Joey Yung Paves Road for Wilfred Lau’s Success

Since they started dating in 2012, Joey Yung (容祖兒) and Wilfred Lau (劉浩龍) have been pegged as a mismatched couple. As one of Hong Kong’s most popular female singers, Joey is a multimillionaire, while Wilfred lacked success in his own career. Joey has tried contacting friends for favors to help push Wilfred’s career to greater heights.
Paves Road For Wilfred
With his contract with East Asia Music ending in July, Wilfred enlisted Joey’s help in finding a new record company. Since Joey is good friends with Alex Tong (唐才智), CEO of Sun Entertainment Culture, she recommended Wilfred and helped him gain a three-year contract starting in August.
A close friend of Joey’s revealed, “Joey previously talked to her manager Mani every day, but she knew that Mani didn’t really like Wilfred and told her that she should leave her options open, and not decide so quickly. Of course Joey doesn’t want to listen, so she began seeing Mani and her friends at EEG less. She now talks to Hacken Lee (李克勤) and Wyman Wong (黃偉文). She knows they won’t judge Wilfred, and secondly, Joey wants her boyfriend to mix with well-known artistes to improve connections and gain opportunities.”
Deeply in love with Wilfred, Joey also shares most of her possessions – such as her $1 million HKD Porsche. Most shopping expenses and restaurant meals are speculated to be paid by Joey. When Wilfred’s Japanese restaurant dipped in sales, Joey personally invested $600,000 HKD to help the business.
Marriage and Children
Both Joey and Wilfred intended to get married two years later. However, because EEG was unhappy with Joey’s idea, the couple pushed their plans to have children by age 40. “Joey always talks to friends about how she is getting old! A lot of her close friends have children already, and she wants to get married soon. Actually, Wilfred has proposed many times, but Joey has to take EEG into consideration. She can’t just suddenly accept Wilfred’s proposal,” an insider disclosed.
This article is written by Su for
Well if you are already a millionaire then why still need to wait till you’re 40 to have children! You already have all the fame and money. Like 8-9 years most popular female singer is not enough???!!!!Who cares about another 2 years! I just feel celebs these days are so selfish.
Your fame and money is so much more important than your future happiness/family? Your boyfriend will never be as successful as you even if you give him 10 more years. 2 years will do nothing except reduce your chance to have children and have high health risk when pregnant.
She works for EEG. Albert Yeung is a triad boss. I don’t think she’s allowed to leave freely before she is used up completely as a source of revenue.
The HK entertainment system is not like the Western entertainment system where you can come and go as you please.
She might be a multimillionaire BUT she has BILLIONS worth of property she still needs to pay off. Why do you think she works so hard and always listen to EEG’s advice?
joey should leave him alone,she only makes him looks more “powerless” if she helps him so much. as a man he must fight for his future with his own hands.
Agreed! He’s a boy that needs a babysitter with a stick to keep him inline. LOL! 😀
Agreed, hard to respect a man/boy who extends his hand out to woman/mommy for $$$$.
I think he might be using her to push himself up….just like how Nicholas used Faye Wong’s fame back then.
Nic was already famous when he dated Faye so this Wilfred and Joey thingy isn’t quite the same.
Nicholas’ romance with Faye did him more harm than good back then. His fans didn’t like him dating and her fans hated him. Nicholas was genuinely in love with Faye, he was quite hurt when she broke things off. Just look at his face when he sang ‘making love out of nothing at all’ at his concert back then(it was dedicated to Faye).
Very well said, JCLL. Folks often forget as if they may bring all the wealth and fame into the next life 🙂 for sure I hope they will do some real, positive things to help the society, those unfortunate countrymen in their country, not just immerse in those self-centered interests!
Yellow River
“Both Joey and Wilfred intended to get married two years later. However, because EEG was unhappy with Joey’s idea, the couple pushed their plans to have children by age 40.”
What is this. HK’s modern day slavery? Joey need some guts , leave EEG and find a different company that treat her like a human.
So true! Artists should be allowed to have a private life. I feel so sorry for Joey! What does all the money and fame mean when you have to kau tow to a company!
Walk away now when you are young and already have the money to live happily ever after with your man!!! Follow your heart, others be damned!
Get married and get a divorce. Without EEG she is nothing. She got dirty and sticky with Albert Yung. 😀
Poor joey, she cant leave EEG as she might suffer the same fate like Carina Lau:(
This loser really enjoy eating to Lai fan
Looks like many readers agree that Wilfred is a leach/parasite unable to stand on his own. If the restaurant is failing, liquidate and work as a salaryman and work ones way up instead of relying on others to pave the way. Networking is fine but pulling down your mate’s reputation is bad even if the mate insist. But again, who are we to judge? She loves him so much that she is willing to sacrifice so they can be “happy”. However, once they start their family, Wilfred better learn to be a good house husband and father as Joey is established in the entertainment business and he is not.
Joey and EEG have like the best relationship with each other so I don’t believe that they will prevent her to not get married. She’s probably not getting married yet because she still wants to make more money before settling. If anything, Albert treats Joey like his daughter. Also, Mani has said before that their artist’s contract does not forbids marriage which is why Nicholas and Charlene did not breached their contract when they got married without letting EEG know. I’m not sure if Wilfred is the right guy for Joey but I do noticed that she no longer hangouts much with some of her closest friends such as Denise and Twins ever since she started dating him.
“If anything, Albert treats Joey like his daughter.”
LOL! Albert Yeung = pimp
If this Wilfred dude is smart, he’ll leave Joey asap. Being with her will not make him more popular and definitely will not boost his career. It will only ruin his reputation because people want to believe that he is with her for her money. Die hard Joey fans want her to stay single forever (typical of the HK mentality when it comes to celebrities), and the people around her (EGG) also want her to stay single because single Joey makes more money than married-with-child Joey. In my opinion, she’s more trouble than she’s worth.
Heck-no, no need to get married. Just have kids to expand the Yung/容 family name. haha 🙂
never like Wilfred!