Tavia Yeung on Him Law: “He is a Good Person”

Although Tavia Yeung (楊怡) and Him Law (羅仲謙) were caught spending time together numerous times by the paparazzi, the couple never directly admitted their relationship publicly. When asked if they were really dating, both Tavia and Him would unanimously reply, “Let nature take its course.”
Controversial Scenes in “Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles”
Tavia is currently seen in TVB’s anniversary drama, Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles <名媛望族>.The period drama, which documents the lives of a privileged family living in 1930s Hong Kong, stars Damian Lau (劉松仁) as the patriarch of the Chung family, while Tavia, at thirty years his junior, stars as Damian’s fourth wife. Damian shares numerous intimate scenes with his wives in the drama, and among them was his lip-biting make-out scene with Tavia, which aired several weeks ago. The intense scene turned Tavia into the biggest talk of the town immediately after its broadcast.
“I expected the scene to get a huge response,” said Tavia, who is known for portraying intelligent and obedient roles onscreen. “However, I don’t think that the audience should stereotype the actors.” Tavia explained that the main reason for the lip-biting scene was to show how much she loved Damian. “If we fast forward to modern day, I’m sure that many couples would also react in a similar way.”
Tavia laughed, “When it comes to intense, Elena Kong (江美儀) had even more intense scenes!”
Regarding the rumor that the scene was suggested by Damian himself, Tavia defended, “That scene had always been part of the script. Before we filmed it, the scriptwriters gathered the Chung family together to discuss how to make the scene as relatable as possible.”
Tavia is Him’s Biggest Supporter
Would Tavia be able to accept a much older man as her husband like her character in the drama? Tavia expressed, “First of all, I have never had someone much older than myself to pursue me. Because I never had that experience, I don’t know if I will oppose it.” Tavia then added with a chuckle, “Maybe it’s because many men are able to take good care of their looks, so they look much younger than their age!”
But Tavia does not need to meet her own Damian Lau. She already has her Him Law! Tavia met Him, who is five years younger, on the set of The Hippocratic Crush <On Call 36小時> last year. Their relationship grew from close colleagues to extremely close friends. Asked if Tavia ever plans to make her relationship public, Tavia suggestively replied, “Let nature take its course. It doesn’t need to be obvious.”
With Him’s good looks and body, he is subjected to numerous negative rumors. Often, Him is accused for being too flirtatious and overly friendly with his colleagues, which often causes him to send the wrong message to his female colleagues.
According to Tavia, Him is not like what the media claims at all. Tavia supported Him and said, “I also thought he was like that when I first met him, but after a few months of working together, I realized that he is actually very honest and responsible. He is a good person.”
Last year, Him was accused for beating his ex-girlfriend, Theresa Fu (傅穎). At the same time, Him reportedly cheated on Theresa multiple times while they were still dating. With such a negative reputation, would Him drag down Tavia’s career? “Everyone has a past,” said Tavia. “As a third person, I am not entitled to criticize someone else’s relationship problems. Every family will go through their own problems. I never ask; as for the other person, he or she has no need to explain. If he wants to talk about it, he will eventually talk about it.”
Source: ihktv.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
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No matter. Don’t like them both.
And yes, I just have to post this cuz I’m too bothered with their news, lol.
totally agree…don’t like them together…if they really don’t want to announ this relation, why always talk about it in the news???
Tavia does look scary in the above photo, doesnt she ><
himhim’s face looks like a sandwich
Sandwich? As in good enough to eat or all cramped together?
hehehe well as you suggested it, then i could be bot.
initially i meant kinda cramped together
sorry it wa meant to say: well as you suggested it, then it could be both.
initially i meant kinda cramped together
Her nose is bothering me every time I see her in SSSS. Hahaha It would be okay if it’s smaller.
i think she better fix her nose back to the normal size
Everyone single person on this earth has flaws. Plus as an actress or really any other human, it is normal to want to look or become better. I’m not saying plastic surgery is right or that it made her nose look better or anything, but we should really all get over it and be more mature about it.
By the way, what I am saying is not aimed towards anyone personally. It is just absolutely tiring to see the same complaints about something so insignificant over and over again so I had to say something about it.
Agree with Victoria. Nothing can be done about her Nose now, plastic surgery can’t really make her nose look smaller. Trust me, I did some research. Besides, it doesn’t bother me much cuz in SSSS, her make up is heavy enough and her whole face seems pretty balanced. I like her acting in that though, I might add. Especially episode 28 in the fight with Damien.
“we should really all get over it and be more mature about it.”
I think many wrote the process in Tavia’s case is reversible. Much like the overuse of botox, too much of something that affects the overall aesthetic of a person’s face is bad. Truth be told Tavia is not beautiful, nor is she stunning with memorable face. She has talent and that is her good point. She has plain looks and I suppose in her one moment of insecurity maybe some fortune teller said change your nose, chance your luck. And I must say as her nose gets longer, people talk about her more and she gets more and more famous. And that is the point; she wants people to talk about her, if not why the drastic change? But the more her nose is talked about the more her talent is forgotten. It is a double edged sword.
Anyway I believe we can talk, but perhaps lessen the mocking itself. But some people set themselves up to be mocked. Her old nose was good enough.
Tavia did well in SSSS and i quite like her character. I get use to her nose now but sometime still kinda annoying lol
maybe she would look younger, thus, a better match to him if she had left her nose alone
The only thing controversial about SSSS is it is still going on when it should have ended by now.
I am waiting for one of the sons to run away. Seems like there won’t be such signs. The Confidant at ep 20 at least is moving up and far far away and SSSS is still in the same tune.
I think SSSS lacks suspense. Such as murder, extremely evil revenge, a main villian or something extremely tragic.
All of those are qualities I feel attracts viewers.
sorry I rambled off subject haha but anyways I support tavia as an actress and support her in her personal life and whatever decision she might make.
You mean such as ‘violence’?
As far as tradegy goes, TVB will give us bad/sad endings, and the audience will start complaining.
But I do agree, SSSS is lacking suspense particularly in the middle of the drama. The beginning was a good fast pace and interesting imo, but then it slowed down a lot. I think there are too many characters involved..trying to exploreeach characters story is way too much. But I do appreciate and admire Damian’s efforts in the scriptwriting since they lost two of its scriptwriters in the middle of producing the script.
Hope it picks up pace soon. Tavia’s character was more interesting to watch before she got married. But it looks like her Zi Kwan will divorce soon, looking foward to the fiesty Zi Kwan to return. In terms of acting, imo Tavia is doing well! Though her character is bland at times since she is now a housewife- I dont think that makes her acting ability ‘bad’ or ‘boring’
I personally like Tavia’s acting in SSSS more than Kate in HAL. And no I am not a secret Tavia fan here to bash Kate, for those of you who are into conspiracy theories.
i just felt tavia’s acting over the years are same. not much improvement. feel bored looking at her on screen and her nose is really annoying especially from side view.
Tavia has always been good in portraying any roles given to her.. whether it is a plain boring role or interesting one, she takes it all & deliver well. Her acting skill is not a question anymore.
SSSS would be more interesting if it ended in 25 to 28 episodes ……….. instead of dragging on and on.
Anybody else anticipating a bad break-up from these 2? lol. SSSS is boring and laggy. Not a surprise if Tavia doesn’t get BA this year.
I don’t believe tavia has never asked HimHim about his previous relationships. She seems like the controlling type.
Very funny! I was just suddenly thinking if all those bad stuff about Him Law is consistent and true, then why she never asked is probably because slapped her into not asking. Come on, how many girlfriends will want to open pandora’s box of ex girlfriends in current boyfriend’s life?
I would not believe if someone says she has not never asked about her current boyfriend’s ex-girlfriends especially known to them and in the news. Its only human nature and if she cares enough of the relationship. One doesnt need to react negatively but curious to know
better to set things straight and get to know the real him before getting deeper into the relationship.. marriage, good example gallen and donnie, don’t think she and him will last, somehow, feels like puppy love or in that level, no commitment
while I was dating my ex, I got to hear some rules from my friends about the ex-gf/bf thing and it was: rule nr 1. Ex-bf/gf is something you should not talk about when you guys are in the level of getting to know each other rule nr 2. Never ask your bf/gf about his her ex-gf/bf it may scare him/her away.
This may be the reason why TY don’t. She may seems like a controlling person, but who knows, she may not be. plus even that they have been coming out in the media a lot lately (Please don’t beat Aimee and Moses) then i think they still are in the getting to know each other level.
““If we fast forward to modern day, I’m sure that many couples would also react in a similar way.””
No Tavia. We don’t. Probably just slap the guy and walk away because we modern girls do now show how desperate we are. Let the guy come running after us.
I find her 4th wife a contradiction. Which is why I don’t pity her when he wants to marry 5th wife out of spite since he married her out of spite too.
I find her 4th wife a contradiction. Which is why I don’t pity her when he wants to marry 5th wife out of spite since he married her out of spite too.
yeah, i am also a good person but good persons make mistakes too
By the look then Him Law looks to young for Tavia, she fits Kenneth or Ron more in look.
Ron chose Viann and chased Viann :D.
lol i know! I was about to write that Ron likes big boobs, plastic girls, with barbie face, but then I remember that he was rumoured with Ella koon before, and she looks nothing like a barbie.
lol i should stop been mean to Ron, I actually like him, I like him in a way that he don’t complain about been not to popular, and is a really layed back person. He just s*cks on PR, and need more training on his acting, but he wasen’t to bad this year. And I loved him in the four
feel like one day Him Law gonna dump her!
tavia you should really think twice before you rely your future on him,i see some women unfriedly threat behind this boyish face.
that’s right but i think she’s under his spell already
whether him law is good or not.. no need announce to world.. stupid comment
agree…too boring
Yeah, I mean, is there a need to report such news?? If it’s even considered as a news??
Tavia’s career is going down as report after incident she eventually lost lot of fans everywhere. I found SSSS is quite boring bc old actor Damian takes lot of senses 🙁 I watch confident bc it has good story line and strong staff in. I am no longer tavia’s after she had rumor dating with Him. She lied to her fans on this and she is so caution to cover up for her career. And she cares too much about $$$
More than that her nose and long face in SSS anoyse me a lot. She looks much older than Kate. Look at picx she took next to Kate. They are same age but see like sisters 🙂
its her nose
Agree. Tavia does not look good now …… with her long narrow face, big high nose, decent eyes and big mouth. She looks a bit funny now. Anyway she was never a pretty girl in the first place, but she looks even worse now.
It’s okay to get plastic surgery, but she did a bad job on her nose. You look like a clown. Now go get another plastic surgery to remove ur big nose. It was was not necessary to get it in a first place. Be happy with yourself.
maybe she wants to become a pinnochio.
agree with u. She should not lied to her fans.
Tavia seems like a smart person to not bring up things that someone might feel uncomfortable with.
Dont really like them as a couple, I would rather her dating kenneth in real life
Man, she looks weird in this photo next to him law. Is she addicted to chinese opera make up? Her base seems as white as the one she used for chinese opera.
Ya Tavia did looked weird in this picture. Nicole you were right. Too much make-up. Such a mix match couple. And I hate the way she talks. Annoying and irritating.
If you actually think about it Tavia and Him’s personality are really similar both are pretty outgoing and humorous you can tell from the way they talk in interviews.
Why should she question about his past? It’s none of her business. I don’t think she deliberately announced her relationship it’s just the media asking her, she got nothing to hide so of course she admit it.
Since every one has talked about Tavia’s nose too much these days. I didn’t get annoyed and didnt pay much attention, but I have started watching other actress’ noses in stead of watching the drama. Some of their noses are really weird too.
Tavia’s performance in SSSS is really good. But her makeups made her look 10 years older than she was.
It doesn’t bother me really much about their relationship because every one has their own styles to choose their halves. Why did s.o say she lied to her fans? It’s her business. The media have blown up their relationship.
u are totally right. it is their personal life, what does it has to do with outsider? even Linda has repeated many times that she won’t reveal personal things whether she is dating or otherwise because all these are personal matters and she wants to have own privacy. people nowadays are getting very immatured. i hope Tavia’s fans won’t be, but even if they’re that immatured, just be it. Tavia has lotsa supports from her colleagues – don’t need the immatured outsiders.
The lip biting scene is not new. Bobby Au-yeung and Maggie Shiu did it before in Mong Sheung Ching Yan (don’t know the English title)
she looks like a koala bear in this pic