Kelly Chen Pregnant with Twins!

At a Disneyland promotional event earlier, Kelly Chen Wai Lam announced that she was three months pregnant with twins! Kelly revealed that her second pregnancy was achieved through in vitro fertilization. As Kelly will soon turn thirty-nine, she admitted that she wanted to have her second child before turning forty-years old. Allegedly, it was easier for a woman to conceive the second time. However, that was not the case for Kelly and her doctor advised her to undergo in vitro fertilization.
Kelly became anxious after learning that she was carrying twins in her second pregnancy. When she was pregnant with her first son, her belly bulged forth as if it were to burst open. Since Kelly worked throughout her first pregnancy, will she be doing the same during her second pregnancy? Kelly said her work schedule will depend on the state of her pregnancy and size of her growing belly. Kelly did not know the sex of her babies yet, but hoped that she was carrying at least one girl.
Source: the Sun
Jayne: Congratulations to Kelly! She looks beautiful as always and I lost track of her age. She looks wonderful at 38.
Btw, in the last article, there were rumors that Kelly’s husband, Alex did not want her to work. Whether the rumor was true or not, some readers wondered what job Alex holds and who made more money. In a tabloid magazine I skimmed, Alex’s father has a profitable peanut business. I believe Alex may have worked in Public Relations before working for the family business recently.
Congrats to Kelly! I’m glad she was upfront and honest that she got artificial insemination to avoid media speculations and rumors later on. I’m not sure if she’ll stop working since she loves her job, but I do notice that she is appearing less on TV now compared to before. I used to see her on Scoop and those other shows a lot. Is she part of one of those record companies affected with the royalty disputes?
I think it’s IVF (In vitro fertilisation), not artificial insemination.
Anyway, congrats to Kelly!
Sehseh, thanks I’ll make the correction when I get the chance. Artificial insemination seems to be used when the is lack of a male partner and they have to use sperm banks.
WoW twins? That’s very neat. I hope one of the babies is a girl for Kelly also! Perhaps then her “mission” might be complete lol. Reminds me of a couple I know personally that ended up with five boys before finally getting that last precious little girl lol.
Hopefully, that won’t be the case here.
Congrats to Kelly. I like her. She is seems very honest and upfront. She doesn’t seem to be afraid of the stigma that most Chinese celebrities seem to have.
I was rather surprised to read artificial insemination since surely her husband can you know.. anyway it must be IVF and it almost always results in twins doesn’t it? She is one of those who looks very beautiful being pregnant.