Theresa Fu Hits Career Bump; Ousted by Management Company

In 2011, Theresa Fu (傅穎) had cried victim to ex-boyfriend Him Law‘s (羅仲謙) battering and revealed her severe butt bruises to the media. It was reported that Him had “grabbed her too roughly” and gave Theresa the bruises during an argument. Since both artistes were signed under Filmko Entertainment, the company decided to separate the ex-lovers to play down the scandal. Theresa was sent to Beijing to develop her Mainland career while Him remained in Hong Kong. Over the last three years, Him’s acting career made great strides and turned his image around after dating Tavia Yeung (楊怡). Meanwhile, Theresa’s career never fully recovered.
Theresa was pegged as an annoying and troublesome artiste to work with. Many who worked with Theresa nicknamed her “Queen of Complaints”, as she would often complain about not having enough scenes in a movie, or whine about the scripts. Theresa sought to find jobs for herself without consulting Filmko, while often saddling them with personal and non-work related problems.
Filmko has reportedly decided to end Theresa’s management contract three years early. Theresa does not seem to mind and claimed that the Filmko favored ex-boyfriend Him over her anyway.
Now without a contract, Theresa updated her Weibo profile description, indicating that she is willing to take on any job she is offered. Dropping her diva image, Theresa even took initiative in contacting various companies for potential work opportunities. She was seen having dinner with director Gordon Chan (陳嘉上) and openly praised his work. Even more shocking was that she took a picture with long-time nemesis Ronald Cheng (鄭中基), whom she was rumored to be on bad terms with. Widening her options, Theresa also allegedly contacted Chrissie Chau’s (周秀娜) management company, GME, only to be shot down.
This article is written by Su for
Feel sorry for her….she needs a break to get her career going again….
I still can’t get over the fact that Him had physically abused her and didn’t have to suffer any consequences.
Same with me! He never received the punishment for it! Sorta like Amigo he’s back to hosting now too… Mixed feelings about the whole situation still!
Any wonder why so many independent Asian women marry out of that unbalanced society/culture? I see Asian women married to Westernized men left and right.
Stop your silly bias syndrome.
White men also abused women, I don’t see any Asian women, marrying them left and right, except for Filipinos who usually worship white rods anyway.
If you dig those 7 inch long rods, that’s up to you but don’t generalise.
I know. You and me both. She is the victim and yet she is blamed for telling her side of her sob story. WTH is justice in HK? OMG, and meanwhile this HIM LAW dude doesn’t even seem to be affected even a fraction of any of the incident yet continued to film series after series? Talk about connections in crappy TVB.
i was wondering what happened to her. anyone know what she did in china?
Hmm Why sent her away and not Him? I wonder if things would have been different…
This is the ugliness of reality. Especially in showbiz, the man can always get away with it with the help of time. But once the girl’s image is gone, everything’s gone.
In Theresa’s case, obviously no company would want her because her butt is revealed (I know that’s shallow), she made a fuss about her personal relationship… these all prompts red light for agencies. They want an artist whom they can control, not troublemaker.
This is also why I predict Wen Zhang will be back and up soaring in just the matter of time. While the ‘home-wrecker’ Yao Di is pretty much worthless in the industry now.
I wouldn’t watch anymore dramas with Wen Zhang.
The way she handled the situation and exposed her relationship so openly was a big backlash. Not saying if a person experiences abuse should keep it to themselves at all…but if he had really intentionally hurt her, it would have been more reasonable to report it to the police straight away rather than to the tabloids. Just seemed like she was out for revenge more than anything. But it’s the past..
I thought she was doing well in Mainlands?? Seemed like she was getting big roles in films and series back in China, or am I wrong? she does seem to post a lot of photos on her weibo (mainly luvos lolol) so I’d assume she was actively receiving jobs o___O
i agree. i also saw her main aim as attempting to destroy his image rather than to seek justice. she also did not outright say he battered her but that he “physically and emotionally hurt her”. the bruises could have resulted from a scuffle between hers.
i do think women within showbiz couples seem to get the short end of the stick though.
I remember reading about her attitude a few years ago about her being a troublesome person and hard to get along. If that were the case I am not surprised her management company would choose Him over Theresa. I agree that she should have handled the situation better and if Him did hit her she should have went to the police.
How much was it abuse and how much was it publicity? If Theresa’s bad attitude was true and acted like a diva as an artist, why could she exhibit the same traits as a girlfriend causing “Him” to be frustrated? I am not justifying moderate or extreme physical violence but “shaking” some sense into her might have been apppropriate.
Feel sorry for her. From the victim, she is bite back by Filmko.
just goto tvb
^this will grab rating
did him law really bash her?
Only they know what happened.
True but I also believe the chinese metaphor ” IF NO WIND, NOTHING WILL BE BLOWN ” ??? or something like that?
That is only true if they tell the truth from the start.
I’m jealous of her. She slept with Him…so jealous
three YEARS early??! That’s gotta cut.
I can be your sugardaddy anytime 😉
She’s an attention Hog. Most likely started up the whole beating to get attention. Her acting sucks can’t sing. Oh well move on.
him was smart, he stick with tavia so his career wouldnt drop. xD well that what i think dont know about everyone else.
Same thoughts here.
We may be wrong but only time would tell.
yea, I think when he make enough money and get more popularity he will ditch her.