Production for HKTV’s “The Election 2” Indefinitely Postponed

Due to poor ratings, HKTV announced that production on the second season of The Election <選戰> has been indefinitely postponed.
The Election, starring Liu Kai Chi (廖啟智) and Angelica Lee (李心潔), was selected by viewers to be the opening drama for Ricky Wong’s (王維基) HKTV, which launched its online and mobile service in November 2014.
HKTV ratings have been less-than-stellar, obtaining an average of 120,000 viewers per day. Last week, ratings dropped to an average of 105,000 viewers per day, more than a 17.3 percent decrease.
It has been said that production for The Election 2 was postponed to May 2015, but sources say that the possibility of The Election 2 getting canceled is higher. The Election director Wong Kwok Keung (黃國強) admitted that ratings for the drama are disappointing but understandable. He said, “HKTV is using a very unusual platform to broadcast its programs. It’s very far from what we wanted.”
Wong Kwok Keung revealed that his contract with HKTV will end in February. “I don’t think we will be able to film The Election 2 by February or March. Liu Kai Chi also has a busy schedule. However, I did tell Mr. Wong that if HKTV decides to go forward with The Election 2, I will try my best to fit it in my schedule.”
In related news, Eva Chan (陳詩慧), who performed The Election‘s theme song “I’ll Be There”, announced that her contract with HKTV has already ended last month. She has recently signed a new management contract with China 3D Digital Entertainment, the agency that also manages Chilam Cheung (張智霖), Chrissie Chau (周秀娜), and Joyce Cheng (鄭欣宜). Eva said, “I’ll still focus on writing music, including composing and writing lyrics. I’ll also help with filming soundtracks. It’s very enriching.”
This article is written by Addy for
Sounds like HKTV desperately need to tap into other forms of broadcasting overseas. They should really look into getting their shows on Netflix/HULU in N.A.
There’s a pretty decent sized following for foreign dramas not only from overseas Chinese, but others as well.
I don’t know how well they will do staying with the box thing they have.
Not having an English subbed version is probably cutting into their potential sales/viewership.
Sounds like it.
Supposedly they had 2-3 seasons ready to go already. I like the show, it’s decent. I’m a not a fan of the sappy stuff in it (the scenes where they hint at a romance between Gregory Wong and Angelica Lee’s characters and playing that ‘I’ll be there’ song every other episode) but I guess that’s something HK viewers are conditioned to.
They are just not reaching enough people right now. If they haven’t sold broadcasting rights to NA or Europe by now, they should just open up content to those parts of the world and geo-block areas where they’ve already sold content to. They should just go all in and operate as if they will never receive a TV license in HK. They need to produce content that would NEVER air in HK if they go world-wide.
I’m a bit surprised they haven’t sold the rights or tried to distribute in the US and European markets, where there is a good audience and Internet TV penetration is much higher.
Probably cause TVB owns 20% of Fairchild in Canada and TVB has their own branch of networks on Dish network in the States. I’m not sure there’s a large population of Cantonese speaking people in Europe, but if TVB already has their own distribution system in NA, then HKTV may need to set up their own if they can’t sell content to anyone here.
There’s a TVB Europe I think. Actually nowTV is also shown on Fairchild and has their own TV stations in Canada as well.
If HKTV wants to break through CAD market, then they need to apply and have Canadian content due to CRTCs regulations.
Everyone is watching the TV series online or are downloading it these days.
Why doesn’t HKTV expand to other countries (like USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, etc.)? HKTV should expand world-wide by getting TV license, distribute their drama series for rental and/or setup websites world-wide so that people world-wide can support HKTV.
So far, HKTV’s shows are excellent and high quality. Plenty of people world-wide would love to support them but can’t.
These days, everyone is downloading the TV series online or watch it online. Not a lot of people are renting TV series anymore.
The older generation are not as internet savvy as the younger generation and are still doing rentals, I think. Or, maybe they’re just passing around copies of shows retrieved from the internet? Not sure but I know the older generation are passing around some dramas on optical discs.
There are now ways to watch the TV channels very easily now, thanks to the Internet era. Even the older generation can use this device without any problems. That’s why a lot of people don’t take a subscription on TVB channel anymore.
Er, the older generation that I’m thinking of have serious trouble with electronic gadgets (and can’t handle all those remotes and buttons). 🙂
My grandma who is 80 and she is using ipad to watch all HK n mainland china tv dramas.
Speak for yourself when you say “plenty of people world-wide would love to support them but cant”
Actually nowTV is also shown on Fairchild and has their own TV stations in Canada as well.
If HKTV wants to break through CAD market, then they need to apply and have Canadian content due to CRTCs regulations.
Why doesn’t HKTV expand to other countries?
Very simple they do not have unlimited $$$$$ and this is definitely needed if they want to do so especially for advertisements and promotions which are huge at the initial stage.
i’m surprised they even plan on doing a sequel when the 1st one was boring, if it was that good people would have all tune in and watch it. HKTV did have some potential but without a license it does affect them badly.
i dont think they have to worry, the election is by far the best hong kong tv show i have ever seen in my life…also to be or not to be is also very good, the borderline was good too
and plus this company is only a few months old, its just a start up…and its starting off really good…im sure even die hard tvb fans are realizing this
Well, actually HKTV is over a year old now not just a few months old like you said. The problem is that their applying for free broadcasting license has been rejected. I’m not a die hard fan of TVB and I don’t see HKTV is awesome either.
Actually, HKTV the company use to by called Citi Telecom, which have been around for many, many years. The company has close to 2 billion HK in cash with not debt, so they can survive for awhile. The key is the shopping channel now.
City Telecom I meant, started in 1992
HKTV is also affiliated with China Mobile Hong Kong Corporation Limited .
haha the best ever? hahaha. It shows how ignorant or the most legendary ignorant on
The best TV show in HK? You got to be kidding. This shows that you have not watch much HK TV shows.
i do like this show a lot too…maybe the production value and quality of some of the best i think…u can tell they put a lot of effort into the set and scenery…its very nice to look at not fake at all like filming in a studio, good acting and story too
im just happy hktv is around so tvb will try harder and put more money and effort into their productions…a lot of bad tv series from tvb lately…competition is great
ya without competition theres nobody to compare yourself too, and year after year tvb is just making the same stuff and each year seems like the shows are just getting worse
The key focus right now for HKTV is the shopping site HKTVMall. That must be successful to fund future productions. Without a free to air license, the HK market is still pretty hard to tackle with only internet TV. I’m still hopeful. The shopping site looks great and their still plenty of time to grow the views this coming year. HKTV has new dramas that can be featured on internet TV for the one year.
The management and creative foundation is there. The problem is distribution. Hundreds of thousands of homes cannot get internet TV. It’s those homes that benefits most from free television. They hold the key to viewership.
Their hktv app (which you use to watch the episodes) was very slow. It took forever to load the main app page. They need a better OTT system before developing more productions.
The drop in viewership last week might be because the idol drama Once Upon A Song has less appeal and is not as good as the other ones that have aired. In total, it’s only their fourth drama, give them at least a couple more months. They still have a good amount of inventory to air, so the delay in filming is not that concerning yet.
Yeah, as much as I’ve been a strong supporter of HKTV. I must say that the series they’re broadcasting now is borderline lame. Acting is OK, plot is somewhat weak so far, and the music…..not good.
They’re trying to be like Dream High, but…… Dream High is way better in practically every aspect.
Agree with miriamfanz. To me, this is a typical case of the media overreacting – HKTV has not issued any official statements and the artists themselves have not received any official notification from HKTV yet that filming will no longer happen. People need to use their common sense – HKTV has only aired 4 series and out of those 4, only 1 series has been poorly received (the currently airing Once Upon A Song)….that’s hardly enough ‘data’ to claim that HKTV is a ‘ratings failure’ or that they shouldn’t film series anymore because of it. Heck, if we go by how ONE series fares to determine an entire company’s success or failure, then ATV should have been shut down a long time ago and TVB should have stopped filming as well.
As for the staff’s contracts expiring – the media seems to be trying to tie this into the delay in series production (well, at least this particular article seems to be doing it), but the reality is, a lot of HKTV staffs’ contracts already expired even before their launch in November and had already left HKTV by then (most of the artists and behind the scenes people who attended the launch ceremony were not contracted with HKTV, yet they still chose to attend to show their support).
By the way – for those who don’t like Once Upon A Song…well, you don’t have to wait long for the next series. Kara Hui mentioned on her Weibo that her HKTV series Incredible Mama will air starting February 9th…
@llwy12; Woo! thanks for the update. been waiting for Kara’s Incredible Mama to air ^^
Once Upon A Song is lacked the quality, it is a reason to make the rating falls. HKers dont seem to forget the scandal of Kelvin Kwan, it is the second reason. I dont think HKTV is really failed after 4 series.
However, I have to say that HKTV really put effort on the PR for their series. Last time in HK, I saw the billboards for HKTV series everywhere. So maybe the results arent enough for what they have paid and this is why they have to think wisely for their money.
agree. i also saw some ads for hktv. But that platform of theirs needs to be quicker.. Their app lags.
HKTV production costs are so high, that trying to recoup that via internet platform only is doomed to failure. people are downloading their series for free.
They really need a HK TV license, their only hope is that ATV actually goes bust and loses it broadcasting license which may happen very soon and apply for its broadcasting license, only then will they be a real competitor to TVB and get advertising revenue.
As NOW TV and I-Cable dont really produce dramas to combat TVB….
No you are wrong. Now TV has produced their first series. Mui Siu Ching and her husband works for Now TV.
They also own a lot of channels in hk
Now TV also has channels in Canada and is showin their Virtuous Queen of Han which starred Raymond Lam. Fairchild tv also hosted this mini chef competition awhile ago with now tv as well.
TVB and Now TV isnt necessarily rivals. they work together.. sorta. how else can niki chow, another tvb artiste and raymond film the now tv drama?
Yup, TVB and NowTV are not rivals but the artists stared in Virtuous Queen of Han (Niki and LF) are not that attached to TVB. At the filming time, Niki only signed contract per series with TVB and LF had an opened contract to allow him to choose series and also the intention to leave. Therefore they are not like the long-term managed artists with strict contracts. Moreover they two didnt sign directly with NowTV but Huace Media which is the co-producer. Huace is a Chinese company so actually TVB didnt give people to NowTV.
NowTV produced series :). Their first series Virtuous Queen of Han has just been aired on Now 100 and they are preparing for their second series which will be filmed within this year.
wish nowTV dramas were in Cantonese
The version on NowTV is in Cantonese.
It’s being shown right now.
But the way Now TV approached their series and when to film is way smarter than HKTV.
HKTV rushed things, now have to deal with the consequences or aftermath of that rush.
So you really think this is a HK drama? Just because their are HK people in and and then dubbed into Cantonese. Please, nowTV is basically buying or co-producing a China drama and trying to convInce people it is a HK drama. This is not a HK product.
I think TVB is going this route also. Ricky clearly stated that he will only make a HK product with HK characteristics, like HK style milk tea.
The scriptwriter and producer are from NowTV, so Queen is still a NowTV series.
And I doubt that you have watched it. It has the HK smell quite strong, except that the screen and outfit are Chinese like, which mean stunning looking, beautiful color and classy. The background of the gong also looks great and elegant. Much better than the fake gong and yellow color in current TVB series. Comparing its quality to current TVB series, I will say it is at least 3 times better.
To me, any show that is filmed in Mandarin is not a Hong Kong show. I heard the Cantonese dubbing doesn’t even use the original HK actor’s voice. I have looked at the previews and the show looks nothing like a HK production. If nowTV continues on this path, they will not gain much traction.
Ok, it is up to how you describe it. In my opinion, what language they filmed in is not as important as what they do with the script.
Btw, NowTV is actually gaining a lot of success with Queen. It 3 times higher than any series aired in NowTV before. The amount of downloader through Now app for this series is 4 times higher than usual. So it gained a lot of attraction so far.
I really hope TVB goes do productions that are for the HK/China market because doing so they will lose the HK market to HKTV. China has plenty of great production companies so TVB will end up with productions that do not fit either market.
TVB doesnt have good scriptwriters right now, it is their biggest trouble. However, they still have their position in HK market and also other markets which HKTV will need at least 10 more years to reach. If TVB can have better scriptwriters, they will stay strong.
Btw, TVB is like staying in their past. The filming screen is still as yellow as 20 years ago and it makes their series look ridiculous when coming to HD. HKTV is having the same problem with the color adjustment to make their series too dark, sometimes give me an eye-sore. Just look at the Chinese series for how beautiful the color can be.
The only series that’s being filmed with dark cinematography is the Election and that’s deliberate. Everything else they’ve filmed has been very bright and vibrant in terms of colours.
TVB is #1 just because of their exposure but they really need to be careful because if they keep treading water and keep producing the same type of shows for the next 10-15 years, they’re going to lose that 18-49 demographic.
Im watching Once upon a song and the color is still very dark. If TVB series are yellowish, HKTV series are brownish.
As for the problems with the current drama, I think that is why Ricky decided after the first series of dramas were made that new drama productions would require a pilot before going into full production just like in the US and stars will need to do an addition for parts. Even big stars. Obviously, he was not fully happens with all the work and wanted to pursue even better work. Hope he gets a chance to manage to creation the best work HK television work in the future. HK has always had talent, but there is no system today to nurture that talent, especially at TVB. Given the opportunity, the best will join HKTV if given the platform is viable or they get a free to air license.
Ep15 ended with cliffhangers galore. Can’t wait for more of “The Election”.
Just give HKTV their TV license already pleeeeeease.