Gigi Lai Checks Out of Hospital After Giving Birth

After giving birth to twin girls on July 24th, Gigi Lai Chi checked out of Canossa Hospital yesterday. Gigi was accompanied by TVB executive, Virginia Lok Yi Ling and ten security guards. Wearing a low-cut white dress and slippers, Gigi waved happily to reporters. She revealed that her older twin daughter had already returned home, while her younger daughter will be discharged later [due to her low birth weight].
Depending on her own state, Gigi revealed that she will be attempting breast feeding and using baby formula. Asked whether the twin girls have been named yet, Gigi said that her husband, Patrick Ma Ting Keung, will be deciding on the matter. At this time, Gigi said that she is not interested in pursuing a son.
Source: Singtao
Jayne: Gigi looks a little tired, but most of the baby weight seems to be gone already! Guess we will have to patiently wait for the photos of her twin daughters!