Coco Lee’s Song Set for Posthumous Release

Commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of late singer Coco Lee’s (李玟) debut on June 15, her elder sister Nancy Lee (李思林) has announced that a new bronze statue of the pop diva will be unveiled at her tomb in her ancestral hometown Wuhan, along with the release of a posthumous song.

Nancy In Talks with Record Label for Song Release  

With Coco’s ashes laid to rest in October 2023 in Wuhan, her family had also set up a memorial garden for her at Shimen Peak Memorial Park.

In recent interviews with HK media, Nancy shared that the three of them – Coco, sister Carol Lee (李秋林) and herself, had done a Chinese cover of the song “When Will I See You Again” seven years ago, in 2017. Loosely titled Be Grateful for Today <珍惜今天>, it was a song which Coco adored, and she had gotten lyricists to fill in the Mandarin lyrics. The trio even did an MV recording along with the song cover, though these remained unreleased over the years.

Nancy teared up and spoke about how she dared not listen to the song after Coco’s demise, as it was especially heartbreaking when she recounted their mom having to send Coco off.  She shared about Coco’s vision when she did the cover, “Coco said she would always end her concerts with this song, she said that it was super tiring whenever she did concerts, but would be super excited once she got on stage, though she’d feel lost after wrapping the show, so she’d like to have a very touching song before leaving the stage,”

Earlier in 1997, the three sisters had also recorded another song titled My Wings <我的翅膀>, while Be Grateful for Today, to be presented after 27 years, is intended as a gift for Coco’s fans.

At Coco’s resting place at Shimen Peak Memorial Park in Wuhan, a new bronze statue of the late pop diva will also be unveiled come June 15.

Netizens responded that their heartache lingers on, and expressed hopes that Coco’s unreleased works with Warner Music label can also be released, while hoping that her final songs can compiled and presented as an album.

Source: [1]

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