Lee Jinglei Hints at Leehom Wang’s Bisexuality

After news of Leehom Wang’s (王力宏) divorce with Lee Jinglei (李靚蕾), the latter released a bombshell-laden Instagram post on December 17, in which she alleges his multiple infidelities complete with sordid details, and described her tough emotional journey through dating and marriage with the famed singer. Besides having to ink pre-nuptials, she also revealed that Leehom has a habit of soliciting prostitutes, apart from having “sex partners in every city”.
“Be With the Right Person”
The 35-year-old, who is 10 years younger than the pop star, had kept a low profile throughout the eight years of marriage. Following the divorce from Leehom, she dropped a post about the father of her children, “Hope you can face yourself truthfully, ignore worldly opinions and be with the right person”. Reading beneath her superficial meaning, Jinglei’s words seemed to hint at Leehom’s bisexual tendencies. Suspected of being homosexual before he got married, Leehom had once been romantically tied to disgraced Chinese pianist, former “Piano Prince” Li Yundi (李雲迪), but the rumors gradually subsided after he got married and had kids.
With his ex-wife’s carefully crafted message, netizens are interpreting her words as cleverly unveiling Leehom’s bisexuality. In her post, she also mentioned, “Your dance teacher “friend” sent you a message saying he feels very sad (as he) thought you two were together”. Written in traditional Chinese, she had used the male pronoun, which led readers to conclude that the dance teacher in question is male. Based on these two lines, most netizens are already convinced of Lee Jinglei’s intention to spill about Leehom’s bisexual orientation, with some commenting, “cheating on your wife, and with both men and women is really vile.”
Source: HK01
I said it before, and I’ll say it again. Get ready for the show to begin. Jinglie is going to reveal a lot more. These men parade themselves to the world and the delusional, idol worshipping fans with these perfect, wonderful, caring, humble, enviro friendly, family oriented images, when they are nothing but monsters. Taiwan seems to churn out a lot of gay and bisexual celebs. That is their business, but the fans will never believe it. I personally always believed that Wang Leehom’s marriage was to distract the delulus and the world from the gay/bi rumors. It didn’t fool a lot of us. If what Jinglie is saying is true, and I don’t doubt her, I hope she gets justice. She gave up her person independence to be a full time mother and wife to this man. Despite the prenup, she deserves half his assets. Lots more to come from the world of Asian Showbiz, and Taiwan. Can’t wait for the world to find out a sweet, innocent fan-worshipped actor is sleeping with his much older, married manager. This manager broke him up with someone he fell in love with and treated the person worse than sh*t. Grab the popcorn folks, the show is about to begin.
What a mess. I personally always believed his marriage was to keep his image looking great and perfect. We all knew what the score was with him, at least those of us who are smart. Man, Taiwan churns out these gay/bi celebs by the score. Jinglei deserves half his assets and custody of the kids.
Your instincts are credible, you are one of the few smart ones. A lot of them are living double lives and these women are beards, knowingly or unknowingly. It is the fans who will want you gone from social media of you dare to hint at the slightest truth about their gods. I am supporting Jinglei in this situation. It is absolutely horrific to bully the lady when she wanted a divorce. How does he expect her to continue a marriage with him after all this? I hope justice is served.
Damn bro you’re talking to yourself lmao
I’ve always felt the guy was actually gay orbat least bi, and really just got married to cover it up, rather than actually being truly in love with his wife. So can’t say I’m surprised if I’m being honest.
@TheYenMan my last comment was a response to yours. Don’t know how it got there.
@jessiexx, you should ask me if I was talking to myself instead of assuming, haha. Lesson learned , I hope. Have a good day, God .
@jessiexx, I meant to say to you, God bless.
Jinglei is a very capable and smart women. Looking at her response and her ability to replied various parties. Take note that none of the ladies (being suggested) is upfront attacking jinglei which shows where the truth lies. Jinglie account is vivid and very substantial while leehom’s was full of vagueness and denial. It proves her point how his whole family are against jinglei with the latest dad letter.
Being a parent myself i understand jinglie position, a mother sacrifices and effort to built and protect her marriage. Looking at her silence during the 8 long years of their marriage it spoke volume of her.
I wish her able to regain her dignity and leehom needs to be responsible towards their child financially.Damage is done there is no point launching attack on the mother of his child the more he say the worst it is.
Stay strong and do what she needs to for her wellbeing and her child!
His mistake: choosing a smart woman to mistreat and just mistreating in general.
Her mistake: choosing a manipulative man hoping he will treat her well.
But, hey, Leehom Wang and Li Yundi both pay for prostitutes! Common interests of both lovers!