Nearing 40, Nancy Wu is Afraid She Would End Up Alone

Single for six years, Nancy feels sad that she might never find someone to grow old with.
Nancy Wu’s (胡定欣) career has blossomed in recent years, and she has been busy filming Shaw Brothers’ web drama ICAC Attack <廉政狙擊>. However, turning 40 this September, the actress has been unable to sustain a long-term love relationship, and secretly fears she might “never find a lifelong partner.”
“Not Easy to Find Mr. Right”
In a recent episode of talk show Twinkle Twinkle Single Star <單對單>, Nancy shared more about her romantic views and personal life with host Luisa Maria Leitão (黎芷珊).
Ever since she won Best Actress for her role in drama A Fist Within Four Walls <城寨英>, Nancy has been taking on a string of successful, power woman-type roles. However, the actress admits that as long as she meets someone she likes, she would reveal a softer side of herself which is usually hidden.

Her Bumpy Love Life
Formerly dating singer Deep Ng (吳浩康), Kenneth Ma (馬國明), and musician Terry Chan (陳明道), Nancy revealed that none of her relationships have lasted past the two-year mark. “Dating is a luxury to me. It’s not something normal, and seems [far from grasp] from me,” she said.
“I’ve also been despondent, and when I had a bit to drink, I’d tell my friends that I feel like I might grow old alone, and feel sad for myself,” Nancy admitted.
While she used to look forward to motherhood, the single actress has since left these thoughts on the back burner. She has dedicated herself to work and found new passions in fitness. Working out regularly at the gym, she is also a member of celebrity running club Crazyrunner.
As Nancy has gone six years without dating, her friends are concerned that she might get too used to the rhythms of being single. The actress’s mother would also drop hints during everyday conversations to probe if she is currently dating anyone.
Despite experiencing disappointment and heartbreak, Nancy still believes “there is that special someone, maybe our paths haven’t crossed yet” and looks forward to dating.

Source: Hket
This article is written by JoyceK for
I hope she finds her happiness. 🙂
I actually watched her interview clip on youtube a few days ago and she said she was afraid of being alone a few years ago but now she has hope. Or something like that. She looks great in the interview with this length of hair. Really pretty and best she’s looked in a while. That super short hair was really not flattering on her and she had that hairstyle for way too long. Ugh… reminds me of Charmaine Sheh and how she looked with that hairstyle. Unflattering on both of them. Unfortunately, in both of these ladies’ cases, I think the hardest part for them is finding someone that does not want to have children. I feel like most men, when they are finally looking to settle down, they are looking for someone to start a family with (meaning have kids with). Obviously not everyone wants kids but the majority of people do. And when you are 40+… the chances of conceiving is a lot lower than those who are younger. I know there is IVF and other options, but the reality is if one can choose, they would probably rather not have to go through all that if they don’t have to. Unless they already have an existing relationship with someone who is older, otherwise, why start with someone older, spend X amount of time to date, don’t even know if it would work out or not when their clock is near expiring, and then face the struggles ahead? I know it is harsh, but that’s reality. It’s just the easier option to date someone younger, and have plenty of time to conceive than to date an older woman and risk never having children. I think that’s also their struggle with being an older woman. Just like the Charmaine article where she encouraged people to date older women. I think people would be open to dating them… but marrying is a different story for the reason I mentioned above. Their best bet is to be with an older man who either don’t want kids or single/divorced with kids already. They are both beautiful ladies and I truly wish them happiness and hope they find love, with or without kids. Life without love can still give you happiness, sure, but who wouldn’t want some love and romantic companionship in life?
Btw… I really do not like this new layout. It hurts my eyes and isn’t as easy to read/look at compared to the old format. My opinion probably doesn’t matter… but if it does, I vote to go back to the old layout please.
I agree and as we get older, our views, options and all that stuff get more limited and change. You made some very good points and that is how I feel being around Nancy’s age. You can still live a happy and fulfilling life without getting married and having kids. But I have noticed that those who do, have an extended family too. I had a teacher who was single and never married but she enjoyed her life a lot. However, she had like 9-10 siblings and a lot of nephews and nieces so she did not feel lonely at all.
When we get to this age, our options change. Like Taiwanese actress and singer Joyce Chao who is my age and a few years older than Nancy. She married a man 12 years older who was divorced with a son. They are very happy and blissful and she tried to have another child to accompany her step son after she and her husband pass away. She managed to get pregnant after some rounds of IVF but sadly miscarried so may not dare try again. I guess it is fate. At this stage, her best bet is to marry a guy who had divorced or widowed with kids already or marry a guy who doesn’t want kids. Being single is not the worse thing in the world. We just got to learn to be independent as marriage doesn’t guarantee anything either.
I totally agree with you about the new layout. I don’t like it at all. I thought I went to the wrong site…I wish we can go back the old format too.
I’ve always found Nancy pretty good looking, she’s still looking good at her age. Girl knows how to take care of herself, so good on her. Not everyone wants kids. Hope she finds her better half eventually.
I agree and having kids is not a meet all end all. My aunt is happily married with no kids as she became infertile due to medications. My other aunt married, had 2 kids and then divorced and had to raise her 2 kids as a single mom. Getting married and having kids does not guarantee anything. As we all saw with Ha Ping. She had kids and all but it was her god son Gordon Lam who took care of her til the end. Nothing is a guarantee in life except for death as we all have to die one day.
You don’t need to be married to be happy in life. Sadly in some cases, that is what makes our lives miserable at times. It is fate… it is never too late to get married but there is a time limit for having kids.
Standards are high for actress that reach that point….
Well when you get to a certain age and really want to find someone then you have to lower your standards and get more realistic. Otherwise you are better off being single.
I volunteer as tribute.
Speaking from the POV of a fellow single woman of similar age, I had the same kind of thoughts as her early 30s, constantly with parents and friends asking when I am going to settle down. I went through a cycle of dating a few people every few years but I never found the right guy.
Only in the last 2 years, Ive realised relationships are not for me and I dont give a f**k what others think now, because I definitely was caught up in that stigma, thinking I had to find someone, but it never actually felt like I dated because I wanted to but rather because I needed to.
Now I am comfortable with the realisation I dont want to be with anyone, I feel much more liberated. I dont care what others think anymore, its my life and I will be a single non-crazy cat lady if I please.
Of course, not everyone would think like me and genuinely do want to find a person to spend time with. Hopefully, it happens to her eventually with the right person.
@Jade I think happiness is dependent upon yourself, whether you are single or attached. Too many people look to a relationship and think they will be happier, but that’s often not the case. In a long-term relationship, there are definitely many ups and downs and lots to be compromised, and after some time, it may feel like a lot of work. As we get older, romantic love actually becomes less important and companionship can be supplemented by family and close friends.
It’s great to know that you are happy and know what you want in life, rather than be restricted by traditional expectations imposed upon you.
Very well said Jayne.
I have some of the same views as you but it is fate. We may marry later in life if we do at all. Romantic love is not everything… I used to value it so much and I still do but not as much as there are other kinds of love too. We have our family and friends and others in our life too.
Many people I used to know married several times in their lives so it is not just meeting the one. You truly wonder is it just the first one. Marriages and relationships take a lot of work..
In the end, I still believe in fate and if something is meant to be then it is. But if not then you cannot force it.
There are sections people in life for anyone not just one..
Meant to say “several” Gosh why is there no edit button?
Dang she looks hot . If I could meet her I would do my best to sweep her off her feet!
I got to say that we need to be more realistic too. I remember one of my friends who married at 25(yup she met her husband very early on in life and is happily married with 2 kids ) told me that there are several people in life for you not just one. Many are still stuck in the ideal world thinking that there is only one for them and when they will meet the one. Sadly many marry several times in their lives not just once. Therefore the idea of “the right one” is kind of outdated.
I dont think people only believe theres just one…more like its so hard to find the right person, that when someone is right then they are “the one”.
No, even if you find the so called right person, will they be the only one in your life? Most have several partners in their lives as with time, you grow apart, change,etc… that is why many break up and divorce even after decades of being together.
A lot of traditional Asian men and women are ageist. In the West, there’s not as much emphasis on women’s singledom related to their age (not that there isn’t ANY – cause look at Jennifer Aniston), so if Nancy was open to Western men, I think her chances of finding Mr. Right are much higher. A lot of older Asian women are married to Western men for a reason.