“White Storm 2” Sued for Plagiarism

Produced by and starring Andy Lau (劉德華), Hong Kong thriller film White Storm 2: Drug Lords  is embroiled in a legal dispute for allegedly plagiarizing 2006 Chinese film, Love From Angel. Aside from the production company being sued, 10 other individuals are implicated in the case including Andy and three screenwriters

In court, Love from Angel’s production company, Chengdu Global Bona Culture Media Co Ltd demanded 99,999,999 Chinese yuan in compensation and provided 95 pieces of evidence to support their case. Arguing that the characters and narrative devices are nearly identical, they also bought a 40-minute video to compare the movies on a scene-by-scene basis and noted 196 of alleged plagiarized details.

Although Andy is the defendant in the case, the actor did not appear in court and asked to be represented by his lawyer. They argued that plagiarism could not have occurred as Love From Angel is a romance film while White Storm 2 is an action film themed around police and triad.

Following the trial, the chairman of Chendu Global Bona Culture Media declined mediation in court and will be waiting for the court’s judgment at a later date.

Source: HK On CC

This article is written by Sammi for JayneStars.com.

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  1. Not surprised a bit, as so much of HK artists are always copying storylines and plots from others………..it’s about time they start facing up to their plagiarism ways………Be a man and pay up Andy!

  2. No, Andy did not plagiarize anything. He is too heavenly, upright, righteous and honest for that. He is also too talented and perfect to get caught up in plagiarism. He knows it would shame his image and his millions of fans. Whoever accused him of such an act is so wrong to do so. Not Andy Lau, anyone but Andy.

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