Oscar Leung: “I Was An Useless And Arrogant Jerk Before!”

Thirty-two-year-old Oscar Leung (梁烈唯) has worked in the entertainment industry for 10 years. Despite filming television series for 8 years, Oscar was only featured in top newspaper headlines for the first time recently. Oscar thanked the media, while noting that his news was not overshadowed by other current bigger entertainment news. Of course, Oscar Leung and Mandy Wong’s (黃智雯) useless and greedy characters, “Kwan Yi Gor” and “Kwan Yi So,” in L’Escargot <缺宅男女> stole the spotlight. However, making the entertainment news headlines was also due to good timing.
With his popularity rising, Oscar became the interview target of many publications lately. Upon the photographer’s request to take some topless photos, Oscar immediately removed his shirt. Thanks to his frequent exercise, Oscar revealed a steely, muscular torso.
After the first set of photos were taken, Oscar said a little sadly, “Earlier, TVB took a similar set of photos for their managed artists. Prior to taking the photos, the photographer asked if it was necessary to pump up my muscles first. I said it was not necessary. After the photos were completed, the photographer said, ‘Wow, your muscles are incredible!’ Perhaps other actors did not possess such muscular physiques and placed next to my photos, the results did not look too good. Although I spent a day taking the topless photos, none of them were published.”
Without Oscar’s admission, you will not know that he had attended school in Sha Tin and had a [university entrance] examination score of 1 point. He was a delinquent student who helped his “dai lo” (big brother) chase girls. However, to prepare for his role as “Kwan Yi Gor,” who suffered bipolar disorder, Oscar read numerous books on the subject. Even the director of L’Escargot failed to understand the gestures that Oscar had created especially for his bipolar character. However, it was always good to be well prepared, as opportunities were not always fair for everyone.
Oscar’s Past Life As a Delinquent Student
Oscar revealed, “My grades were terrible in school. I never imagined that one day, I would read so many books to prepare for a role. I think I truly love acting!
“I attended the Caritas Shatin Marden Foundation Secondary School in the Sha Tin district. The school was well known for its delinquent students, resembling the environment depicted in Fight Back to School <逃學威龍>. The students smoked in class, brought knives to school to stab people, and sold drugs and heroin to their classmates. Everyday, there was a police car parked in front of our school. In each class, there was a tall, strong student that would be the biggest troublemaker. I was the one of his most able followers, his ‘strongest horse’! At the time, I was already a multi-tasker, responsible for comic relief and borrowing homework. For the girls he liked, I got their phone numbers and relayed love letters.
“When I was young, I did not know how to appreciate Sean Lau’s (劉青雲) acting. At the time, my favorite actors were Jackie Chan (成龍) and Stephen Chow (周星馳). I watched A Moment of Romance <天若有情> at least 50 times. In the middle of the night, my friends and I would ride our bicycles, carrying our stereo while playing Leslie Cheung’s (張國榮) song, Delinquent Generation <暴風一族>, and roamed the streets. Seeing other people ride in their private cars, I would stare and say, ‘You think you’re that great?’ In my mind, I truly thought that it was great to have your own car. My biggest dream was to quickly earn enough money to buy my own car.
“During my Form 3 summer break, I worked as a chef’s apprentice. It was obvious that I was taken advantage of during this job. After I started my shift, the other [kitchen staff] would take a nap or play video games, while I put together the meat kebabs by myself. It was very difficult to assemble the raw meat on the skewer sticks, pricking my fingers easily. The meat was cold and the onions induced tears, which made people laugh at me. After one week, I quit and grumbled while going back to school to start Form 4.
“After graduating Form 5, my godmother helped me find a job in a production company. Recording a music clip, I thought that I would have a chance to become a singer. Considering myself to already be an artist, I did not do anything except wait to become famous. Ultimately, the music album was never released and I had no money to spend.
“A friend introduced me to the job of building scaffolds. I still thought that I had a chance to be an artist and was afraid to show my face while constructing the scaffold. I was only willing to build the underside of the bamboo scaffold. If you can differentiate between 6 feet, 8 feet, and 12 feet bamboo poles, you can do the job even if you were dumb.
“I built scaffolds for several months. When Chi Hung Gor was casting for film, Juvenile Delinquents <少年犯> my godmother brought me to the screen test. Wow, I was cast as the male lead and asked to sing the movie theme song! This time, I became Chan Ho Nam (陳浩南) and burst into the scene in Causeway Bay!
“A scaffold builder earned $300 HKD per day; a clerk earned $5,000 HKD per month. I earned $30,000 HKD in my first movie. Afterward, I starred in another 4 films. Filming for several weeks, I easily earned $60,000 HKD. At the time, I made sure to look cool and did not take the bus when going outside. I bought my Nike sneakers in 40 to 50 different colors. At the time, Facebook and blogs were not in use yet, so I lined up my sneakers and took pictures of my collection. Carrying the photos in my pocket, I would show off the photos to other people. I felt so proud and asked all my friends to come out for dinner. I encountered a former lazy classmate from my school. I pulled out $50 HKD and gave it to him as a dining tip, ‘You are the type destined to work as a waiter, while I’m a star….
“After SARS occurred in 2003, I did not film any movies for over a year. My father went bankrupt. Sharon Chan (陳敏之) said that I could not live like this and introduced me to work at TVB. I was certain that no one knew who I was, since my neighbor did not even know. Only the tough characters on Temple Street told me, ‘Your album sells very well….’ At the time, I still felt that I was doing great….
Hitting a Low Point
When I first entered TVB, Sharon Chan told me that it will take time for an artist to be booked in shows and offered a management contract. My first drama was Producer Miu Siu Ching’s (梅小青) Shine On You <青出於藍>. In my first year at TVB, I was already booked in many shows and signed a management contract. I told Sharon arrogantly, ‘All the things that you said I couldn’t do, I have already accomplished them!’
“I was not grateful towards the individuals who cast me in dramas. I felt that no one else acted [the role] as well as I did. When the director said that I had overacted in a scene, I did not know how to reflect upon the advice. ‘I intentionally designed it that way….’ I think my face must have been hateful at the time. My current girlfriend, Tina (Cherie Ying’s 應采兒 assistant) said I was difficult. Even Moses Chan (陳豪) told me, ‘If a person is too arrogant, there is no room for improvement and will be surpassed by others at any time!’ The words were very straightforward, but I did not know that people were talking about me.
“Aside from Producer Miu Siu Ching, there was no other producer who cast me in their dramas. Quickly, I had no more work ahead. I experienced my first year of having no shows. I will forever remember the dark period of having no work for 4 months.
“When I received a last minute request to appear as a debt collector extra in Michael Miu’s (苗僑偉) Au Revoir Shanghai <上海傳奇>, the cast tried to hide their laughter upon seeing me. They pointed to the clothes pile reserved for extra roles, ‘That costume is designated for extras like you!’ When I turned my back to change into my costume, they continued to whisper.
“I did not blame the people for acting this way. I was once a very hateful jerk. I do not regret that I had such a history. Similar to my ‘Kwan Yi Gor’ character, a person is most useless when he does not realize how useless his is. Without such a past, I will not be the person that I am right now. Without this experience, I would not be grateful towards the individuals who cast me in dramas. Otherwise, I would remain arrogant while thinking, ‘If they do not cast me, who will they use? Is there someone who can do a better job than me?”
A House Or A Home?
Finally, Oscar made a mark and had an opportunity to climb higher. Without feeling smug, Oscar’s New Year wish was to lead a practical life. “I am helping out at my cousin’s cafe because I truly want to become a shareholder. I want to earn my admission fee quickly and make enough money to marry my girlfriend. And save enough for a down payment for a house in Sham Tseng. As for a car, I’ve driven a Toyota 1300c.c, which resulted in my colleague laughing at me for being unable to even lease a van. My expectations are not high. If I can get a car that has enough horsepower and is wide enough to fit my parents and girlfriend comfortably, that is best.”
In a past interview, the reporter had encountered an artist who stated that he was content with the status quo. However, a moment later, that actor broke up with his wife of 10 years to date a wealthy heiress, even willing to give up his acting job. The reporter asked Oscar how long it would take to save enough money for a house down payment? Other men changed [their women], house, car, and even traveled to Great Britain and Italy. Was Oscar afraid of being driven by temptation in his relationship?
Oscar replied, “I do not like Italy; I only like to go home. As noted in L’Escargot, do you want a home or a house?” It was great to have ambition and the reporter truly wished that Oscar Leung will persist until the end.
Source: Face Magazine #245
Jayne: Oscar Leung made a deep impression upon me when I first saw him in Dicey Business, portraying the young, arrogant Bobby Au Yeung, who was at the top of his gambling game, until he he was humbled. When I watched Dicey Business, I was impressed by how Oscar managed to portray his character’s arrogant side so well.
In this very blunt interview, Oscar did not mince any words about his past. He went to a very tough school in which he had to fend for his life so to say and thus aligned himself with some tough characters. Due to his own street-wise ways, he manages to inject a certain toughness and grittiness into his characters. Due to his life experience, he has a maturity in his acting that actors his age do not possess.
Oscar is an “everyday man in Hong Kong” struggling to earn his living, struggling to make enough money to get married and buy a home. As earlier articles drew similar comparisons, Oscar is not too far from the characters portrayed in L’Escargot, in which money is a very real issue he faced everyday. Littered throughout the interview, you hear about Oscar’s struggles with money, not being able to buy a nice car and not being able to even afford his own wedding.
The interview left me feeling a bit sad due to Oscar’s financial struggles all his life. However, you also hear the strength in his words and realize that he is one tough guy. I wish him greater success in his career and while materialism should not be the ultimate goal, to at least live comfortably without having to worry too much about money.
It was very refreshing to read such a candid interview with Oscar. It was very interesting to learn about his background and how he was when he first entered the entertainment industry. He was very arrogant and ungrateful which was probably one of the reasons why he didn’t improve at that time and did not receive that many jobs. It seems that he has learned his lesson and that’s why he’s valuing every opportunity he now gets and not spending his money on frivolous things. He is probably not struggling with money as much now since he has been filming all year round, but more that he knows to value money and wants to save up for more important things such as investing in a company and buying a house and a wedding (which I can imagine being really expensive!) I’m glad he had a breakthrough role and hope that him and Mandy can get many promotional opportunities together to earn more money.
Also “that actor broke up with his wife of 10 years to date a wealthy heiress” is obviously Joel Chan.
Joel Chan obviously. I always like Oscar more than Joel. Never like Joel’s acting or personality 😛
Joel Chan’s personality is questionable, but his acting is decent. He was good in Curse of the Royal Harem.
Thanks Jayne for the translations. I had difficulty trying to comprehend the Chinese version of this >_> Now that I can fully understand all this, it made me love Oscar even more!! Haha, I always laugh whenever he talks about his past, because he’s just a nice, funny, caring guy right now, so who will ever believe that he used to be such an arrogant jerk! Of course, without his past, there would be no Oscar today ^^ Glad that he learned his lessons, and hope that he will continue to portray different roles for us to see~~
BTW, just wondering if anyone ever heard him sing before? xD I wouldn’t say his voice is the best, but it’s pretty nice.
He can be a good role model for fans with this great life story.
Well said! Lets support Oscar! A person who can realise his mistake in time is a wise man.as Time & Tide waits for no man..hahaha!
the reporter is referring to joel chan when he wrote that there was an actor satisfied with his status quo and went on to date a wealthy heiress, right?
He looks young for his age. He has a youthful look and a good body. Fame come to those who is talented and who has luck. Some is instant, but for others it takes time, hardwork and a bit of people management. Knowing the right people, having the right attitude. I feel if you’re good, it is only a matter of time. Wayne Lai is an excellent example. Gallen Lo is another. Not everyone has Felix’s luck. Some like Stephen Chow had to bid their time and have the right guardian angels. This industry is depressing for those who feel after a decade and still is a struggling actor. I feel Oscar need not despair. And am glad he knew his problem as in being arrogant. In such a pretentious industry, you can’t be “mei hung sin kiu” type. You have got to pretend. That’s why those successful ones you see like their eyes glazed over, like they’re acting the entire time burying their own real personality.
Oscar is a talented guy. He does not have the looks of a leading man, he may not lead a series or even earn big money through ads and products representation so he might want to reconsider his career path and become the best supporting actor. And yet there are actors who are supporting actors all their lives who rose up and became the leading actor some day like Steve Buscemi. As I said, it takes time, luck, the right role and most of all a producer or a director who has faith in you to take a chance and you not screwing up that chance.
Well said funn!
Yes, Funn I agree with you. In the entertainment industry, one has to be humble, to accept failure and learn from it.
Oscar can be a Wayne Lai one day. Everyone is praising his talents just like Wayne Lai was praised before become leading man.
Not everyone can be LF and be a superstar 😛
to be LF = strong outside backing and a unspecified relationship with 620.
“to be LF = strong outside backing and a unspecified relationship with 620.”
LF also has a lot of fans consist from little girls to old grannies. The backing won’t help if no screaming female fans. Give some credit to LF 😛
But its also true that without the special treatment his gets he would remain a nobody or at least taken him much longer time.
whatever if people like his chok and him crying like a baby when exposed to PSS relationship then be it!
exoidus, you forgot traditionally good looking, even with a bit of help from mr plastic surgeon.
LOL agreed @ Funn.
@exoidus LF is good looking and that at least will attract a lot of fans.
Like Funn said, good looks account for 50%. The other half consists of talent, luck, and people skills.
Hee… don’t hate the player, hate the game.
From my observation, I do find LF really impress me is based on his inner e.q . with his colleagues or higher executive of TVB executives or press.Maybe because he is a fujian/ taiwanese clan where they are usually well mannered, soft ,charming and excellence in public relation . That’s the reason when he is facing tough time with PSS scandal , many artists in the industry defended him. Kam kong and eric tsang are also originated from taiwan whom commands similiar skills.Possible because of his aristocratic brought up and also once a TVB8 interviewer reporter . The other one I can remember that really good in handling press is legendary leslie cheung .But special treatment , talent and little luck in fact does help.
I’m a Ray fan but I’m gonna have to disagree with him having good PR skills. The Mavis Gate fallout and his cry-me-a-river interviews afterward a perfect example of someone who doesn’t know how to handle himself outside of a series.
Well-mannered, yes. Charm? Onscreen, not off. Offscreen he isn’t articulate and also does not speak well off the cuff. He’s like the opposite of Moses Chan, who comes off as a well-mannered, articulate gentleman offscreen. As soon as you put him in a series, it’s like the switch is turned off.
Ppl keep talking that he cried like a river, so what exactly in the clip? A teary eyes which only can see clearly in the HD clip and he used a tissue, that’s all. So where is the cry like a river or just read in the article without watching wat really happened in the clip?
Moses on the other hand, how did he treat Bernice – it was a question? The all incident with Bernice and Aimee shows wat about Moses?
No one is perfect. This goes to Moses and LF.On the other hand,if mavis PSS ‘fiasco happened to edison, I believe he will cowardly board a plane back to canada to hide for few months. LF did pretty well in handling the aftermath press although he perform some cry-baby as part of strategic vote as a sympatised victim.It actually boost his career to mega stardom.
Nicely said.
I was actually thinking if they cast Johnson Li in a leading role, it’s not that far off that they might one day give him a leading role too.
Funn well said. “Knowing the right people, having the right attitude..takes time, luck and a good role”
Wai wai’s does have a star quality and looks young. I wishing him the best in his career, and marrying Tina sooner!
The matter is not really good-looking. WCL is an example of the opposite. So Oscar’s matter to the look is: He is in the middle. Not truly handsome but not special enough.
Oscar is a talented guy but his talents aren’t outstanding. He is also in the middle. If it is really outstanding, he will famous. But because it is in the good level, he can’t.
Wat a pity.
I may agree with you in the past but after watching Steve Buscemi in Boardwalk Empire, all I can say is looks is not necessary if you got serious acting skills and a role that matches. It is again much about finding the role that fits and being given the opportunity for that role to fit you. But yes, generally I feel Oscar is more a sidekick as in supporting than leading but you will never ever know. I just hope he kicks the habit of “lan yam” as in talking lazily. That can be annoying and not a distinctive feature unlike Stephen Chow in comedy.
@Funn: I said of this. The matter of being outstanding will help someone from the middle to run to top. Wayne Lai is also an example. The outstanding moment in RB helped him. It is also a fitable role. Well, it proved by Treasure something which is also Wayne’s leading role but not fit, then fail.
“I feel if you’re good, it is only a matter of time. Wayne Lai is an excellent example. Gallen Lo is another. Not everyone has Felix’s luck. Some like Stephen Chow had to bid their time and have the right guardian angels. This industry is depressing for those who feel after a decade and still is a struggling actor. I feel Oscar need not despair.”
TVB is famous for making big stars out of “struggling” actors who have been in the industry for a long time before hitting big stardom: Dicky Cheung, Gordon Lam, etc. Gordon Lam and Wayne Lai truly started out as extras with a few seconds onscreen and slowly working their way up.
TVB is still a tight knit company that does notice acting improvement and provided the actor does not have a poor work ethic, chances will be given. Actors lacking leading looks have a greater chance to rise to the top than actresses though, as audiences still expect their leading ladies to look beautiful.
Wayne Lai is the current success story that every struggling actor aspires to be.
Oscar impressed me way back in the 2005 fave series of mine Love Bond (aired almost 2 years before Dicey Business) in which he played one of Michael Tao’s brothers. He and Stephen Wong were the new faces playing main supporting roles in that series.
Although Stephen Wong also did well in his role,I felt that Oscar’s character was slightly more complex for a supporting role at the time and I have thought that TVB would give both of them more prominent roles in later series.
However, only Stephen Wong (at least that was how I noticed it, as I did not watch a lot of TVB series during one stretch of period around that time) seems to be making better inroads while Oscar just fell off the radar making occasional guest starring (i.e. Dicey Business) and cameo roles before surfacing again in Gun Metal Grey as one of the cops in the series (although I felt he was severely underutilized there) but I’m glad to be seeing more and more of him after GMG.
With the recent exodus of talents, I hope TVB will give him more opportunities to prove his talent.
Oscar was second lead in a series with Roger and Esther Kwan! Other than that his roles are too small I don’t remember him until this new role in L’Esacargot.
Yup, in “The Season of Fate”. Eh, he wasn’t really the second lead, more like third male lead after Derek Kwok. I didn’t really like Oscar’s crying in there ;p but in L’escargot, I can see that he improved a bit… but still need to work harder in crying scenes. Other than that, he’s great in comedies and those mental, scary roles hahahah!
““I built scaffolds for several months. When Chi Hung Gor was casting for film, Juvenile Delinquents my godmother brought me to the screen test. Wow, I was cast as the male lead and asked to sing the movie theme song! “
I have this movie with me. Oscar Leung acted very well in this movie. He really has natural talent if this is his first movie/major role. Besides Oscar, this movie also starred Gregory Lee, Sammul Chan and Edwin Siu. They were all newbie at the time. Louis Koo has a cameo role in it.
When I first watched it, I was shocked that Oscar was the lead over Sammul, Edwin and even Louis!! But I have to admit that Oscar did a pretty good job in there. Just wondering, did you listen to the ending song of this movie? Did you like it?
Good article! Thanks for translating jayne!
Moved by the article, but I really just wanted to comment that Oscar is really ripped for thin Hong Kong guy.
Great interview with Oscar! It is great to know that Oscar worked and struggled so much in life. I don’t think that it is only him since many of the successful and famous actors and actresses of today have to struggle to make ends meet in the past as well. He reminds me of Dicky Cheung since Dicky struggled a lot in life because his father left his family when he was young so he entered the field and worked really hard. He finally became successful after leaving TVB so I hope that Oscar will have that big break in his career too. Good luck to him!!!
I also wanted to add that Oscar’s experiences really shaped the kind of person that he is…. He is a good role model for his fans and others…
Great interview. It’s nice to see him own up to his past and not making excuses. I wish him much success in the future.
i noticed him since the juvinile movie he acted in with samuel chan – who was the other male lead. i loved him in 心花放 with kenix kwok and micheal tao. i loved his natural acting and clear speech even long ago ! im really a fan of his…! even fred cheng is in the downlow now. cant wait to see more dramas of his
Mandy and Oscar are really getting attention with this new series. Congrats! He has a great body and may challenge beater Him Him!
Good to hear that he don’t have unrealistic expectations unlike some others and have started to do research for his character that’s the spirit!
Wish him good luch as i find him as one of the better actors in TVB. Certainly much more talented and hard working than many of the current siu sangs.
Agreed! He sounds very down to earth and don’t have too high ambitions like others who want to are desperado for awards such as some actresses whose goal want to be movie Queen or Oscar winner ROFL!
To add, Myolie and Fala who look desperate for awards can learn from Oscar about being humble but Fala looks like she has begin to think more maturely.
Actually, Oscar has said in other interviews that he would like to win awards too. In fact, almost all artists would like to win an award- why should they be faulted for that? People should have high standards. It’s like a job where people want to get promoted- it’s not always that they are “desperate” for promotions. It’s that they have something to aim for.
please let Myolie win every TVB award or else she will fall into depression….
It’s also how they say and imply it. Myolie for example showed her desperateness unintentionally during the live awards presentation LOL. That turned me off.
ROFL! at this “please let Myolie win every TVB award or else she will fall into depression”
@Vivien but how would you know how he said it if his was a translated article vs watching someone on tv? he could have said it the same way. lol. I’m just saying there’s nothing wrong with wanting awards in the first place.
Oscar is someone who rely on his hardwork and talent than snuggling executives for awards or what some actresses did, buy handbags in exchange for awards and heroine roles 😛
Well who would not want to win awards?? It is like a reward for all of the hardwork that you have done.. However, I agree with Vivien that it also depends on how a person goes about it too… I also hate it when someone tries to be all humble and say that they don’t want to win, but in reality they want it more than anyone else does… Acting all desperate like Myolie did was not a good way of doing it either. But then again, IF anyone wins and many feel that they did not deserve it then winning the award doesn’t mean anything either…
Oscar’s acting and hardwork are more noteworthy than award winning siu sangs like Moses who act horribly even in his latest series with Charmaine. I want to puke! Oscar and some younger fadan should be casted for their roles!
You are watching that? LOL
knew from its casts that it was a skipper for me.
I knew Moses is miscast from the costume fitting day. Too old and his brand of comedy is horrible. In fact Moses and Charmaine both look and act too old for their characters. Puke!
It’s also weird to watch the team of Moses, Kenny and Charmaine again. There are many better and younger artist in TVB that can be used such as Oscar, Edwin, but the same faces again!
Looking at the bright side you can eat as much food as you like. Then turn that show on and puke i.e. non extra weight gained, LOL (just kidding)
No kidding LOL. Moses and Charmaine’s acting are much better in WHB where their characters are better fit for them.
Im sure you aren’t kidding. Haven’t watched either show since i don’t want to puke as i eat pretty healty already, LOL
Moses is like Tavia. He seems to fare a lot better in supporting roles. I liked him a lot in roles like Where the Legend Begins and Better Halves. He was pretty good in When Heaven Burns though.
I think some actors/actresses do pretty well when they are supporting but for some reason after they become the lead, their acting doesn’t seem as good anymore…. Have any of you guys noticed that??? I can’t think of any examples off the top of my head but have noticed that with a number of actors and actresses… Maybe it is just me…
The case study of Miss Tavia Yeung LOL
Plenty of examples – Myolie Wu, for one. Tavia Yeung, although that’s because she lacks leading lady charisma altogether. I want to fall asleep if there’s no one else onscreen. Myolie was more of a case of trying way too hard once she became a lead and it transformed into overracting.
Having dream and high desire to work isn’t anything wrong. If everybody dun dream to be a boss and only want to be workers all the life, there is no boss. Must have ppl who set up the desire higher and work to reach it.
I think he’ll be okay. To me as long as we acknowledged our past and willing to learn from our mistakes. All of us have had our past, whether good or bad, it’s not easy to speak out your past especially the not so good ones. You’ve my respect Oscar, wish you luck!
I agree and many actors and actresses try to hide their dark past… But then when it comes back to haunt them, they go through so much to try to explain and make up excuses. Not many of them would live up to it and admit their mistakes…
Oscar was candid about his past so he can share his ups and downs with others who may have the same dream but have not perservere the hardships that he had experienced. Realizing his shortfalls and being down to earth after a self delusional beginning of his career will only help him succeed and work even harder to improve even more. My advice to Oscar is to remain realistic and humble and do not be arrogant and contrite in the future.
Sorry, this isn’t strictly related Oscar, but someone earlier mentioned “620 relationship”. I don’t understand what that means, can someone please explain?
Ms 6 is a powerful lady in TVB.
never like him and never will
I always think he can speak very well. He should consider taking up dj or emcee job.
He was really good in that semi-ancient series with Moses Chan, Gigi Lai, Yoyo Mung – can’t remember the title. He played Yoyo Mung’s younger brother and was perfect for his role.
Is it “The Charm Beneath”?? Does Oscar has a somewhat “important”-ish role in there? I need to watch it! 😀
A refreshingly honest interview. I’ve always thought Oscar Leung was one of TVB’s most promising second-line actors ever since his role in Love Bond (the other being Fred Cheng – where did he go?). I agree with the other commenters; he doesn’t have the idol looks nor leading man charisma but he has raw talent. He has what it takes to become a Wayne Lai or Ai Wai. Interesting that he mentions all the artists that had a hand in helping him out in the early days of his career, and glad he learned a hard lesson about his past arrogance. I wish him success!
Fred Cheng is still around TVB.
I’ve always liked Oscar and Fred both back in the days and even now! Sad that both of them doesn’t get to shine like many others. In fact, Fred’s lastest series was When Heaven Burns. I watched it, but didn’t notice him…. because his role was like…. so small =_=
hes wll make a wonderful role model
Good to see this. He’s one of the few who’s caught my attention in the past few years.
I’m quite confused by few points here:
– “Even the director of L’Escargot failed to understand the gestures that Oscar had created especially for his bipolar character.” ….. Is that a good thing or a bad thing that the director didn’t understand what Oscar was trying to create? LOL. Seems like a bad thing to me… but maybe it’s unique in his own ways?? However, good that he prepared for himself.
– “Perhaps other actors did not possess such muscular physiques and placed next to my photos, the results did not look too good. Although I spent a day taking the topless photos, none of them were published.” Is that even his fault??? I saw the picture, and it wasn’t that bad. Or they can make him pose differently so he wouldn’t look too “muscular”. Jeez TVB. Now I finally know the reason why I didn’t see his picture when everybody else was in it.
I never knew his character is bipolar. I just thought useless, weak and yes, depressed.
He’s not in the published pictures is simple; he is not famous enough. I am sure they bumped him off for someone else.
Oscar will be back to movies again with new Patrick Kong romance movie. His hardwork finally pays off 🙂
Natural Born Love Addict (天生愛情狂), cast: Mandy Wong, Oscar Leung, Chilam Cheung, Annie Liu