Edison Chen Dating Barely Legal 16-Year-Old Model

The subject of 2008’s nude photo scandal that rocked the entire world, Edison Chen (陳冠希), appeared to be recently dating 16-year-old model, Cammi Tse (謝芷蕙). Edison’s secret lip-locking photo with Cammi was exposed last night for the first time. Allegedly, Edison pulled “all tricks out of his bag” to successfully pursue Cammi, embarking on a relationship with a 15-year age gap!
Earlier, it was rumored that Edison had broken up with former girlfriend, Albert Yeung’s (楊受成) niece, Vincy Yeung (楊永晴). Each time such breakup rumors circulated, Edison stepped forward to deny them. Last night, a netizen uploaded a photo of Edison kissing Fantasy member, Cammi Tse, on the lips. From the photo, it was apparent that Edison was hugging Cammi from behind while giving her a tongue-twisting kiss typical of passionate lovers!
Through her manager, Admond, Cammi acknowledged that she was the woman kissing Edison in the photo, while refusing to divulge her exact relationship with Edison. Admond said, “Cammi admits that she took the photo with Edison, but does not wish to respond to any other matters.” Turning 16-years-old in March 2011, Cammi and Taiwanese model, Sum Chi Ming (沈志明), had an unpleasant encounter at a nightclub earlier.
Calling Each Other “BB”
An insider revealed that Edison and Vincy Yeung broke up several months ago. Edison started dating Cammi in May, upon which she posted a photo taken with Edison, praising him for looking “very handsome.”
Allegedly, Edison was attracted to Cammi upon meeting her for the first time. Edison utilized Whatsapp to start his pursuit and before long, the pair were referring to each other as “bb”! Edison frequently drove Cammi around in his car and the pair dined at fine restaurants together, in which the bills easily surpassed several thousand Hong Kong dollars per meal.
Madly in love, Cammi often left messages on her blog hinting [at her secret relationship with Edison], including “secret love passwords” such as “abcde” which signified “EDC baby.” Cammi also uploaded a photo of a received gift of a stuffed toy, worth several thousand Hong Kong dollars.
Since the 16-year-old Cammi was still a student, perhaps her school administrators will be very interested in the exposed photo of her kissing with Edison and their romantic relationship.
Source: Orientaldaily.on.cc
Jayne: Edison Chen likes his girlfriends super young. Cammi Tse is barely legal! It looks like Edison and Vincy Yeung split for awhile now….
I thought he was dating former MHK Isabella Kau’s younger daughter Fiona Tong…she fits his image of party girls.
I will wait until EDC has a wife to see how old his wife is. But I’ve the feeling I have to wait for long.
“abcde” which signified “EDC baby.”
Really creative.
That photo…old habits die hard huh
He is so gross! Can’t stand him!
He has this face that you just want to slap… urgh!
more like punch…
and kick
he got taste on girls he chose..
but pity the girl’s family though if they find out their girl is such a s..t XD
what a changed man!
that player will always be a player.
lmao why give edison a bad rap when jay chou has a young girlfriend too. at least we know edison is pretty good in bed
how old is jay chou’s gf? if she’s a minor, I’ll judge jay too. If she’s younger, but still legal, then it’s fine.
Jay’s gf 18.
Everyone who is in a relationship with Edison, they need to use protection or check for STD.
Also, is it illegal to date someone who is under the age of 18?
I thought 18 was the legal age. But it still feels weird to have a legal dating age.
Legal age if one person is an adult and the other person is still not a legal adult, that is.
It depends on the state and country. Some states in America have the legal age be 16.
Each US state has its own age of consent. Currently state laws set the age of consent at 16, 17 or 18. The most common age is 16.[43]
I guess we assume that the age of consent is 18 because 18 is when you legally become an adult and allowed to move out.
Actually, dating wise, it’s still allowed. There have been couples who where the age gap isn’t huge, but one person is legal while the other isn’t. Like one person is 18 or 19 while the younger is 16 or 17 so the older can still date, but they would have to wait when it comes to sex or they risk going to jail and become a sexual predator.
his sexual scandal with those photos reli scared the hell out of me. i Just feel like he is such a casanova and yet, there are still girls wanting to fall for him. materialistic, perhaps?
That’s disgusting. She’s only 16 years old. What will her parents think? What about the classmates at her school? I’m sure they would make fun of her and tease her whether she had taken any pornographic pictures with him yet? Good thing Vincy left this guy for good; she’s way too good for him.
Judging from the look in this photo here, This girl might already “give” her best to Edison.. since Ed is a sex crazed guy
next challenge for him will be 13 year olds and then moving to 10 year olds and so on, haha
And in the end, pedophile (if i spell that right) would be best to describe him..
You are making him a Lolicon?
any girl for that matter is too good for that scum. He is definitely a sick s.o.b. who enjoys being ‘caught’ for the leaked photos/videos. I bet he leaked them on purpose. If yu happen to read this, EC, snap out of it. You are nothing, just a very sick scum of a man. I am very ashamed of you, er…are you?
men are dating young and younger girls now a day. Make me feel a bit sick!. what a pedo. Wonder how do they feel when they have daughter 16 or 18 dating 30 years old guy. That is just gross.
men dating younger girls nowaday made me think what’s left for those over 30s? or maybe 40s?
Is that why Hk actress such as Sonija, Jessica, Gigi, Ada etc have to seek foreign spouse/bf?
I know right? I’m fine with age difference as long as both parties are full grown adults. The younger female is obviously a minor and isn’t grown enough to make a sound decision since she is still naive and lacks life experience.
Some “minors” I know in my country are more cunning than you could imagine. They choose money over true relationship since they knew youth is their asset.
haha. True. Some people are really obsessed with money so they would sacrifice anything to gain money. I can understand the people in poverty for being desperate. I don’t understand if you’re well off and have enough money to support yourself =/ Yeah. I think Charlie Sheen had a minor.
Some young girls could be doing this mainly just for money because of poverty.. but Some I read from articles in my country slept with rich old guys mainly just for fun and use the money they earned to buy expensive branded handbags..
yup, my thoughts exactly, it can be 15 yrs gap but as long as they’re grown up and in a mature adulthood, then it is fine with me, but 16 years old hooking up with a 30 yrs++ is a no no. okay that is just gross, because im 15 right now, and i was immagining me dating edison, a +++yrs old guy, omg, this is scaring
What happened to Ed’s taste in girls?
This girl’s kinda eh…
totally agree ! dont find her pretty at all… maybe he has to settle for less…
Why still talking about this looser….Keep the space for something more important than this sh.t hahaha..
lol, u know some men don’t think Ed is a loser but instead look up at him as True man who tasted alot of girls 😛
HOnestly, it wasn’t his fault for leaking out those naughty pics in the first place, he didnt point gun at those girls and force them to strip etc..& we must thank Ed for sending his cpu for repair or else, we wouldn’t know the dark secret of Gillian hehe..(joking)
Vincy is way better looking than Edison’s new girlfriend. The girl just don’t look appealing to me, and she looks much older than her actual age. At least Jay’s young toy is a beauty, Edison’s toy is questionable. 😐
poor little girl who is conned by those expensive dinners and stuff toys. just hope she doesn’t fall into the trap like the other girls.
Hmm.. maybe she’s using him for exposure. I think she was in some kind of scandal too… but she was the victim of some unwanted sexual advances.
But it’s pretty gross that he’s interested in a girl that pretty much just turned 16. She’s still a child!
Cammi said in her weibo that EDC pursued her and they dated for a while, but broke up.
@謝芷蕙Cammi [香港模特謝芷蕙] :事件曝光後,我真的很害怕.. 事情來得很突然, 現在我還未可以接受這是事實, 我只可以說我是跟他拍過拖, 現在我與陳冠希已分手了, 已沒有其他回應, 謝謝大家的關心
Edison also commented that they have already broken up…meaning they just broke up after this exposure. I don’t buy it.
nice coverage.
looking forward for more updated news on this matter.
whatever it is, im Team Edison.
Btw, anyone know whats Cammie’s blog website?
@謝芷蕙Cammi find this in weibo, you will see
what’s the big deal? i don’t see anything wrong with edison. it’s fine as long as the girl is willing and i’m sure she knows that the photo is being taken. i believe many of us also did something similar before, all i can say is, edison is just unlucky.
It seems the world is out to get Edison or he’s just plain unlucky. One would think with his perverted past that he should at least try to control his sexual behavior. Messing around with adults is one thing but a child is plain nasty. Also, I think the women or girls he been fooling with since the scandal mainly are there for the media attention.
Edison sexual addict never stop and likes them young! This girl is half his age!
I watched some interviews of Cammi on ontv and she sounds very naive and gullible.
Edison Chen have incredibly bad taste in women…
he’s a craver lol rofl
I wonder when the leak naked pictures will come out.
not hot
she’s only in 10th grade, ugh
I have no doubt EDC stuckitinher already, because no straight, guy would tell a girl to bring clothes if he just plans to see her model for him – that would mean he’s gay.
u guys are just jealous..
Vincy can do better than Edc, good job girl!