Edison Chen Runs Away From Former Love Rival, Nicholas Tse

When Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) appeared in Central district yesterday, former love rival, Edison Chen (陳冠希) suddenly appeared on the same street. A large group of reporters surrounded Edison, who upon learning of the situation, immediately rushed away. When alerted that he nearly ran into Edison, Nic smiled coldly, apparently not deeming him significant in his eyes.
The love triangle between Nic, Cecilia Cheung (張栢芝), and Edison Chen has not ended. In 2008, nude photos of Cecilia and Edison surfaced, causing good friends, Nic and Edison, to become enemies. Despite decrying Edison for his hypocrisy by compared him to “a cat mourning the death of a mouse,” Cecilia took a friendly photo with Edison when running into him unexpectedly at the airport. This friendly collaboration became the instigating factor in Nic and Cecilia’s divorce.
Nicholas Tse and Edison Share Similar Taste
Wearing a cap and jeans, Nic went to see an orthopedist regarding his old injuries in the Tin Hau district. At approximately 4:40 PM, Nic went to a hair salon in the Central district. Half an hour later, Nic’s “death rival,” Edison walked past the same street. Coincidentally, Edison wore a cap and jeans as well. Both Nic and Edison shared the same taste and unclear whether the similarity was a joy or grief.
Since there were a large number of reporters present waiting for Nic to finish cutting his hair on the street, they immediately chased after Edison when he appeared. Edison stared curiously behind him and thought an incident had occurred. Edison smiled widely. When reporters asked where he was going, Edison looked around and said, “I am still finding my way.” He asked the reporters curiously, “What is everyone doing here?” A reporter said cuttingly, “Your good friend (Nicholas Tse) is in the upstairs salon getting a haircut.”
Edison forced a smile and changed his expression, ignoring the reporters. Continuing to chat with his friend, Edison walked away. A reporter asked, “Did you stay in contact with Cecilia Cheung?” Edison continued to remain silent and shot forward like an arrow into a nearby building, which was only steps away from Nicholas’ location. After learning that Nic was also in Central district, perhaps Edison did not want to waste time [in avoiding him]. Edison lingered less than twenty seconds before darting across the street to escape. His facial expression soured and he intentionally did not look at reporters.
When Nic emerged from the hair salon one hour later after getting a hair cut, reporters stated, “Did you know Edison appeared?” Nic said surprisingly, “Really?” After Nic laughed coldly, a reporter said, “Yes, Edison just walked past this street.” Nic continued coldly, “Many people walk by here.”
Asked whether he was still angry at Edison, Nic maintained his “chok” smile and did not laugh out loud. The reporter changed the topic and asked, “How are you feeling now?” Nic smiled and revealed his teeth, breaking into a wide smile. Before boarding his car, he said, “I’m going back!” Nic returned to his apartment in the Admiralty district.
Source: Orientaldaily.on.cc
Jayne: I was struck by how tired and Edison looked. He looked so haggard, as if he were the one going through divorce instead of Nic Tse! I wonder what would have happened had the two men come face-to-face. It’s a serious allegation to claim that Edison’s photo collaboration was the instigating factor in Cecilia and Nic’s argument, leading up to their divorce.
I think Nic has given up on Cecilia, even if the 2 men did bumped into each other, Nic wouldn’t lay a hand on Edison. It would be a waste of time fighting with Edison for someone (cecilia) who he’ll divorcing soon.
Exactly the point. It is not worth either one of their time to waste on Cecilia. She always tries to portray herself as the helpless/innocent victim but she really is just a sleazy chick with a sleazy background and will continue to be sleazy in the future. Which man in their right mind would want this piece of “trashy” woman?
You are so right on the spot!
Here’s a video of that incident: http://v.ifeng.com/vblog/news/201107/04222bbe-1829-43f4-b7e5-275f9c137b2d.shtml
It’s hilarious. I had a great time laughing. It made my night
I really don’t think Edison and Nic should continue to stay so cold with each other. Edison didn’t really do anything besides going after his ex at the time. They were friends for many years after all.
Not trying to instigate fight here but what if your best friend screws your bf or husband, would you still be friend to her?
My friend is dating my ex. And I have moved on.
Just go for a 3P………and screw them all.
Still can. Depends on how the I value the guy.
Actually Chriselle brought up a very good theory here, she said eventhough Cecilia were no longer in relationship with Nic during that time, Cecilia was still lingering hope and feeling for Nic if not, they wouldn’t reconciled and married. And in term of Moral, Edison should by right avoid any possible contact with Cecilia knowing she was/or still is Nic’s gf? which is a big taboo in Asia country.
Maybe your situation is different as in timing, you broke up with her ex was not because any involvement of 3rd party or anything. And your ex only hooks up with your best friend after your brokeup so that’s okay. I wont get mad either if my best friend dating my ex if we broke earlier before they started the relationship.
I agree with Veejay. Although Edison and Ceci had a fling during the short period Nic and Ceci were apart, it’s an unwritten rule that best friends shouldn’t date one’s ex. It doesn’t matter if Nic and Ceci have broke up at the time, but there would always be that string that reminds you of the hurt. Plus, there were probably still lingering feelings between Nic and Ceci at the time of the break up. Break ups don’t always mean that two people no longer love each other, but that they were probably unable to solve their relationship problems at the time.
In fact, I’ll rather Nic and Ceci get back together (hopeless, 🙁 ) than for Nic and Edison to be friends again.
When Nic and Ceci cecame lover again, I just wondered whether Ceci told Nic about her relationship with Ed or not. Somehow I think Nic was very shock when he saw Ceci nude pictures. It appeared that he did not know.
@Cloud, Thanks for sharing the video! I always thought it’s funny for HK media to create those animated cartoons to go along with the news clip.
@Cloud @Veejay:
Imho, I thought that it was understandable even if Nicholas was (still) mad at Edison as yes, no doubt it was all in the past and it was after Nicholas had first broken up as lovers with Cecilia and before Nicholas had married Cecilia, however the problem was that Edison had still retained Cecilia’s nude photos in his laptop even after she had married Nicholas.
If Edison had even valued and cherished his “brothership” with Nicholas (given that they grew up together as kids), he should have considered Nicholas’ feelings and should have deleted Cecilia’s nude photos away.
I’m sure anyone in the right mind would not want his good friend to continue to be in possession of his wife’s nude photos and would definitely feel uncomfortable knowing that his good friend may be staring at his wife’s nude photos for the past few (I don’t know) days or weeks or months.
I agree with Ah K. I don’t follow entertainment news often so I not know well about the Edison’s scandal, but I came across some dirty photos of Cecilia when I search up her news. Cecilia’s nude and pictures show the top part as well as bottom part of her body ah, and some engate in sexual acts pictures too. I don’t know if it photoshop or not, but I think these kinds of pictures should not let their son see. Nic is a very forgiven man, those pictures of Cecilia engage in sexual acts, any husband see, I sure will get very mad.
That’s what I was about to say. The most important is that Edison kept his friend’s wife’s nude photos…
The video is so ‘dai sei’.
edison is jerk.
Ceclila and Edison are two peas in the same pod, they deserve one another. If there is an award for the sleaziest couple of the year, they will win hands down.
Lol, Nic get haircuts? I always thought he preferred long hair, which I do not prefer on men. It seems like Lucas has a mushroom cut before too. Wonder if it’s his preference or Nic’s. 😀
lol, I think Lucas’ hairstyle was decided by Cecilia since she’s always with the kids. I think Nic isn’t the picky type so he wouldn’t mind letting Cecilia to decide Lucas’ hairstyle.
My preference for hair on men are medium long. Not too long or too short. I can still accept hairstyle like wuchun,ekin,nic (before his haircut). You know who I think has wasted a good hair? it’s him law, he gotta the handsome face but his hairstyle is a square though.
I’m so glad he cut his hair. I can’t stand 80’s looking hairstyles, especially on guys.
But one hour is quite a long time. I assume nic doesn’t need to wait when he gets to the salon. Unless he’s getting highlights, how can a man’s haircut take that long? I think he probably got a mani/pedi too.
Maybe this is just me, I kinda prefer Nic’s long hair before he cut it rather than his clean cut now lol.
Can someone please explain to me what “chok” means thanks 😛
here’s a video on what chok means 😀 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-CfO16o6T0
thanks so much
I also asked this same question in one of the other sections. Now I understand – I would have spelt it gook and not “chok” but whatever. In simple translation I would say “gaudy”.
For example, I find a lot of the hotels in Las Vegas very “gook” and not nicely done up or elegant.
I agree with Yuaida – every word of it. Edison and Cecilia deserve each other and she certainly would be very lucky if she finds another decent guy in future. Sure, she’ll have them lining up, maybe for a one-night stand or just for sex but no man would want someone who has had such a past (unless he’s absolutely mad of course)!!!
i agree yeah just for “one night stand” and soft rice eaters LOL. Maybe some old rich dude wouldn’t care either.
What i really don’t understand is why people are still paying her big bucks for movies. She is not a very good actress and her beauty is fading. From a investment point of view the investment doesn’t make any sense to me of course it could me money laundering in the picture.
I came across sex photos of Cecilia while search her up in Google. And her sexy pictures were dirty, can see her top and bottom part, as well as a picture of her engage in sexual act with Edison Chen. I Not sure if this is photoshop pictures or not, but definately they not pleasant to look at. Don’t want her 2 sons to see this pictures and Nic is great husband, not many husband can be like Nic after see full naked photos of their wife doing sexual stuff with another man.
I also dont understand why Cecilia is still a hotpick for so many major movie contracts… but i gotta admit that Cecilia is a true natural beauty though LOL.
I love your comment “soft rice eaters” or the Cantonese would say “slippers rice”!! Seriously though I also don’t understand why she is still so famous. As for her looks, she’s never been my “cup of tea” – I wouldn’t say she was plain but there are far more lovely looking girls than her. I’d give her 7 out of 10.
I can’t decide if she’s a good actress or not, but she’s still pretty for now, but I cannot stand her voice. It’s more disturbing than the chicken voices that some HK girls have.
Speaking about irritating voice, I find Lin chi Lin’s and some taiwanese actresses who tries to be kiddy’s voice irritating lol. There are news saying lin’s voice isn’t like that, she made up this kiddy’s voice for purpose.
Regarding her awful sexual photos. What I can’t understand is why she didn’t seem very upset about it. A decent woman would not want her husband and the whole world to see her in the nude. My God, has she no shame at all. As for her kids – I bet one day they will get to see them and then what will their school friends say. “Hey wasn’t that your mother in the nude with another man for the whole world to see. Must be awful for you etc….”
I never saw her reaction but I’m sure she did not want to display that kind of emotion publicly. Imagine yourself in that situation and how humiliating that would’ve been. I don’t think most ppl would be saying to much or showing to much emotion. Secondly the pictures were not in her possession, what could she have done about it? From what I saw she handled it as well as anyone who was placed in that position. And all this talk about her being cheap, give me a break. You think she’s the only celebrity or person out there who has had a fling or whatever when she broke up with her boyfriend? Come on. People do things like this all the time. And this nonsense about coming between two friends, spare me. That sounds so antiquated and sexist quite frankly. As if the woman is responsible for sexual urges of men. In terms of letting herself be photographed, bad move, but I don’t see her as some kind of s*** because of it. People may or may not agree with what she did but I don’t think she did anything wrong. Imo she used very bad judgement but so do a lot of people.
Edison really looks haggard! With his outfit.. it looks even worse.
I didn’t know both of them were ever friends.
He look like a haggard scumbag.
I too doubt that Edison and Nic ever friends with each other
I must admit I did have a good laugh after reading Viven’s comment “haggard scumbag”!!! Prior to all this scandal, I hadn’t even heard of him. He’s certainly not half as good looking as Nic.
That scumbag is still loitering around Hong Kong. He does not seem to care that he has caused so much embarrassment and agony for the ladies that so unwittingly fall for his sweet talk. And to keep his friend’s wife’s “scandalous” photos is so nauseating to think of. That sex fiend.
This is Hong Kong where memories are short and today’s news is the latest scandal…. 🙂
Cecilia is a cheap —– that went from guy to guy and drove a wedge between two men who were bestfriends. why should Nic hate only Edison, when Cecilia has been around the block too. he might as well hate all the produceers and industry friends, dont know who among the crew screwed her too. lesson learned, Bros before Hos. hope Cecilia gets out of the picture for good and let these men raise their head up and move on with their lives. the woman knows no shame, dont waste your pity on her. i dont know why everybdoy dumps everything wrong with Nic/Ceci ontop of Edison’s head. the guy is already a lame duck from all of this. back off already. im glad Nic finally woke up from the nightmare and realized he doesnt want an indecent s—k as his wife and suffer a lifetime’s worth of humiliation.
I always thought Nic’s best friend in the industry is Eason Chan, who has been interviewed a few times regarding Nic’s divorce. When they were still newbies, Eason and Nic had worn matching suits at a JSG music awards show one year and gave each other high-fives when they eached got awards.
Did Edison and Nic go to the same high school? Despite this, they never appeared very chummy with each other before nude scandal incident.
Nic and Edison went to the same international high school in Hong Kong. Nic has mentioned Edison a few times in the early days. Vanness, Edison and Nic used to hang out together, but Vanness now only hangs out with Nic. Edison and Nic were friends, but not best friends as Eason and William So are his best friends.
Edison and Nic went to the same high school in Richmond, Canada. Apparently, they were in the same class in grade 9 or 10.
Wao, the world is really small. Both went the same high school in Canada, both became stars (Nic more famous), but sexually involve with same women (Cecilia). Hehe!! small world after all.
@LeiFan – I guess this is what we called “destiny”
Oh, I see. so it’s actually nic and Edison who have fate and were meant to be. Cecilia turned out to be the 3rd party that ruined it all.
Edison can use more sunlight and sunshine, he looks like a dead man walking from all the neverending ambush, scolding, blaming he receives daily for other’s problems and woes. im sure he hears smack daily from the other sides’ acquaintances.
I say they suck it up and try to sit down and talk it out. This whole hiding and running away thing doesn’t do anyone good.
They were from the same class in R C Palmer School in Canada – Grade 10, and both went to Hong Kong International school.
Small small world
I thought that I disliked Cecilia and Edison but Ohno here hates them intensely. So there are people out there who feels even more strongly than I do. Makes me feel better as I thought that I was so old-fashioned. Luckily morals haven’t entirely died out yet!!!
Nick isnt so innocent he cheated on Faye and before Cecilia and her two sons he wasnt even popular—he used to get booed offstage—Cecilia may have had a past but she changed she is a good mother and it isnt easy to step out and have a baby when her career was hot–so stop bashing her past
He was quite popular in the music scene, but not in the movie industry. He got booed off stage when he first debuted because people were saying that he was using his parents’ fame to get into the entertainment business–that was in 1997. He was known to be a bad boy in the early days for breaking guitars on the stage, crashing his car and breaking traffic laws. And yes, for the infamous triangular relationship with Faye and Ceci.
I agree Edison should have deleted the pictures —bad boy all the way
[…] See the article here: Edison Chen Runs Away From Former Love Rival, Nicholas Tse … […]
Stop blaming Cecelia. Edison is such a creeper for keeping those photos did he plan on showing his future wife who he banged?