Anthony Wong and Astrid Chan’s Fight Comes to an End

Anthony Wong (黃秋生), who is running for president of the Hong Kong Performing Artistes Guild, has been in a heated argument with Astrid Chan (陳芷菁). Anthony was intolerant of the policies and procedures of the Guild, and criticized Astrid for upholding them. Upset by the insults, Astrid resigned from her post as secretary of the Guild.

Astrid said, “I resigned. I will not stay in the position [even if they asked me to]. I have been in the Guild for seven to eight years. It’s time to leave.” Astrid admitted that she was one of the 30 nominees for president, but does not believe in her winning chances. After leaving from her secretarial post, she will remain as a member and help out when needed.

Although both Astrid and Anthony were present at Sir Run Run Shaw’s (邵逸夫) memorial service yesterday, they avoided each other at the event.  When reporters asked if Anthony saw Astrid, he bluntly stated, “I came here to give my respect, not to say hi to her. I saw Eric Tsang (曾志偉) earlier, and he told me [to go to the Guild]. I’ll just wait until the Guild has figured out their internal operations and I will apply to be a member through my lawyer. I will make sure to fill out the applications and follow proper procedure. Right now, it’s still their call, not my business.”

As for reports stating that Astrid would quit if Anthony were made president, the actor angrily implied that matters are still in the early stages, and therefore it is useless to speak about the future possibilities.

Anthony later uploaded a message on his blog, and said that the arguments have been settled after discussing with Astrid on the phone. Astrid also said that working with Anthony in the past was pleasant and has moved on from the situation.


This article is written by Su for

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    1. Smart move for Astrid to just get out of the way……….she’s treading way out of her low-level league and going head on with the big boys will only cause her piddly and dwindling tv career even more harm.

      1. I don’t think Astrid’s tv career is dwindling. She may not be acting in many serials but she is one of TVB’s top host. She is one of the anchor hosts of Today’s VIP and is emcee at various big events for TVB together with the likes of Liza Wang and Carol Cheng. Astrid has also hosted TVB events overseas and in 2006-2007, she has her own column in a HK newspaper.

      2. Agree. Astrid is one of the top hosts of TVB. She can speak fluent English, Cantonese and Mandarin. There are not that many good hosts who are as good as Astrid. Astrid’s mother tongue is Mandarin. She was raised in Toronto, and now lives in Hong Kong. She chooses not to film drama series only due to long filming hours.

      3. Host, yes, actress no. From my memory she was never huge as an actress.

      4. The ‘big boys’ are always the ones crying like little babies. Perhaps a so-called head on would knock them off their high horses for once. If we’re lucky, the big boys will start behaving themselves and start acting like boys (not men, they’re not there yet) instead of brats.

      5. Big boys are “immature” and make fools of themselves. They don’t make good leaders.

  1. im curious who have called who,if anthony called astrid then im happy,it means he put his ego away and has forgiven astrid. this shows his gentle side the ability to solve problem. a true leader.

    1. You don’t seriously believe that someone who just threw a tantrum in public so recently could change overnight and suddenly become that mature, do you? If he had the ability to discuss calmly, he should have done so in the beginning. Furthermore, if things really had been resolved smoothly, then Astrid wouldn’t be wanting to resign now, would she.

      1. yes i believe he could,because this issue is based on a misunderstanding and eric tsang already cleared the air for them it will be just immature if he had continued his anger towards asrtid.and i think he is smart enough to end this for his own sake.

  2. It seems like everything is working out in Anthony’s favor since he is having a lot of people join the guild just to vote for him and now Astrid has resigned as well. With all this noise about him becoming president, guild members may be afraid to vote against him and be a target of his temper. This incident shows why Anthony would not make a good president, so hopefully there is a better nominee that other people will vote for… maybe Michael Miu instead?

    1. I think Astrid made a right decision to resign before the new president is elected (just in case Anthony gets elected). She is more classy to resign now than after.

      1. i think its too bad if astrid really want to resign for this issue,its a misunderstanding and if anthony have said sorry why can’t she moved on too? everybody can make mistake’s the point is to know how to fix it. i hope eric and anthony will convince her to stay on her post.

      2. Do you think Anthony Wong will apologize first? I really doubt it.

      3. i dont know but i hope so,the most important is the fact that astrid said “working with anthony was pleasant in the past and has moved on the situation” this is totally a different tone from a few days ago,so lets hope she will remain,because this incident isnt worth it to resign.

  3. Anthony sounds like a bully and even if he gets elected i don’t think he will last long.

  4. Is the nomination list public? I am really curious who has put in their president application.

  5. wow, this guy never stop making headline, last time with Show luo then with Chapman To and now with Astrid? We are talking within the span of one year time line. I thought as a president you suppose to be calm, cold headed and composed? No?. He doesn’t have this quality. I am sensing he is the person who always it’s his way or no way. I forever remember him as a psycho in char siu bau doesn’t matter what role he played Lol..

    1. Is this the type of President HK Actors Guild should have or need? How sad.

      1. Good luck to the future of the Hong Kong Performing Artistes Guild (especially if Anthony Wong is elected as President)!!!

        In terms of acting, Anthony is good. In terms of being the president of a big association, we will have to see ……………..

      2. i heard that maria cordero is in the race too for the presidentship,she make a good chance according to the tabloids.

  6. Way to.go Astrid. Stand your ground, make a decision and move on.

  7. I hope he never wins. That will be a lesson to him as a big bully. Some more fighting with a woman. Sheesh…I want to see his total embarrassment day comes.

  8. i hope anthony wong won’t get elected, the ladies will have a hard time, maybe need to go to bed with him to get work, btw, observe the way he treats astrid

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