwardness will lead to such bad business decision that will cause all the investors to lose out totally. They can promote the drama separately and avoid each other.
is this even true???
From various articles, it sounded like this chick is searching for a man to take care of her. Sound like a gold digger to me. Ming Dao was also a producer with his own production company. Looks like Nicky Wu will have to watch out, if she don’t get what she want, she might dump him too.
And the mother also sound like a gold digger by using her daughter to get rich quickly.
is there confirmation to this. This article makes Nicky Wu look like a rebound and ShiShi a gold digger. Why the hell is this suddenly coming out now. I need ShiShi to speak now and please don’t play around with Nicky
Ming Dao’s manager was said already denied this baseless rumor
Of course they will deny it. They always do. Just like Nicky Wu and Cecilia denying they were dating multiple times, and guess what? They LIED didn’t they? So how do we know this was not true?
Oh, and she always denied she ever had a boyfriend only to confirmed she was dating somebody in the company after they broke up? Hmmm…..as you can see the trend. Lies, lies, lies…only found to be true later. They can deny all they want, stars are known to be untrustworthy anyways.
why should it matter? it’s between the two of them. if there is trust issues, then they should not be together.
How many times do we hear that leading man (men) and leading lady (ladies) in the movies/dramas are in the relationships? The media does that all the times. We hear it all the times right? I think the media is trying to cause trouble for them. If they did date each other and things didn’t work out. If NW & LSS are happy with other than that’s ok. She is not dating two men at the same time. Right now she also is making a lot of money on her own so I don’t think she is a gold digger. If she is, time will tell us right?
I’ve always thought Ming Dao and Joe Chen is an item
Yes me too.. MingEn <3
Dunno if MingEn is an item..
But one thing for sure, both MD and QE have a special place for each other in their heart.. its not always love~
There are different kinds of love so it does not always have to be romantic love. Ming Dao and Joe can love each other Zhi Ji too.
Meant to say love each other as Zhi Ji.
At least Joe Chen is more genuine. Love them as a couple!
It was good that ming dao left her. personally think qiao en and him suits each other more.
/end of dreaming lol
Sometimes dreams come true. lol.
The dream for Ming Dao and Qiao En becoming a reality couple was so close yet seem to be impossible.
/but dunno we keep believe in MingEn 😀
It is fate and they should have the right to be with whoever they want. We are not Yue Lao or his assistant so do not have the power or right to decide who should be with whom.
This dating rumor came up while they were filming the series together. Cecilia’s been known to have a short fuse on set with Ming Dao, so after they were done filming he broke up with her. Look like this series won’t be coming out anytime soon then.
I can’t wait to see how the media ask LSS this. If she did dated him, just damn admitted it get it over with. Geez, and all this time I thought she never have a boyfriend. She’s pretty darn good with hiding and saying no boys is hitting on her
Even if she did date Ming Dao, she wouldn’t admit to it. She did say she never had a boyfriend in the past, but recently confirmed she did date somebody for 3 years?
2 things I’ve learned from this article…
1) Ming Dao’s career is over…those idol dramas dont go on forever
2) Nicky Wu is 44 year old guy who has been around as long as Cecilia Liu has been in existent. Bad actor. Lucky to be the lead in BBJX or his fate would be with Ming Dao.
Sorry, I mean from reading other articles…lol
Ming Dao does not act in only idol series. As far as I know idol series are still very popular. Who in this industry is not lucky and gets their fame from a certain role/character?
aka Nicholas Tse, Shawn Yue, Daniel Wu (bit older), Huang Xiao Ming, Eddie Peng, Ethan Ruan, etc….
superstars consistently choose good roles…
people like ming dao, nicky wu, wu zun, dylan kuo, etc. are all on the same boat…THE BOAT OF BAD ACTING…and relies SOLELY ON THEIR LOOKS!!!
Agree @eTieShou
All actors, male or female, had a breakthrough role, either in a drama or a movie, just like all singers, either group or individual, had a breakout song that propelled them to superstardom.
Actors in dramas can boast of expressing all emotions in their genre. Ming dao is still known as the king of drama acting in Taiwan and one of the best in Asia. He is a decent singer and he is considered handsome too.
Nicky Wu has carved out a career for himself and we have watched him grow as actor. Good luck to him in both his career and love life.
Boy you are crazy DonkeyKong!
Well said and I agree with you. All actors/actresses and even singers have a breakthrough role song that brings them their fame. Therefore,it does not apply only to Nicky or Ming Dao.
I think you are just jealous that NW’s both things are going well for him (career and personal relationship).
Jealous of a guy WHO STARTED THE SAME TIME AS TAKESHI KANESHIRO and hasn’t gone anywhere elsewhere outside of the drama arena…20 years of being unsuccessful…if he was REALLY GOOD…THE LOVERS WITH CHARLIE YOUNG SHOULD HAVE PROPELLED HIM TO SUPERSTARDOM…but what did he get? PANNED BY CRITICS…stone faced actor…
compare him to takeshi kaneshiro…NOT ONLY IS HE AN INTERNATIONAL STAR…THIS MAN CAN ACT!
That’s who I’m jealous about…NOT NICKY WHO?!…
@donkey you sound pressed
If you ghate Ming Dao and Nicky so much, why come here and comment so much? You must gave a lot of free time on your hands.
I think you are just jealous that NW’s both things are going well for him (career and personal relationship).
Nooooooo Nicky wasn’t her first?! Nooooooooo!!!!
Actors/actresses depend on their look, talents and the right roles coming along. Not everyone can survive in this business for many years and NW does it so far. What do you say about that? Fans adore him for a reason. Do you think the fans just blindly adore him?
You are not only jealous of him, but you are also prejudice against her religion. How sad.
funn, I’m LOLing hard reading ur comment ya know ><
And, so it LSS. haha 🙂
You got one thing RIGHT….LOOKS…nothing of the other stuff…IF NOT HE WOULD BE STARRING IN MOVIES NOT MAKING DRAMAS….
She might be 1/100 Muslim…look at her looks…can’t tell…
and don’t be so uptight!!! prejudice against her religion???!!! i dont know about that…kind of too strong…I WAS TRYING TO EDUCATE PEOPLE HER HERITAGE…lol
@donkey what’s up with the mentioned of his religion here?
He is a Muslim? Oh I didn’t know!
Does it matter if she is Han or Hui? Boy you sound racist DonkeyKong! What is the deal of mentioning religion here?
There is a certain singer/actor who I do not like. I have my reasons, my relatives and close friends also have a personal beef with the man.
He is not the greatest singer or actor in the word but yet, he keeps bringing in the crowds and the money to his movies and concerts. A lot of you will find it hard to believe, but I have to tip my hat to the man for that. He is going to be in the business even when he is old and wearing depends diapers,lol,lol. It is the truth. He is around for years to come.
Just because we do not like someone does not mean we have to not give them respect where it is due.
You came here and you attacked Ming dao, Nicky Wu and Cecilia. You even made statements about their religious backgrounds in a sarcastic, degrading manner. You made fun of the muslim religion and the fact that Cecilia had a muslim boyfriend in the past. That was uncalled for and in very bad taste.
Whether Nicky or Ming Dao make it to the big screen in big blockbuster movies, they both are decent men who have done well so far, and they have fans and family that respect them.
Not every actor is going to make it to the big screen but it does not diminish their talent or popularity, or make them less of an actor or a person than the movie stars.
Well said!!
They are Decent man? How can you be so sure? Have you ever met them in person? Actors are all human being they can make mistakes like all of us.,don’t expect too much
I have never met them. And yes they are human being so they can have good quality and bad quality not more or less then anyof us.
However, as a human being we should respect each other as another human being. Not using rude remarks regarding each other ethnicity, religion, ect to make the other being less human being than us.
Well said @Meijen.
I see red when others make insulting, low and mocking reference to other’s religious backgrounds I know Nicky, but not as well as I know Ming Dao.
Yes, some celebs can be entitled, selfish, arrogant idiots, but even those ones also have some good in them. Others are just downright sweet and humble, decent, honest, friendly and just wonderful people, and even they have their own faults.
I agree with you. Actor and actress are human being and they should get respect as human being.
No one us perfect and everyone has good and bad in them.
Do you think the fans just blindly adore him?
they willing to stalk their idol, cry when their idol gets married, jealous, say stupid stuff, jump of building, etc….I THOUGHT IT WAS ABOUT LOVING HIS/HER CRAFT….NOT LOOKS!!!
I think you are the same person who always writes negative comments about Nicky Wu (his articles on Jayne Stars). I’m wondering if you are the writer of this article and you are trying to stir up the debate. ??? I hope that I’m wrong about this.
lol the capital latter obsession tho …
If you read NW & LSS’ other articles on here then you will understanding why I’m saying that – seriously.
Dating is different from having a physical relationship. I think you were implying the latter one. It doesn’t apply to every couple who is dating.
Funn Lim:
LSS’ Ethnicity is Hui.
@J.H is Hui ethnic’s religion is Islam?
Yes. If she is a nice person – it doesn’t matter what is her religion in my opinion.
I dunno LSS is a Hui o.O
I see. But she can be a Ethnic Hui but not a muslim. Like a person can be ethnic jew and not practice judaism.
Even if they did date,it is now the past so why suddenly bring it up now? The past is the past.
I agreed with you. Most people have their 1st love as a teenager. She is 26 year-old. So what if she dated/loved someone before. If NW & LSS love each other and their relationship is strong. All these rumors wouldn’t matter anyway.
@donkey dude, i don’t see the need to always write “her Muslim Village mate” or “Buddhist/christian/hindu/atheist village mate” is that even necessary because you dude… sounds very cynical and racist here.
I’m glad that I’m not the only who is feeling the negative of DonkeyKong’s comments.
If DonkeyKong dislike them so much, why does he/she bother to come here???
That’s exactly what I was wondering about. Maybe they just have so much time on their hands that they do not have anything else to do. OR they really hate someone else in real life, are mad,etc.. and need to let out their anger on someone somewhere, so they came here to let it out. I guess that is better than physically doing something really bad in real life.
The past is the past but the thing is she lied….always said something like she had never had any boyfriend ,trying to keep that innocent image .It’s ok if she had 100 boyfriends before.It’s fine with me.Why she had to lie? I’m kind of disappointed
Makes you wonder what else she lied about. She acts so innocent in front of the camera, but just so deceitful. She still deserve respect?
I don’t know what to believe from her anymore. Seriously thought she was innocent but now, base on this rumor where I believe is true. I kinda don’t know what to think about longshi anymore. I like nicky a lot still but I don’t know about SS now. Is better for me to know that she dated mingdao first before the news of longshi break out. Then I can see why longshi happen but bow I’m feel where looking at longshi knowing that the break wasn’t long before SS start dating Nicky
@liz just because she dated other guy (without public knowing) before Nicky, now she’s a bad girl? LOL what is life xd …
I didn’t say she is a bad girl but I just feel the relationship with Nicky as a rebound on LSS breakup with Mingdao. and I don’t want Nicky to be a rebound. The guy deserve a decent love from a girl he likes. Or vice versa…but now, is Nicky also a factor for the breakup as well…GOD….I hate thinking about it. I think I will stay away from this for a while!
Well all artists and public figures lie through their teeth.
It is sad if Nicky is a rebound and I would feel bad for him if he was. But then again, you really wonder if any of this is true? But even if it was,it is now the past.
Which artists do not promote an image in front of the camera? But you truly do not know how they truly are. Even people you know personally for years may turn out to be exactly the opposite of what you originally thought.
A rebound is it is immediate after a breakup. I don’t see this as a rebound. Her eyes sparkle whenever she looks at him. I think she is in love and respects him.
Yep. I agree with Funn Lim.
If you look at this video – you will see so much love and happiness between them.
I think you are the same person who always writes negative comments about Nicky Wu (his articles on Jayne Stars). I’m wondering if you are the writer of this article and you are trying to stir up the debate. ??? I hope that I’m wrong about this.
I only been writing in the forum this week…i never wrote anything prior to this week…if you saw another nicky non-supporter comment before…it wasn’t me…
but maybe my brother in another lifetime…LOL
Like I said earlier – I hope I’m wrong about you, but the other person’s language and comments (Nicky Wu’s other articles on here) sounds just like you. They are so negative and mean.
If you read all my posts, I only say that he can’t act. Nothing else.
I actually liked Cecilia Liu since Yang Warriors…she has a pureness beauty to her performance…i can’t say anything bad about her…
those two other dudes…NOT SO MUCH!
@donkey are you hating on cecilia after she open up about her relationship with Nicky? because you previous comments like you seems you provoking much?
I do not feel you like Cecilia at all DonkeyKong. You actually sound like you hate her calling her a hui and always referring to her as a Muslim in a negative light. What is the big deal what her religion is?
I’m glad that I’m not the only who is feeling the negative of DonkeyKong’s comments.
Yea, I think we all feel how negative DonkeyKong but yet he/she claims to like Cecilia. Who would believe it???
If DonkeyKong dislike them so much, why does he/she bother to come here???
Now no one here should say anything bad about Daniel Henny or we should se a meltdown.
I am reminded of Tiddles, Sunny, etc. K S, aka FB, lol.
Like someone said here earlier. All singers/actors need their breakthrough songs/roles. BBJX was for both NW & LSS. Not every songs/roles they are getting are their breakthrough songs/roles. Can you understand that?
Agree. Even music producers have their own breakthrough songs.
I totally agreed with you on this. 🙂
trini and I said that but sadly some still do not get that.
=.=” sorry for the typo and some creepy grammar. suck writing comments here while working lol.
anyway, LongShi all the way
Yes. They both deserve happiness. I hope their relationship is strong to survive all the mean motives/bad rumors.
Whether Cecilia is Han or Hui, muslim or otherwise, mentioning it here, and in such a negative, racist manner is irrelevant. I agree with the above comments.
There are idols I do not like but I would never attack or say anything negative about their ethnicity or religion. Respect is due to those areas of their lives.
If @DonkeyKong likes Cecilia and is speaking of her ethnicity and religion in such a negative manner, I shudder to think what she would say if she was not a Cecilia fan.
So what if her first love was a Muslim, what is wrong with that?. It is not a crime, and anyone of us should not hold that against Cecilia.
LSS actually did dated a few times now. I always thought she never date before since she mentioned about guy doesn’t approach her and all because she is all tomboyish. If she dated MD – thats an awefully long time and well hidden. Maybe they don’t see each other much and most of the dating is during the filming. Either way, I’m a bit dissapointed since I thought she was single for a while before dating Nicky. This make Nicky look like a rebound for her to heal her broken heart. I hope she is not playing with him and honestly likes/loves him
Honestly, what is the big deal if she did date before? I think your image of her is too naive and ideal. She is in her 20s and is in the circle so for her to not ever date is something that is hard to believe. It is kind of like saying that everyone is a virgin before they marry(yea right!). Whether she is playing him or not,only she would know that. Of course we all hope Nicky finds happiness because he has already gone through a sad divorce.
As if whether or not she dated him is really any of our business lol and so what if she did? As long as she wasn’t two-timing him and Nicky I really don’t care. Some nasty people just have way too much free time on their hands in here.
Then what is your problem if people talk about an article that’s been translated for people to make comments on?
and your problem is?
We don’t know for sure that she was dating MD. She is a pretty young lady and it’s hard not to have men liking her. The media is trying to stir up trouble. NW & LSS are happy with each other right now. We should just wish them well and hopefully they will live happily ever after with a beautiful family.
They’ll break up after their series aired.
you wish
You honestly do not know since life is unpredictable.
You are just like DonkeyKong – another negative person. They are actors, but they are also humans, too. They also have feelings like all of us. Not everything is about money.
Met Nicky a few times Nicky but was impressed with him, personally know Ming Dao. He I honest and humble and so very down to earth I know they make mistakes like all of us. Some of us do know them you know. That is why I can say they are decent men.
look at these these men and women in a humanistic manner, not through fantasy, rose colored glasses. You should get hat by now.
Beside, as you have said that most of us has never met them in person. So it is better to assume that they are decent.
At least so far there is no evidence that they do anything against the law are they?
They only do thier jobs as actors and actress.
You may like or dislike their works but some people go so far as using racist and sexual harassment words in this forum.
If anything, people who use that kind of language are not very decent.
Again, none of us could have said it better. @Meijen
nicky wu is better looking and richer.
Nicky Wu is better looking and richer? I think I’m going to vomit!!