Gigi Leung’s “Little Princess” is a Beauty

First-time mother Gigi Leung (梁詠琪) has been thrilled since the moment she held newborn daughter Sofia. The baby girl was nicknamed “Little Princess” due to her adorable looks, a mixture of Gigi and father Sergio Crespo Gutes‘s best features. Measuring over 19 inches tall at birth, Sofia also inherited her parents’ long legs.
Slowing down her work schedule in the past three years to prepare for motherhood, Gigi was ecstatic when she discovered she was pregnant last year. Although Gigi endured a lot of discomfort during her first pregnancy as well as painful labor, she said all the sacrifices were worth it.
Gigi recalled the moment Sofia was brought into the world, “When she came out, she was crying very loudly. But when the nurse gave her to me to hold, Sofia quieted immediately and kept looking at me with her large eyes. At that moment, my husband and I were so touched that we were unable to speak.”
Treasuring her new baby girl, Gigi could not help but gush when talking about Sofia. Gigi expressed, “Sofia is different every single day. One day, she is like a girl and the next, she’ll look like a boy. Today, she may look Chinese and the next, she’ll look mixed. It changes every day and I think it’s so cute!”
Source: Ming Pao
This article is written by Su for
Such delicate features! Sofia is really cute!
I’m am so happy for this couple! My most favorite couple ever!
so cuteee!
i love mix baby (:
very beautiful baby. the labour is all worth it.
Really cute baby wonder what her Chinese name will be.
Cute.. Another Chinese reject. Don’t like mix
What’s wrong with a mixed baby? There are a lot of people who are of a mixed race and turn out to be a great person. Karen Mok and Sonjia Kwok are mixed and I don’t see anyone rejecting them. And it seems like you dislike a lot of people because of someone who is a mixed background. What a pity.
Maybe she will grow up to be Miss HK like Michelle Reis or marry someone like Jay Chou n.n
why do you have an English name if you dislike ‘mix?’
What does having an English name have anything to do with being biracial? Almost like saying, if you don’t like Asian people, then don’t use fireworks, paper money, compass, since they’re all invented by the Chinese.
Yea what wrong with mixed individuals? I find them to be beautiful and exotic-looking.
Some are pretty average or not great looking. It really depends 🙂 mix babies will be the norm in the future to the point where pure breed will be rarer, simply because we are currently very mobile (no difficulty in transport from 1 place to another), and our society is more open to cross marriages. So you will be in great dislike if you don’t change your mindset 🙂
The second part is to David, not you, Heidi 🙂
Another troll >.>
Gigi already had a baby. Why about best friend Charlie Yeung? Both are good actresses and humble. I like their acting and also their down to earth personal life.
How come no one commented on how fugly the guy is? Oh right…he’s white, so he’s alright.
you must be ugly too (in character and looks) to be commenting on someone else’s
Just contrasting the amount of people posting similar comments as mine when discussing Wong Cho Lam and Leanne Li to none here. Wong Cho Lam got many fugly comments vs this white guy who got one.
That’s ugly? Please, you’re too ashamed to show your own face. Your jealousy is showing.
I think Asians (less so in HK), but particularly Japanese, Thais and Filipinos, tend to look up to/idolize whites too much – if you’re white, you’re alright. Hence, the popularity of sexpats to many Asian countries.
We are all ugly lol
ok no offense but babies are often really ugly for the first month or so until their wrinkles fills in. hate me if you want, but i find it true in many cases.
I agree. First born babies are usually not very attractive until a few months later when they start to develop and you see more of their features.
Baby is ugly in photo, I never really find baby is pretty or cute. Even the first impression I got from the baby isn’t great either, however, after 5mins, that would change as it would start doing cute things xD so yea, if I was to comment on someone baby by just looking at photo, I would say ugly, too :p
Sofia is super cute and the name match her very well! Super happy for the two of them!!!