2013 Sexiest Woman Alive in China Award @ JayneStars

Who is the Sexiest Woman Alive in China? Your vote will decide!

Participate in JayneStars.com’s fun poll, which includes 90 female celebrities from Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan. Vote every day to support your favorite sexy lady! Poll ends on Monday, January 13, 2014!

Voting Rules

  1. Press “VOTE” button next to the name of the female celebrity of your choice.  You will receive a confirmation message on the screen indicating your vote has been tabulated.
  2. Each person can place ONE vote per 24 hours. The voting cycle is exactly 24 hours; if you try to place vote even one minute before the full 24-hour voting cycle, you will not be able to do so.
  3. You can vote every day for a different candidate.
  4. The poll will end on Monday, January 13, 2014 midnight EST. All votes placed before the deadline will be tabulated. The winner and complete voting results will be announced then.
Why are the Live Voting Results Not Displayed?
To minimize the impact of voter psychology and voting bias, JayneStars.com decided to only display the complete voting results at the conclusion of the poll. We assure that the results are fair and representative of the sampling population on our site.
How the Candidates Were Selected

Our site does not endorse any specific artists.  JayneStars.com’s 7-member Nomination Committee (consisting of our news writers and Advisory Committee members) drafted a preliminary list of celebrities for the “2013 Sexiest Woman Alive in China Award.” Only the celebrities that were approved by at least 4 of our Nomination Committee members were included in the final poll, ensuring the hottest women only!

Code of Conduct

Please exercise respect and tolerance.  You are free to leave comments supporting your favorite male celebrity.  As this poll is celebratory in nature, please refrain from posting any negative comments or hateful remarks towards other celebrities and fans. If detected, they will be deleted.

The voting progress of this poll will be monitored. If any sudden large increases in voting activity suggest spam voting, the votes will be disqualified.

Spread the Word

Tell friends and fans about JayneStars.com’s “2013 Sexiest Woman Alive in China Award” through forums, Facebook, Twitter, fan sites and other social sites! More participation equals more representative results! Enjoy voting in the poll!

[poll id=15]

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  1. my top 5 are
    selena li
    ha ji won
    charmaine sheh
    liu yi fei
    son ye jin
    dark horses
    jessica b
    heidi lee

      1. @ msxie why u busting my chops.
        This is my top 5.I didn’t state my Chinese top 5.
        i wish there was a Chinese AND Asian women poll including North East Asian and South East Asian women celebrities.

      1. Yes Qiao En is versatile!!

        She is pretty and sexy too!
        Might be people too used too her drama role, but actually the girl is sexy too! You need to see her pictures someone posted before and her Ladies Bra advert MV 😀
        Btw the pic corner is hott

      2. Thx momo! Just googled Joe Chen n oooooo shes a D cup original wowwwww

  2. Hope kate wins! vote for KATE 徐子珊 !! She’s sexy, pretty, talented, an all-rounder!! <3

      1. my top five female are
        1. Celicia liu
        2. Sharon Chan
        3. Tavia Yeung
        4. Yuan shan shan
        5. Shirley Yeung

  3. @Jayne, just wondering why the pictures for the corner of the page only feature some of the contestants? Doesn’t that seem unfair to those that didn’t get a feature?
    I think it should be interchanging to all the contestant’s so that they get a fair share of publicity for the vote!

    1. Alex,
      As there are 90 contestants in the poll, it would be difficult to feature all of them in the banner, so only select contestants were featured in the rotating banner.

  4. Who is the woman in the large photo on the right hand corner used to advertise this vote? is she in the running or just and advertisement for the voting?

  5. I know she won’t win this contest, up against all the cutesy newcomers, but … I just watched Zhang Ziyi in ‘The Grandmaster’ and it is obvious why her performance has received international acclaim. She inherited the crown from Gong Li and she wears it still. Beauty, talent … whatever other traits you want to name, she is still #1.

    1. Carmen,
      The Sexiest Woman Alive poll will end tonight at 12 midnight EST, so the winner will be announced shortly once all the results are in.

      1. Hi Jayne, for next year, can we pls have the time counter for re-vote on a set 24hrs (say midnight everyday)? Instead of 24hrs from my last vote? Because it’s dumb and inconvenient and not fair?

      2. Little fishy,
        Your suggestion for the time counter reset will be taken into consideration.

  6. Lol the winner for the male competion is still… 🙂 he is cute but… So I hope the winner for the female one will be somewhat deserving

  7. Wow, the top 6 winners are TVB fadans. I guess there are more fans on this website supporting TVB actresses/drama series.

  8. Congratulation Kate!
    She’s truly the sexiest in my eyes. Appearance is not necessary the only factor for her sexiest, the way she carries herself is another crucial factor as well

  9. Yeah… JOE CHEN list in Top 10 !!!

    Not bad, as Jaynestars flooded by TVB fans..

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