Gigi Leung Caves in to Eating Urges; Gains 20 Pounds in Five-Month Pregnancy

Since getting married with her Spanish husband Sergio in 2011, Gigi Leung (梁詠琪) tried to get pregnant without success for two years. In September 2014, Gigi Leung happily announced that she is expecting. With her sugar cravings increasing during her five-month pregnancy, Gigi has already gained 2o pounds.
Unhealthy Weight Gain
Gigi revealed that she felt immense pressure due to their previous failed attempts at pregnancy. Sergio suggested a vacation to the United States to help Gigi relax, which resulted in her successful conception.
As Gigi is 38 years old, her pregnancy is considered high-risk. Over the last few months, Gigi experienced a much larger appetite. The once thin, long-legged beauty has already gained 20 pounds. Her chest size has also increased from an A-cup to a D-cup.
While obstetricians recommend that healthy weight gain for pregnant women should not exceed three pounds per month, Gigi’s weight gain has surpassed this recommendation.
According to health professionals, exceeding this limit may result in diabetes, chronic hypertension, and other health issues.
Uncontrollable Cravings for Sweets
During their recent trip to a candy shop, Gigi uncontrollably purchased a large quantity of sweets. Her husband stayed close to her side and constantly discouraged her from overbuying. Sergio also carefully guided Gigi inside the crowded store to protect her from any accidental bumps. Distracted by the candy assortment and her shopping spree, Gigi was unresponsive to her husband’s touches.
Gigi’s figure has noticeably gotten rounder and she may need to control her eating habits during her remaining pregnancy for healthy fetal development and prevent excess weight gain ahead.
This article is written by Huynh for
This is so stupid, even when pregnant actress/women still get criticized for weight gain. Im sure Gigi have the best healthcare avail to her, the tabloid need to leave her alone.
Yes, seriously. It’s an advantage of being pregnant. You can eat whatever you want, why do they have to criticize her weight gain when she’s pregnant. As long as you don’t gain more than 30lbs during your whole pregnancy then that’s fine. I gained 55lbs w my first daughter and I’m only 5′ tall and I have no medical problems at all. Gave birth to a healthy 6lbs bb. It’s the time that you can eat anything w/o guilt so go ahead fulfill your craves who cares what people say. And btw, w/o exercise, I’ve lost all my pregnancies weights and back to my normal figure.
i hope it is not a sign of postnatal depressions. poor her, hopefully she and the baby are well 🙁
For $##&’s sake, leave the poor woman alone. She was prob too skinny and was underweight for her frame to begin with. How do the reporters know exactly how much she gained. Unless they have direct access to her medical records, she may not have indicators of being high risk to get medical issues. Congrats to gigi! .
This writer writes like he is some doctor and has medical training, giving out uncalled for health tips and warnings of diseases.
Leave Gigi alone.
>Her chest size has also increased from an A-cup to a D-cup.<<
Serge must be a happy chappy
She was probably underweight to begin with. I doubt she weighed over even 130 lbs for a 5-9, 5-10 tall female. If she plans to breastfeed, she needs to gain some fat that was already missing before pre-pregnancy.
To be honest, I’m jealous. I’m also 5 mths pregnant right now, but due to HG (like Kate Middleton), not only did I lost a lot of weight during my first trimester, I also lost my appetite. A pregnant woman who eats well is a happy and lucky pregnant woman. A pregnant woman like me with a limited diet, remembering she ate better and more pre-pregnancy, is miserable and not enjoying pregnancy very much.
The press should seriously stop stressing on her weight gain. A pregnant woman needs to concentrate on her well being and not how much weights she’s gained!
the best time to eat and not feel guilty is during pregnancy…of course eating a sensible diet…but hormones make pregnant women develop cravings.
Leave her alone! She’s pregnant so she is allowed to eat whatever she want as long as it’s not sushi, raw food, alcohol or anything that is harmful to the baby. When one is pregnant, they are always hungry.. so skipping meals are not recommended so leave her a lone and let her eat!