Plagued by Scandals, TVB Orders Artists to Behave Properly

Due to the rape of a 23-year-old TVB actress and numerous Mr. Hong Kong participants allegedly posing topless or fully nude for businessman, Lau Ding Sing (劉定成), TVB has been hit with a double dose of negative publicity last week. Known for its family friendly” television programs, TVB immediately clamored to protect the reputation of company artists. TVB has ordered an internal guideline to help artists avoid falling prey to questionable situations.
TVB advised its artists–especially younger and less experienced artists–to be on alert when they were asked to take photos. If any individuals promised handsome rewards in exchange, the artists were urged to immediately alert TVB management.
After the rape case of a 23-year-old TVB actress took place last week, Virginia Lok (樂易玲) cautioned company artists to stay away from alcohol. She urged artists to resolve their problems by seeking out TVB staff and remaining sober. In their latest internal guidelines, TVB urged that artists should not drink at public places, be alert in the company of strangers, and maintain good public conduct.
Oscar Leung Promised to Behave
Oscar Leung (梁烈唯) was implicated in a fabricated rape case earlier. Taking TVB’s internal guidelines to heart, Oscar was very concerned that the public may mistake fabricated rumors to be true. However, smoke will not result in the absence of fire. Oscar said that he will be careful about his public conduct, to avoid giving people the wrong impression about his character.
Oscar said, “Although the rape rumors were false, it made me aware that I should be more careful about my public conduct. My friends may believe me, but other people may have the wrong impression if I behaved improperly.”
William Chak Believes in Maintaining a Positive Image
2010 Mr. Hong Kong winner, William Chak (翟威廉), fortunately was not dragged into Mr. Lau’s photo scandal, despite the fact that numerous 8 pageant participants had allegedly posed for the wealthy businessman. William believed that it was important to maintain good regular conduct and a positive image.
Although he had posed in numerous swimming brief photo shoots while modeling in Japan, William has not been embroiled in any negative scandals. William said, “As long as your image is good, then it is not a problem!” He also praised TVB in arranging work engagements under safe conditions, which offered another measure of protection.
Clayton Li Will Cry, “No!”
Businessman, Lau Ding Sing, pointedly stated that 2011 Mr. Hong Kong winner, Clayton Li (李晉強), had posed in topless photos for him. However, Clayton drew his distance from the photo scandal, stating his personal limits, “My most brazen photos were taken in underwear and shorts!”
Clayton added that he will shout out, “No!” if his personal boundaries were pushed too far. “Although my Cantonese is not good, I will know how to say ‘no’ if I were to come across questionable situations.”
While young male actors were mindful to distance themselves from Mr. Lau’s nude photo scandal, TVB actresses were advised to be alert to avoid potential rape situations. Samantha Ko (高海寧) said that she will ask her manager to accompany her at functions. Samantha said that she has not been forced to drink alcohol by others in the past. “I will no easily drink alcohol on my own.”
Cilla Lok (樂瞳) will only drink alchol with her parents and close friends. “I will not even meet a man one-on-one, so I will not be drinking [alone with him]!” With their reputation and careers at stake, many young artists agreed with TVB that prevention was the best safety measure.
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Jayne: This should have been TVB’s internal guidelines all along. So they are advised to stay away from the bottle and conduct themselves properly in public, which is part of any work rule. Although this is common sense, this is not very practical advice. More intensive workshops should be given on how to skirt sensitive situations, where a vendor/ client puts unwarranted attention on an artist, how to ward off sexual advances and harassment, etc.
TVB’s guidelines are issued to protect the company’s reputation rather than for the effective safety cautions of its artists.
TVB seems to be plagued with negative news for the past few months. Even with guidance and policies, people should be accountable for their own conduct and respect. Unfortunately there will always be someone who are too greedy and will sell their souls to gain popularity and step up to stardom
Public figures should always conduct themselves properly in public.
What guidelines!!! It’s commonsense really. My mother taught me all that from when I was 10yrs old** If these adults choose to do foolish things, they have themselves to answer to.
TVB should have already advised their artists about staying out of trouble all along. This is definately bad timing for TVB to get involved in so much negative publicity since there are many new companies that are about to debut with new series and all… And to think that TVB still wants to stay on top. I wonder if they can with the lack of artists,producers,etc… and plus all of this bad news on top of it, will TVB be able to remain the main TV station in HK???
With CTI’s license on the way, and all these tabloids implicating TVB, I do wonder if there was any strategic conspiring over all this. Or are they just happily watching the free show. First, false rape rumours about Oscar who is gaining recognition. Then the rape case and male nude pics. I wont be surprised if CTI is fuelling tabloids. Either way, interesting to see how things will pan out.
How about all those rumours of stars being paid to sit with clients and drinks? Does the guidelines cover that? This is just for show only. And why is Oscar Leung promising to behave IF the rumours has nothing to do with him? So is he saying he has behaved badly with other women?
Nothing good can come out of being drunk, that’s all.
Just wondering, whether is there such a thing in TVB itself where producers, etc lets certain artistes gain favours by demanding and getting sexual favours or some interesting expensive goods?
Probably a lot of flirting (Kate) and shoe shining but I don’t think there’s outright sex exchange at tvb. Save that for film industry.
Why that Fala Chen lookalike told to behave, the only thing she’s done wrong is being a flirt and trying to leech on to other men just like what Fala did earlier in her career…….
Sensitive time period.
TVB is only talking to their artists now because its been exposed. They know its been going on for years and years but its part of their business but now with ongoing bad publicity for TVB, they’ll trying to salvage their reputation. But what reputation?