Nancy Wu On Why It’s So Hard to Find the Right Man

Above: Nancy cannot wait for the “special someone.”
Going on good friend Sharon Chan’s (陳敏之) YouTube talk show, 40-year-old actress Nancy Wu (胡定欣) opens up and shares why she remains single up until now.
Pressured about Ticking Biological Clock
Often giving the impression of being a strong-willed female, the two-time best actress winner is recognized for her onscreen performances – she recently added a HKFA Best New Performer nomination to her accolades – but has yet to find her better half. Acknowledging her own “overly rational” personality as a possible reason for her single status, Nancy spills her thoughts, “Once this person appears, I will not be so level-headed.” She added that finding “Mr. Right” tops her to-do list, which certainly weighs above winning another Best Actress award!
When she described herself as someone who does not trust easily, host Sharon tried to probe further and asked Nancy if any previous hurtful experiences has shaped her current personality, or if she had ever “been cheated”. Following a few moments of silence, Nancy eased the tension with laughter, and replied, “No such thing as getting cheated or not, relationships are a two-way [street], being a forty year-old, [you are] bound to have some romantic history,” While her guest appearing reluctant to share more details, Sharon continued ‘pressurizing’ her friend into marriage, and said “You better not tell me you’d switch plans in one or two years again, this really wouldn’t do, let me set a target [for you] now, I’d only give you half a year to date before you ought to married, after that you should try [getting pregnant] rightaway,”
“Not Easy to Find Mr Right”
Having confessed that she had been single for six years on Twinkle Twinkle Single Star <單對單> last year, Nancy told the host that she had once felt utterly despondent about the possibility of finding someone compatible, and even told her friends that she’d probably “remain single till the end of my [her] life,” She tells Sharon, “Firstly you’d have to entrust your life to [that someone], that person might not have the same life goals or want to start a family like you, liking that someone versus navigating the rest of your life with that person, are totally different issues,”
Looking back at her romantic history, all of Nancy’s past relationships had headed for splitsville, with the longest romance lasting a mere two-and-a-half-years.
Rollercoaster Romances

In 2004, she admitted dating Deep Ng (吳浩康) and supported him throughout his legal troubles and career obstacles, but he turned his attention to Jacqueline Chng (莊思敏). Following her breakup, she has dated actor Kenneth Ma (馬國明) from 2008-2010, marketing executive Patt Sham (沈栢淳) from 2011-2014 and music producer Terry Chan (陳明道) from 2015-2016, but none of the romances worked out.
In 2016, romantic rumors emerged between the then 34-year-old and co-star Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) on the set of A Fist Within Four Walls <城寨英雄>, and the well-received pair would often behave sweetly on and offscreen, even exchanging kisses in public to congratulate each other as they swept acting awards for TV King and Queen that year.
However, Ruco was later spotted by paparazzi dining with Miss Hong Kong contestant Phoebe Sin (單文柔) in a car at popular dating spot The Peak; the actor was also quick to steer clear of any ties with Nancy, who was rumored to have got into a rage as she felt “being used” by Ruco.
Source: HK01
Sharon Chan is someone I used to like but…. As a host, she talks over her guests. As a woman, she told Grace Chan a woman’s ultimate goal is to find a husband. With Nancy, she’s giving her a quota to get married and have kids. What if Nancy said winning best actress is over dating Sharon? Would you have kicker her out of your show with the cameras rolling? Chill girl…..we are happy you are married with kids but chill the F out
Yeah, these interview questions are so cringy. Her worth isn’t measured by marriage or children. Shame on Sharon for giving a deadline.
I didn’t watch this but I know from past interviews that Nancy truly wanna get married and be a mummy. Maybe thus the ‘deadline”