“The Gigolo” Comes Back for TVB’s “Bet Hur”

There’s been some interesting develops in the world of Bet Hur <賭城群英會> that many fangirls will appreciate.
In the latest episode of the TVB drama, Dominic Ho (何浩文), who portrays Scott “Dashing” Siu, pretends to seek refuge with the To family in order to find evidence of their criminal dealings. In an act of vengeance, the To’s eldest grandson To Tai-po (Carlo Ng 吳家樂) gives Scott a gig in one of his nightclubs as a male stripper.
This isn’t the first time that Dominic has portrayed a stripper. This subplot in the show seems to be paying homage to the 2015 film The Gigolo <鴨王>, which shot Dominic to relevance.
In the Bet Hur scene, Dominic wore nothing else but short latex pants with suspenders, showing off his toned and athletic figure. What fanservice!
In related news, Kenneth Ma (馬國明) and Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) also had their time to shine on the same show. When his master’s grave was destroyed by To Tai-po and his crew, Kenneth broke down into tears and desperately started slapping himself. This scene reminded many viewers of a similar scene done by Ngo Ka-nin (敖嘉年) in 2010’s No Regrets <巾幗梟雄之義海豪情>. Ngo later went on to win My Favorite Supporting Actor at the My AOD Favorites Awards.
Bet Hur will air its final episode on August 4. The drama also stars Patrick Tse (謝賢), Nat Chan (陳百祥), Raymond Wong (黃浩然), Lau Siu-ming (劉兆銘), and Monica Chan (陳法蓉).
“Bet Hur” Episode 24 clip
Source: On.cc
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
Bet Hur was overrated before it even aired and now that it is airing, it’s lousy. It’s horrible and poorly represents good actors like Carlo Ng and Charmaine Sheh.
@linvin8 Agreed! Charmaine’s talent is wasted in this series. Drama series is terrible so far!
@anon @linvin8
LOL…agreed, though none of us should be surprised, since this is a Wong Jing production after all. My mom has been watching the series so I catch snippets of it here and there and of course, it is typical Wong Jing hyped up garbage production which follows his tried and true formula – a show with zero plot worth speaking of that relies primarily on a bunch of “household name” actors and actresses plus nostalgia overload to get audiences who don’t know any better (or who might just be fans of the artists) to watch. And of course, anyone who criticizes the series gets the “Wong Jing treatment” (which is basically the “revered” director himself dissing you on social media as being an idiot who has poor taste). As I always say whenever a Wong Jing production comes up with artists I like and/or respect – what a horrible waste of talent!!
Oh and in related news – I wanted to vomit when I heard Nat Chan bragging about his performance in Bet Hur last week. He even went so far as to say that his performance was “TV King worthy” and that if he really wanted the award, TVB would for sure give it to him – BUT he is choosing money over award (lol…um, ok Nat, I know you’re joking — at least I hope so –but please – those types of comments just make you look like an arrogant, bumbling fool…). Oh and there are rumors this week that Wong Jing is planning to film a sequel to Bet Hur with Nat Chan once again in the lead….the local gossip rags had a field day with that one – um, your stupid series isn’t even well-received, with everyone and their mothers bashing it, plus the ratings are horrible, yet you’re going to do a sequel? I guess they forgot that this is Wong Jing, who is known for doing whatever the hell he wants and not giving a damn what others think.
@llwy12 Oh please, Nat Chan’s performance was shockingly bad. As was Monica Chan’s even though I used to identify her as a pretty good actress. It really goes to show the directing and level of production value that’s put into this drama. They’ve basically spent the money where unnecessary – mainly paying these big-name actors whose talents have been wasted due to poor directing. And don’t even get me started on the editing! Who the hell ends an episode in the middle of a sentence?? That’s not creating a cliffhanger, that’s just bloody annoying.
On a side note, the only TV King worthy performance so far is Vincent Wong’s in Legal Mavericks.
@linvin8 Well-said….though IMO, the words “production value(s)” should never be used in association with any Wong Jing production unless preceded by the words “lack of”, lol. Seriously though, Wong Jing has never been one to care about quality or production value – all he cares about is exploiting HK audiences’ obsession with all things nostalgic while at the same time kowtowing to the powers-that-be up in the Mainland so he can continue to make his millions of dollars every year despite the garbage he repeatedly churns out. Actually, come to think of it, Wong Jing and TVB make a “great team”, since they both operate in similar fashion….
I agree with you about Vincent, though unfortunately I doubt he will get recognized this year due to all the “big productions” slated to air in the second half of the year – plus with TVB’s deliberate emphasis on the Mainland China market this year, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mainland audiences’ feedback is taken into consideration come Anniversary Awards time. Legal Mavericks as a whole was pretty well-received by Mainland audiences when it debuted on iQiyi several weeks ago (probably because it’s so different from the fare that they are used to due to all the censorship over there), but not sure how much that will help the artists given most Mainland audiences don’t even know who they are. Case in point — I read an article from a Mainland news site earlier (which got “re-posted” by other Mainland sites) that praised Legal Mavericks and said that its lead actor CHILAM CHEUNG has been doing a great job in the series (wait, what? Yup, you read it right – they were referring to Owen Cheung, who I guess got elevated to first lead status according to Mainland papers, though obviously they also mistook him for Chilam, lol…poor Vincent was not mentioned at all…)
@llwy12 Vincent has got the talent, especially in the last couple of years he has proven that he’s lead actor material, much like Ruco Chan had done. The only difference is Vincent’s timing isn’t right. He’s had two pretty good roles so far this year but you’re right in that he’ll most probably be outshone by the anniversary dramas, regardless of whether they do well or not. The only upside is Legal Mavericks is only showing on the weekends (in HK anyway), which makes Vincent still quite relevant come the second half of the year. He’s also in Heart of Greed 3, though not in a lead role.
Not that I’m trying to jinx this but if Dicky Cheung’s drama gets aired and he’s in contention for the awards, I hardly think he has competition with anyone who is not already a veteran actor.
Agree to y’all. Even though im not Charmaine’s fan but i feel sorry for her to take this kind of role. Well, Nat, Monica, Charmaine and Patrick, all of them are veteran actors i have no doubt about their actings but they cant even be shined bcoz of bad cheap script lol this series is crap so far it lead audiences to nowhere. I think you guys forgot about Louisa Mak lol is she acting?????????? Plsss bring back Sisley or Grace, i’d rather watch them over that miss hk. Again, even a kid can act better than her lol.
@alicesky I don’t really want to admit haha this but you’re right, Grace Chan and Sisley Choi are about two levels better than Louisa Mak.