Myolie Wu is Confident Boyfriend Did Not Cheat

While Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) was filming a reality television show in Mainland China, boyfriend Philip Lee was photographed out partying with three women in Hong Kong last week. One of the women was Jacquelin Chong‘s (莊思敏) younger sister, Mona Chong (莊思華). Despite Phil going out late at night with the women, Myolie has complete confidence that he did not cheat while she was out of town.
Yesterday, tabloids published photos of Myolie and Phil kissing on the streets of Taiwan, forcing the couple to admit to their romance. Myolie fell for the 40-year-old entrepreneur immediately after meeting through mutual friends. Passionately in love, Phil has allegedly proposed to Myolie after dating for only three months.
Formerly working in the financial sector in London, Phil established a headhunting agency upon his return to Hong Kong. As an investor in local nightclub Play, Phil is often spotted at late night parties. Due to his impressive background and handsome features, Phil is also popular among female celebrities. He had dated Selena Li (李詩韻) for one year and was also linked to Miss Chinese International 2012, Kelly Cheung (張曦雯).
Myolie Trusts Phil
Asked about Phil going out with three women while she was away in China, Myolie said she trusts Phil completely. Indicating that Phil has his own social circle although he is not an industry insider, Myolie asked the media to give them space.
Jacquelin Chong also came to Phil’s defense, stating that she and her sisters have known him for a long time. Believing that he did not cheat in his relationship, Jacquelin said, “He’s a great guy. Congratulations to Myolie!” Prompted that Phil had dated several female celebrities in the past, Jacquelin joked, “He’s very handsome, so that’s normal.”
Phil’s Response
Phil was evidently upset by the negative gossip since his relationship with Myolie was exposed. Denying claims that he had proposed to Myolie, he wrote on his Facebook account, “I am very happy and my girlfriend is amazing – she is kind, caring, and considerate. She brings the best out of me, and we get on very well and I appreciate and respect her very much. But No, I have not proposed as per some rumors so thank you but no need to send your congratulations yet!”
This article is written by Jayne for
Just yesterday report together, today the news dig out all his bad stuff. I wish the reporter give them a break. Though I’m a boscolie fan, but I wish myolie and philip all the best 🙂
im a boscolie fan too,but i have to wish philipolie all the best now.
I am a Boscolie fan too and I am happy as long as they are happy even with other people.
The partying, women, good looks … It is Bosco all over again.
i can’t agree about the good looks part about this guy but bosco is exceedingly hot.
this guy looks much more handsome than bosco.
Janet :not a fan of boscolue, but I think bosco looks better loll
agree with janet this guy is much more handsome than Bosco
I was thinking that too! She seems to be going for these partying types and now there are cheating rumours… Just like with bosco. Its hard to find true love especially in the entertainment industry. If there are already rumours of cheating maybe myolie should cut her losses and thank the media for letting her find out earlier on! She is too trusting both now and before
there is not even any pictures of kissing and hugging these women, and you guys act so serious and telling her to call it quits. do you know how silly you are being? look at his pictures with myolie n you can tell how much he cares about her.
How can you believe the media easily? Do you have pic or proof that phil is cheating? If not shut up! Look at his pic with Myolie they look like soulmates already look so happy
why is the media so uptight? guys can hang out with their pals? the chong sisters aren’t real lookers, myolie does not need to fear. he also declared her as his gf so its out there candidly so i doubt women are interested. myolie is a famous hk actress, she easily rises above the competition.
i dont agree on bosco’s “good looks” he always had this roguish look in my opinion.
phil looks like sammul chan, once rumored with myolie. her new guy match her in height n appearance, n look like they are happy together.
correction “so guys can’t hang out with their pals?”
he is just doing his job to promote his nightclub business.
agree with huh the media is stupid. Surrounded by girls don’t mean cheating stupid media. besides myolie has nothing to fear looking at the average looks of those ladies.
agree too bosco not handsome, phil is much more handsome and taller. phil suits myolie more.
Phil is very much in love with myolie! the sweet description of myolie in his fb status proves it! shows that he held myolie highly. bosco never made a public status like this on weibo. the media should just leave poor phil alone!
Oh, give them a break! Just one day and there are already reports about him cheating. I just hope those HK tabloids won’t ruin their relationship as they did with Bosco and his model ex-girlfriend.
Looks like my hunch is true! Rich and good looking guys cannot be trusted…completely.
your male friends never parties with people in his work life or their female friends? don’t be silly. partying with other frmales doesn’t mean cheating. it’s normal especially for people in his business. if myolie can understand why can’t you?
you did good myolie, just carry on your business.
agree myolie is doing good now, just carry on. people are just jealous that she gets a wonderful bf.
Agree with huh!
Glad to see Myolie back on the horse… wishing her and Philip the best 🙂
I’m also a Boscolie fan! It is so interesting that Phil is very much the same type of guy/looks/ as Bosco. I am happy for Myolie and also hope Phil is the one she is looking for. But as long as they are not married to other people, there just might be a glimmer of hope for a Boscolie reunion. This is my OWN wishful thinking.
i’m also a boscolie fan,
i also hoped they’d reunite one day. but now i don’t think it will ever happen.
maybe it’s all about timing. when boscolie met, they both put carreer first since they were still at the age of eager to earn money and both wouldn’t want to settle down. and now. it’s just too late to regret
Wishing Myolie all the best!
Dear Myolie, I hate to b the bearer of bad news but I don’t c ur freshly new love interest w/ Philip will last. It’s my premonition. However, please take plenty time to search 4 ur Mr. Right as Philip Lee isn’t it.
Philip Lee is handsome? I’ll say beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. While, good or bad however one slices it, society has a great many eyes. But it’s also necessary to give the misinformed beholder a black eye due to the tongue of the liar.
Wow that post is full of hearted. Do you hate myolie that much to give quick premonition that she won’t last with philipolie? Let’s see you eat your words back when they get married and have kids and grandkids!
@ jenny: I have every right to tell people what they do not want to hear bc that’s my liberty. I am free to exercise my fundamental freedoms – freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression. Need I remind u that u r on a forum? Comments are welcome while open. U r doing the exact same thing that I am doing expressing ourselves. The difference is I bring unmatched maturity. U r immature; u need to relax and learn to accept people’s viewpoint. Ur double standard of expressing urself but don’t tolerate open-mindedness where everything is permissible except a sharp opinion. My own opinion is enough for me; I have the right to defend against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, anytime, anyplace. I stand behind my sharp opinion – again, my premonition is Myolie and Philip won’t last base on Philip’s past dating track records. And who disagrees with this can pick a number, get in line, and kiss my a$$.
My advice to u, Jenny, is grow up child. U were and are always welcome to move on after reading a commentary to which u do not like. Nothing is wrong w/ that. It shows maturity. I have zero patience 4 people like u. While I don’t agree with you, but I will c to the death your right to make a$$ of yourself!
zowie, oh so you already know and wish ill fate of this couple even though nothing even looks like what you say. bliss is written on their faces. sounds like some mad jealousy going on. sorry for myolie and phil. these commenters sound really sore. go find ur own love and stop being bitter.
since you can predict the future, i guess everyone that wishes myolie happiness should receive a “black eye” as you say, lol wow that sounds really deranged. psycho on the loose, caring too much about entertainment news.
@ hahaha, you’re the “really deranged, psycho on the loose” one bc u can’t even comprehend what I wrote be4 going on rant on Jaynestars, moron.
Even if it true!! Why post it out!! Do you want to ruin other people relationship??
Why people are having so parent-like behave to Philolie (or any other couple)? Lolz, they are all adults, they all know how their relationship will work better than anyone of you here. Even if they break-up, it is their own business, not yours. Why just cant go and send congrats?
in same boat with alluka. why many people so black hearted and overly critical of philipolie? are you just jealous that myolie can find a great suitor who loves her very much and you can’t? i can understand if critical for johnson lee based on his track record but for this one can’t you just give happy blessing and wish myolie happiness? it’s already upgrade from bosco who is shorter, not handsome and poorer!
We are not in the same boat. I dont judge Phil or Bosco or Johnson or anyone on Myolie’s behalf. I just think that the couple always know better than the outsiders of who they date. Even with bad things, it is what they choose so they have to deal with it. Outsiders shouldnt wish to a breakup. That is all.
Even if he isnt Phil but Boscolie reunites or Johnsolie is true, I will send the same congrats.
I encountered his Instagram account a few months ago while browsing. He is my friend’s friend. I just checked IG and he set it on private now. Guess it’s to avoid the media. Poor guy prob has no privacy any more, but that’s the cost of dating celebs.
Btw, imho, he’s real handsome!
IMHO, Philip suits Myo better. Bosco looks like Myo’s younger bro. He must be a smart little guy!!
i looked at his instagram before it went private, he seemed like a nice regular guy, not a “player” or “smooth one” the way some described. i think myolie made the right choice. from his posts, both on Facebook and instagram, he’s educated, well-travelled, knows good dining, seems more ‘cultured’ than her ex. Bosco fits more the “player” type than phil. Bosco also never had anything intelligent to say, lots of lewd comments and stupid laughs thru-out his interview articles. Myolie definitely lowered herself plenty when she dated him. She’s an intelligent woman and educated herself.
Lets not forget Bosco’s incident where he was walking around indecently, not even dressed all day as to let himself get caught by paps in their cohabitat, bringing a bad carry-over effect on Myolie’s image. he’s an idiot for doing that and definitely lacks modern civility to be honest.
Yes agree. These other haters don’t have access to his instagram and facebook and know zero. Your comments are the best. I never understand why Myolie dated Bosco for 8 years when they have nothing in common. Myolie was educated overseas and is an educated Miss HK. Bosco is only a local HK boy who only graduates high school. He’s too weird to spend his days in his apartment naked and making Myolie shamed when the papz peeped. Phil is more of overseas educated and financial whiz gentleman who fitted Myolie more. Both of them uses a lot of English which Myoli seems more comfortable of. She hits the lottery this time and she knew it and those who don’t support this perfect couple should just suck it up. I believe in Myolie, I’ve followed her since Golden Faith. I believe her when she said Philip Lee is the perfect man. When she described Bosco HZZ during the awards, she only said he has shortcomings means she wasn’t happy with him throughout the 8 years, but when describe Phil, she said he’s perfect and she can’t stop admiring his qualities and beautiful face.
What’s his instagram name?
Myolie’s english is also very good, she and Phil have a lot of commonalities and study-abroad quirks to talk about. I can see her gushing, meaning she really found the one this time. True love is when you don’t have to hide or fear and very eager to share this love with the world. Good luck to them both.
Yes you are 100% correct. Myolie and Phil uses English. She’s raised in England same as Phil so they have the same qualities. I know what you meant. She pointed Bosco HzZ have shortcomings that she can’t stand when she received her award, but with Phil she’s full of adoration and vice versa from Phil saying about her. This is true love when you find someone you matched with the most and can’t stop praising and gushing about him. Myolie as a woman deserves this Mr Right lottery jackpot(Philip Lee)