Edison Chen as Mental Patient in “Running” MV

After completing the recording for his new song “Mr. Sandman” earlier, Edison Chen Koon Hei has followed up with a new title, “Running.” Both of these songs will be released under his new album, Confusion. As the details of the new songs were revealed to the public, fans became increasingly eager to purchase copies of Edison ’s new album.
After a three-year hiatus, Edison Chen has returned to the music industry. Through his music, Edison hoped to share his mentality over the past two years and did not want to be misunderstood by the public. Edison wrote the lyrics to all the songs in the Confusion album in English and recruited his friend, MC Hotdog to translate the lyrics into Chinese. As a result, the songs reveal the stories that Edison wanted to share the most in its most honest form.
Running Away from Life’s Problems
Two years ago in he United States, Edison wrote the lyrics to the song “Running” to depict his new found love for running. The activity helped him leave behind troubling problems. Seven days a week, he ran for more than an hour each day. When his girlfriend asked him why he ran every day, Edison began to think about the issue. Edison felt that problems had swept over him in a powerful rush, thus he chose to run ahead, yet it was also running to escape from the issue. For his own life and his career, Edison finally chose to face the root of the problem. Edison joked, “Thinking back, I lead a very healthy lifestyle in the United States at the time.”
To match the lyrics of the song, the director of the music video requested Edison run in the cold weather in the middle of the night, running non-stop for fifteen kilometers. Since the shooting took place in the hillside, the air was thin and Edison was overcome with hypoxia and turned pale. Edison had to ask the director for a short rest to regain his breath.
In addition to the running footage, Edison wore a strait jacket and portrayed a mental patient. The scenes symbolized his desire to break away, yet he was confined. However, his positive energy eventually overcame his inner demons when he broke free in the final scene of the music video. Edison spoke highly of his “Running” music video, “I am excited this MV filmed me in a hot blooded manner. I look forward to sharing my music with everyone and hope everyone will like it.”
Jayne: Edison Chen is finally back in the music scene. I think he will be filming movies shortly again. I do think there is a film market out there for him.
he wasn’t well-liked by me prior to all the scandals and i doubt he will ever be liked by me in the future.
we shall see.
The title of the Album is Confusion and his MV is about a mental patient? This is like a marketing strategy to earn back his fans. I don’t hate nor dislike Edison. In fact, he just like any other dude who just happened to get caught doing what any other dudes would have done if they had the opportunity. Sex addiction? WTF is that? Any guys would willing to bang any hot chicks as many as possible. If they are caught, they are labelled with such disease. Ofcourse, i don’t support his sexcapades but again what he does is none of anyone business. Back to what at hand, his tactic is like the same Chris Brown employed. When you run out of money to spend, you desperately will stoop to any level to get back on that lavish lifestyle you once had.
I will never see a movie starring him even if i like the movie/plot. He makes me sick
What Edison achieved in that scandal was every guys dream, good job Edison. Welcome back!
so true!
Ehh. Never been an Edison fan, never will be, especially after his much publicized sexcapade. His sex-life is his business, however, I didn’t like or respect the way he handled the situation. I definitely felt the girls handled it with much more grace and dignitiy.
My dislike for him may be due more to prejudice because the guy has a naturally cocky and arrogant facial feature with an attitude to back it up. The scandal doesn’t help matters either. His acting so far (up until the scandal) is so so with some notable improvement which alas did not reach its peak with the heavily hyped appearance in The Dark Knight where not even a quarter of his face made it on screen.
Perhaps this MV is an audition on his part for a role as an inmate of Arkham Aylum.
I’m still trying to figure what Edison that was wrong? So he slept with a bunch of girls… so? It’s not like it was coerced. THAT would definitely have changed the picture. They willingly slept with him and consented to the pictures.
As for how he handled the scandal – he apologised to the girls, right? They pictures were stolen from his computer, he didn’t release them to humiliate the girls. He took a break (willingly or not) from the public life so people could get over it. Whether he had deleted the pictures or not, really does matter to me. Guys have porn collections and pictures they buy/download, he got it for free. His (sexual) mentality is no more different from millions of guys, so people can get off their high horse. Any girls who think otherwise, and is now “disgusted” by him is kidding themselves.
Personally, I’m not a fan of his music and think his acting is pretty mediocre. But what I didn’t like was how he was crucified while the girls were victimised and how he became public enemy no. 1. There are plenty of mediocre singers and actors on the HK market, one more or less won’t make a difference.
Word. So so so word.
Sorry, just noticed a bunch of typos!
I’m still trying to figure what Edison did that was wrong? He slept with a bunch of girls… so? It’s not like it was coerced. THAT would definitely have changed the picture. They willingly slept with him and consented to the pictures.
As for how he handled the scandal – he apologised to the girls, right? The pictures were stolen from his computer, he didn’t release them to humiliate the girls. He took a break (willingly or not) from the public life so people could get over it. Whether he had deleted the pictures or not, really doesn’t matter to me. Guys have porn collections and pictures they buy/download, he got it for free. His (sexual) mentality is no more different from millions of guys, so people can get off their high horse. Any girls who think otherwise, and is now “disgusted” by him is kidding themselves.
Personally, I’m not a fan of his music and think his acting is pretty mediocre. But what I didn’t like was how he was crucified while the girls were victimised and how he became public enemy no. 1. There are plenty of mediocre singers and actors on the HK market, one more or less won’t make a difference.
@ Advo
The things you said are basically correct. He’s a victim too. He’s not the one who put the pictures on the internet. Even if he has taken the precaution and deleted the pictures before sending it in for repair, they can be recovered by just a simple software. So, he’s a victim too. Or if the problem is so serious that he can’t even get into OS to delete the pictures. He also can be blamed.
But, what I blamed him for is him keeping the naked pictures of his supposedly good friend’s wife. What kind of friend is that. Nic is supposed to be his best buddy. After Nic married Cecilia, he still kept her naked pictures?!
@ Kidd
But we don’t know for sure the pictures weren’t deleted.
I do agree with you though, that if he really did keep that kind of pictures around of his so-called best friend’s wife – it doesn’t reflect well on him. I really don’t know how close he and Nic were. I think I’ve probably liked a couple of Edison’s songs when he first came out and have seen a couple of his movies. But otherwise, I don’t follow his news or him. It just really irked me how he was crucified and people completely overlooked how the pictures were actually STOLEN property.
Edison was never known as a good friend to have anyway. He also once fought with Shawn Yue over something so not a surprise for him to keep naked pictures of a friend’s wife.
His singing and acting are very mediocre but he makes a good businessman
@ Vivien
How do you know it was Edison’s fault? I mean, I don’t know either, but I’d just like to know how you can be so certain that it was Edison’s fault and not Shawn? Especially, since you didn’t even say what it was they fought over?
How can we be certain it is Shawn’s fault and not Edison’s? Which is why one must have good character. When you have questionable character, everything you do becomes questionable.
I agreee with Advo. How can we be certain it’s Edison’s fault. After the photo scandal people put all kind of faults on Edison. Every person has flaws and virtues. Just because he has some bad characteristic, doesn’t mean he’s bad in everything.
Btw, this has been in my mind a long time. Now that we talk about blaming Edison, this pops into my mind again. In Cecilia’s interview, she said the media didn’t harm/hurt them, only Edison hurt them because Edison didn’t contact them personality to apologise and didn’t handle the aftermath well. I think this was a very well thought out speech. During the incident, the media reported it on their front page, posting huge copies of the obscene pictures on the papers (albeit censored ones). They reported it for days and keep on reporting as long as there’s new pictures coming up. The media didn’t hurt them? I believe Cecilia didn’t want to cut the bridge between her and the media and want to maintain good relationship with them. So, she just put all the blame on Edison.
Maybe both are just hot-headed. They were fighting a few years ago in the backstage of some awards and I remember it made into the news because they have to be pulled back by Hacken and Edison’s sister.
Of course the media spice it up by harping that they were fighting because of love over Gillian Chung. Back then I totally don’t believe this Gillian rumour but now I’m not sure anymore.
Its amazing how every time Edison name is mentioned people jump right back to who’s to blame for the scandal? Well, no one is to blame. They all were victims and Edison has the right to make a comeback just like the women. Its a shame he has to make a comeback in Taiwan or China instead of Hong Kong because people having a hard time getting over something that happened 3 years ago. I am not a fan of Edison but I do wish him good luck in his career. Though I wish he debuted with something better than . I seriously can’t stand that song. Hopefully will get the industry attention in a big way.
Nelly, victims of what? Utter stupidity? That’s their own fault. Carelessness? Again their own fault. Hypocrisy? Again their own fault. I feel it is right he is finding it hard to make a comeback because these days things are too easy for something so stupid. He should suffer consequences and whilst fans may forgive, they have long memory. Just because you sing, you act well, and all that talk of private is private, public is public, he and everyone must understand some actions have consequences. THe ladies may be victims but it is time everybody realises whatever you do even for a kick at this moment will bear huge consequences in future. These days all these celebrities and even ordinary folks have no qualms of acting in their home made porn films. Yes, those are private stuff, but they remain private until someone leak it and someone will.I think he is brave to make a comeback and since he is so keen, being level headed and hardworking will serve him well. That scandal will teach him about personal responsibilities and not act like a perverted idiot, or at least act like a smart perverted idiot and use an external hard drive the next time.
It is these young reckless celebrities who makes young impressionable fans think posing nude for their boyfriends or boyfriends filming every single sex session like some AV movie is ok. I am not a prude and I do believe what you do in your own bedroom is your business but Edison and gang just makes it so easy, so simple to emulate. I am happy there is at least a moral code in HK then but believe me, if he keeps his head down, give fantastic performances, eventually his sincerity to better himself as an entertainer and as a man will win over the hearts of fans. Not some nonsense that private is private or that time has passes being the reason but a legitimate one.
Victims of the fact that some idiot posted their private life on the internet without their permission. Yes what they did was stupid as hell but treating them all like something that fell from the bottom of your shoe is unacceptable. I’m sorry but I wouldn’t feel right with myself if I downgraded someone because of what they did in their private life. This huge mess is a big lesson for all of them. The only thing that is left for them to do is to pick themselves up and start over which Gillian and Cecilia has already done now its Edison turn.
@ Kidd
I didn’t know Cecilia had said that – and I definitely agree with your assessment. I actually think several of the girls did the same – blaming Edison, so they would be perceived as victims.
@ Funn
They were all victims – women and Edison – of a crime because the pictures were stolen. Was it caused by their own stupidity too? Probably, but I stand by that what people do in private is their own business. Sure, being a celebrity comes with a price, but this is crossing the line.
As for his comeback – it wouldn’t be necessary if he hadn’t been crucified in the first place. As for the stuff about hard work and good performances – his fame was never really built on that, was it? It was mainly built on his looks + a huge fanbase of teenager girls. I honestly don’t care. If I don’t like what he produces, I just won’t buy it.
@ VivienHow do you know it was Edison’s fault? I mean, I don’t know either, but I’d just like to know how you can be so certain that it was Edison’s fault and not Shawn? Especially, since you didn’t even say what it was they fought over?
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him – I personally never cared about the scandal, it was just unfortunate for all those invovled that their privacy was interefered with. However, what I dislike about him is how he dealt with the whole incident. Whilst Gillian decided (bravely and heroically, admirably too) to face the matter, he chose to hide and avoid it. He only later held the press conference when arugably he had no other route to go down. For that I lost the respect for him.
It wasn’t what he did, but how he dealt with what he did.
If someone sent a bullet to you, you’d be scared too. Just saying.