Him Law Rises Above Violent Past; Answers Burning Questions On Tavia Yeung

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Last August, when Theresa Fu (傅穎) revealed severe bruises on her buttocks and claimed that Him Law (羅仲謙) hit her, his world almost came shattering down. Violent boyfriend. Cheater in love involved with 13 women at the same time. Many female viewers were especially outraged by the allegations; Him had purportedly committed two of the worst sins a man was capable of.
His and her tears followed. Many people speculated that Him’s career was over. However, the outcome was substantially different than originally foreseen. The former lovers were both managed by Filmko, who saw greater prospects in Him Law. Theresa Fu was “exiled” to Beijing, while Him Law acted in a theatrical performance in a gay role, My Basic Life <我的基本生活>.
Rising Above Violent Past
Him had initially apologized for unintentionally hurting Theresa in their physical argument at the outset of the scandal last August. However, in a recent interview with Face Magazine, Him stated, “The past is the past, but I can tell you that a person cannot clap with one hand. Both of us were accountable. No one completely distanced themselves from the incident. It is a record that will follow you for the rest of your life. After the incident, I felt as if I had matured. At one point, I thought that this incident would wipe out my previous efforts!”
Grateful for the current opportunities he possessed, Him deflected further questions regarding his scandal with Theresa Fu. Him purported that he was currently less naive and will handle situations with much more flexibility. He thanked his friends for helping him get through one of the lowest points in his career.
A “Chick Magnet”?
After Theresa claimed that Him had cheated in their love relationship, tabloids quickly speculated that he possessed as many as 13 girlfriends, dating several at the same time! Mandy Wong (黃智雯), Chrissie Chau (周秀娜), Carol Yeung (楊梓瑤), and even Gemma Choi (蔡慧欣) were linked to Him Law! However, Him appeared shocked and claimed the tabloids were false, “The tabloids linked to all of my past costars. I wondered if anyone would believe this report?”
Him attempted to explain the origins of the press painting an image of him as a player, “Perhaps I have many romantic rumors because I am a talkative person with women. I love to joke around. Aside from women, I have many friends, including new friends I met at TVB. I cannot accept dating a dozen women at one time. Even if it were only 2 or 3 women at once, I do not have the money, time and strength to do so!”
To avoid future rumors, Him noted that he had learned how to retain his distance from female stars. He will continue to attend normal social activities, but stated that he will not ask women out in one-on-one meetings to avoid misunderstandings.
Him Law: “I Do Not Mind Dating An Older Woman!”
Months after the physical beating scandal, Him escaped entirely from his “physically violent past.” Him did not dwell on whether he was lucky or not, treasuring only this moment. Him’s popularity rose quickly due to the current broadcast of TVB drama, The Hippocratic Crush <On Call 36小時>, which romantically linked him with rumored girlfriend, Tavia Yeung (楊怡)!
Everyone possessed a burning curiosity as to whether Him Law and Tavia Yeung were truly dating. As reported by Face Magazine, Him stated, “We are friends and do not avoid each other. We met up for meals, but tabloids exaggerated the scope of the situation. We had numerous scenes together in The Hippocratic Crush and we have a lot of conversational topics. As to whether we will develop further, I will let nature run its course.”
Him appeared to be open minded as to the type of women he would date and did not mind if his girlfriend were older than him, “Love will not have age boundaries; I will not reject it as long as the communication works.” Hoping to retain a measure of privacy regarding his personal relationships, Him’s answer left room for imagination as to whether he was truly dating Tavia Yeung.
Jayne: Him’s popularity indeed seems to be climbing due to “The Hippocratic Crush.” Do you think that he is truly beyond his “violent man” image already?
Him Him is too cute! Tavia and her nose doesn’t deserve this cute guy 🙁
No one knows what Him is really like, and if he’s still violent, i suggest tavia not date him
He’ll fix that nose of hers. =P
Email TY and ask her directly :P: “Hello TY, how is Him Him? Does he beat you?”
Him or is it He should keep his hands to Himself.
Doe Fu or foo deserve a spank or war-sick SM?
I think tavia chased Him Him by supporting and comforting him in his time of need. He must’ve been grateful and really fell for her. How else can u explain Him denying she got her nose done? Love is blind, I guess.
Everytime tavia drinks something in THC, I keep expecting her nose to hit the cup. So distracting.
U only expect her nose to hit the cup? I expect her to drown everytime she drinks! LOL
I wonder if her nose will get broken if he hits her in a fit of rage??
I think we should be fair to cutie pie Him Him and take his side of the story too and not blindly believe all what Theressa accused him
Him is quite likable in THC but it’s hard to overlook the scandal. Theresa might’ve pushed his buttons but he is still accountable for his temper and actions. He’s lucky his career survived this.
BTW, his chest looks like a B-cup there. Almost need to censor the pic by putting stars over his nipples.
Theresa don’t look like classy girl with her lengmo image. I suspect something wrong in her claims since she hid the incident for a while. If you are brutally beaten you will go to cops straight away
If you’re blinded by love, your initial thoughts is to protect that person. I honestly prefer Him Law over Theresa BY MILES, but we can’t assume anything because we don’t really know what happened.
ROFL I still don’t know what value Theresa has in the entertainment in industry when Him is like the LF of his generation LOL
The power of handsomeness.
Have you been fair to Theresa and Amigo?
In my opinion, a guy who is violent will always be violent. It’s in-born character. He might be able to control for a period of time, but he can’t change the character in himself. In Chinese saying, if he ever lands his hand on you (girl)even for once, then she should really consider the future with him; coz’ it’s not gonna be the only 1 time. Of course, we being women, there many of us who are willingly to accept the consequences.
It depends i.e. his violent urge might not be something he was born with but due to other social factors like upbringing, friends, environment etc.
Or maybe he is sick and needs medical attention, LOL.
I never thought he is of that violent image anyway. From what I read, he reacted in perhaps same force as the woman did. And it was one time. Hardly violent.
Oh this is like the first time I comment here. =/ Him denied Tavia’s plastic nose just because he can accept plastic surgery! uh uh! Not like it’s an issue except it is freakin distracting.
But regardless the violent news on Him & Theresa for the past years I’ve been supporting Him Law for quite sometime. To me.. Theresa is always the “news maker”. Him might actually act a lil violent towards Theresa but I guess it was because Theresa act the same way too? I mean all these kinda things will happen. I don’t think he’s those type that is born violent. =/ I might be bias tho. heh.
Agreed with most above. His image hardly violent and if he accidentally beat Theresa because she push his patience too much it’s more accidental.use of force than violence.
Amigo Chui I believe is violent. Everytime he appears I feel like punching his arrogant talentless face.
hahaha.. Idk. Amigo didn’t look violent to me but the things he did was -___-. I literally went speechless.
In a relationship these kinda push and aggressive actions will occur during an argument. I’m sure you guys know it.
I hope Him don’t disappoint fans that supports him! Don’t wanna hear news on he’s hitting whoever whoever again.
LOL, vivien you asking us to give Him another choice because he’s cutie pie and Amigo is violent because of his looks 😛 Too biased 😛
LOL Nicole don’t you think Him Him is cute and bubbly in THC? When Amigo come back on screen I will always remember the case and feel like hitting his cocky face
hahaha…. xD IMO, Amigo can really host music shows.
I got to agree Him is really cute and I kinda like how he speaks in interview and stuff. Idk.. to me.. he seems real and honest. Lastly, after watching THC. OH GOD. He’s my bias now.
Vivien, like I said, I haven’t watched beyond episode 2, so his character still being troublemaker LOL
ROFL Nicole if you watch more you will like Him Him. He makes the series ntertaining and funny in a cute and adorable way LOL. He always make you laugh. His acting is natural LOL. He’s surprising better than Mandy in this series. Mandy Wong why so wooden?
Vivien, why you call him Him Him like Tavia? LOL Give me the goosebumps. And I don’t want to see everyone Love the witch with the scary nose in the Show. Are they all blind? LOL
@Vivien: Because Amigo isn’t handsome enough? Lol, honesty I think Theressa has more bruises than Amigo’s girl, wat is her name? Elibette?
People seem eager to believe him only because he’s good looking. If this was the exact same scenario but with an uglier guy, people would not be so quick to believe him.
If you watch THC you will rethink about Him Him too. He looks adorable and energetic bubbly cutie pie and look clean in those white coats. He get along well with Kenneth and the patients too
Vivien, that is his character in show only 😛
Outside of it, he’s still HIMbo. lol
That’s acting. That’s what he’s supposed to do. That’s not real life.
Oh dear Him Him. When I watch THC, and how Tavia recjected him, I’d always imagine that he will fix Tavia’s nose in the show when he can’t take it anymore.
TVB should make a series for Amigo Tsui where is character is cute and very likable and adorable. His career will certainly be revived like Him Him. 😛
Not only TVB have to tailor made a series to revive Amigo’s career, TVB also have to help Amigo to look cute by offering tons of body pump up programs so girls will fall for him and forget about how bullish he was.
How to revive Amigo’s image:
1. Get Amigo a makeover .
2. Get Amigo an “adorable” SUPPORTING character in a drama.
2.1 Caution: A LEADING character will make viewers spat at him more, make it only SUPPORTING.
2.2 The character must be likeable and sympathetic. For example he can be a hardworking and loyal working class husband and a loving father to a little girl, working 12 hours a day to upgrade his living condition, but found his wife cheating behind him and leaving him for a wealthy family’s son, eaving him to care and love for his little daughter alone. He will have to cheer his daughter with cute funny scenes but at the same time viewers must be shown that his heart is bleeding inside. Women TV viewers often melt at the scene of a father and a little daughter. The girl must be cute and not annoying.
2.3 Crying scenes is risky. Amigo is new to acting and viewers might find he “tried too hard” to get sympathy. Make the sad scenes subtle without explicit tears.
PS : Remember to make Amigo pout often and make his eyes big so he can wink onscreen and girls will fall him..and his career will be revived w/o question 😀
Veejay, making his eyes “big” might be risky. Viewers might accuse him of “plastic surgery” and will increase the hate..hahaha
So true…LoL
@ Veejay
That is a great revival plan. 😀
Oops, sorry. Should be Masaharu.
@ Masaharu
That is a great career revival plan. 😀
Kidd, haha…
Veejay, I can’t imagine Jayne’s article will have an “Amigo Chui’s Facial Transformation”..heheh..Oh my gosh
I can also imagine Amigo having the same nose as TY and lookalike chin like LF.. or HXM.. (no offense if you’re LF’s fan) haha.
Then.. there will be plenty of LOOKALIKE dolls in HK until we can’t defer who is who.
You mean a plastic surgery article on Amigo Chiu’s facial transformation?
I think Amigo prides himself on his brains and body more (as a Taekwando expert) rather than facial beauty.
Anyway, the guy may have an a truly humbling in the pits experience for over a year. I sense that he is very grateful to be given another chance in love with Natalie and at work too.
Jayne, haha..personally I don’t think it will happen too 😛
Yeah..based on some reports that I stumbled through, there looks like a “deep feeling” between Natalie and Amigo.
Nah, at first must let Amigo has 6 packs. 6 packs have the magical power!
I think it’s because of how Him is behaving offscreen too. He’s cute in interviews and even during the incident with Theresa, he just appears solemn and regretful and didn’t attack Theresa vehemently.
He’s in the public eye. Of course he has to act regretful.
It sucks that the female is always the one that gets turned on just because she doesn’t have a bunch of fangirls defending them.
haha i agree with you. Him’s 6pack gets into plenty of women’s heart including the aunties here.
agreed Him in THC is very cute, his acting very natural. but not sure about his real personality, anyway he didn’t look like a violent person.
Him is quite cute in interviews and promo events too. This might be why he’s gaining lots of fans. He acts naturally cute onscreen and is cute offscreen too.
Exactly! AGREE! 😀
I guess people just forget about how brutal and violent Him was just because he’s CUTE.
Him Law has the potential to lead and make it in the movies as well..
He’s like the next Louis Koo since he’s leading in movies and TVB both. He already have a number of movies.
His movies are really lame chick flicks, though. His TV credits are much more promising than his film credits.
I would actually like to see Him doing some period dramas. Therefore, The Monkey King should be quite interesting.
Wat did he act in Monkey King?
@Fox – From what I know, yes. He’s credited in the trailer, which you can easily find on Youtube. But the movie’s not out yet.
wiki said Muzha.
Donnie is one of the leads and movie is Filmko’s big budget movie
I don’t know about this Monkey King movie. But, Muzha’s role in the legend is very small only. He’s the brother of Nezha.
Him is young only 28 and his resume already has more movies than many TVB actors. He has great potentials.
Ah Muzha. One of the brother of Nazha :). Good luck to Him Him.
Him him’s movies:
Mob Sister
Black Night
Eye in the Sky
Happy Funeral
Ocean Flame
See You In YouTube
Marriage with a Liar
Hong Kong Ghost Stories
Beach Spike
Love is the Only Answer
The Monkey King
Him him’s tv series:
Dressage to Win
Your Class or Mine
D.I.E. Again
Suspects in Love
Criminal Investigation
Wax and Wane
The Hippocratic Crush
Elite Brigade
Tiger Cubs
A Chip Off the Old Block II
He’s not lead in most of those movies you listed. In fact, his role in Mob Sister is very small only.
Only in ‘Marriage with a Liar’ he can be said to be truly lead. In Beach Spike and Youtube, he might be the male lead, but, the true leads are the girls.
So, comparing him to Louis Koo and saying he’s leading in movies and TVB is untrue. He has not even lead one TVB series.
He has acting skills and looks. If I’m TVB I will promote him. He has high potential to be the next leading siu sang in series and movies because he’s now popular in both.
So we should wait until when Him Him has a lead in a TV series and movie? Because in Marriage with a Liar he still has to share the lead with someone else.
I personally can never accept or justify any guy hitting a women intentionally. Its domestic violence and it already goes unnoticed in so many households. The fact that these celebrities are known for it and people think nothing of it is rather frustrating. A lot of my steam is coming from Chris Brown / Rihanna situation though.
“I personally can never accept or justify any guy hitting a women intentionally.”
Intent is a questionable issue here. However, I think awareness should just be as important. Whether Him had intentionally hit Theresa in anger or not, we will likely never find out. He would never admit to intentionally hitting her in anger, even if that were the case.
What Him should have done while arguing with Theresa was to have left her place and allowed her to calm down, instead of letting the physical shuffle continue to the extent of her deep bruises. He was aware of the situation getting out of hand and should have left, instead of continuing the struggle and hurting her.
Between cheating and physical violence, more women may be willing to forgive a man who cheated on her rather than hit her.
IMO, cheating is an action of intent, where there is awareness of what is going on. Cheating on a partner does not happen in a moment in time. Even if a one-night stand, there would have been a build up in actions driven by the intent to flirt/ pick up another woman. If cheating while sober, then that intent and awareness was very clear and may even be planned over a period of time.
A man physically hurting a woman may or may not be intentional, depending on the circumstances. However, it indicates a lack of control over his own angry emotions. Do you strike out every time you are angry? Lost in the moment of rage, he may be unable to control himself. If he sets out to punish the woman for an action that angers him, then that is a situation of intent.
Perhaps the man’s intent should be taken into account whether that action should indeed lie in the past and forgiven or not.
As outsiders to Him and Theresa’s physical argument, it is difficult to assess Him’s intent at the time of the argument. We can only see the results of Theresa’s bruises, which make many women unable to swallow. We see her physical pain and cannot ignore that he delivered the bruises.
I personally would find it hard to accept either. But you’re right cheating requires a build up. It reflects a lack of commitment, respect, consideration and maybe even love for your partner. With physical violence, it reflects a lack of self control, yet also speaks volumes about their relationship and how ad where they direct their anger.
Agree that it is never okay to hit a women, intentionally or not. Some men with anger managements issues don’t go home at night thinking ‘I’m going to beat my wife tonight.’ The problem happens when an argument occurs and he absolutely can’t control himself. So the next morning, he goes to his wife and apologizes and begs for forgiveness and that he didn’t intentionally hit her, she forgives him, and the cycle continues.
Once he lays a hand on you, intentionally or not, it’s time to leave the relationship for good.
“Agree that it is never okay to hit a women, intentionally or not. Once he lays a hand on you, intentionally or not, it’s time to leave the relationship for good.”
I think intent should be taken into account in examining people’s actions, whether there was intent and the reason behind it. While the results are hard to ignore and the action already committed, it may be a predictor of the violator’s future actions in the relationship.
If there is an intent to physically punish the woman and the extent of beating is extensive, then I agree that it is definitely time to leave, even if it ocurred only once and while drunk. A clear intent makes the situation a lot more dangerous. If he can decide very clearly to punish the woman, it indicates that he carries grudges and would not hestitate to hurt the woman in order to make himself feel better. Aside from physically beating, he can carry his punitive tendencies through verbal abuse as well. IMO, if he possesses a strong intent to hurt the woman, there may be a strong likelihood that it will happen again.
We can all agree that rage overtaking a person, causing him to act out his anger is wrong. Should the person be given another chance for being unable to control himself, given an opportunity to learn greater control if it happened one time? If the rage is severe and there are signs that the person lacks self-control in other areas such as strong verbal temper, then hitting will likely emerge again in the future.
There is also a fine line lack of control and punitive intent, when you also want to punish the person who triggered the response. However, this may be less premeditated than the man who is angry all day thinking that he will go home to beat his wife.
If there is an extreme lack of control, it can get dangerous and the woman of course should leave for safety reasons alone. However, if there is an isolated incident of lack of control, perhaps the circumstances surrounding it should be examined.
If we were to solely look at the results that the man hit a woman, then what about the situation of a parent hitting a child? If only the results mattered, then it would be very clear that under no circumstances should a child be hit.
In both cases, you can say that the woman and the child are inferior in strength to the man. Thus the man had acted wrongly to oppress someone who is incapable of defending herself.
However, some parents may justify hitting a child through their intent. Is the parent hitting with the intent of discipline, to correct spoiled and “undesirable” behavior? This would be a punitive measure, with a somewhat corrective intent of raising better children. And there are parents who hit kids out of rage, sometimes with punitive intent and sometime due to lack of control.
In his press conference, Him Law admitted he was responsible for Theresa’s butt bruises. However, he said he did not mean to hurt her, but perhaps he had exerted too much strength without realizing it.
Him claims he did not possess the intent, claimed lack of awareness (of his strength in hurting her) and may even hint at a lack of control on his own actions.
In his recent Face Magazine interview, Him stated, “One hand cannot clap. We are both accountable.”
It is difficult to gauge his intent as we are outsiders. Also difficult to gauge whether he had lost control or not.
But his statement of both parties needing to be held accountable, does it mean he also received bruises from Theresa’s blows? That she provoked him to act this way? Therefore justifying his own behavior? His statement leaves me feeling a bit uncomfortable as it indicates that while he may feel some guilt, he is also transferring the accountability to her as well. If provoked, do we have to strike back?
I could understand that you’re trying to balance and be fair to both Him and Theresa but Judy is right. Once a man physically hurt you whether intentionally or not, he will continue doing that. It’s true and my fact is based on experiences. My friend was a victim of domestic violence, the husband will seek forgiveness everytime after he hits her. But until one day, the violence became too much for her to handle, so she just left him for good. Experience tells us that once a guy who violated on you, don’t hope he will just stop there. It’s always easy to say maybe it was not intentionally but when you really meet someone who has domestic violcence record, you won’t say the same anymore. Period.
Well, women hit men too and I have seen cases of that as well. It goes both ways, I don’t think it is right for either party to hit the other unless it was in self defense…
I think in Him and Theresa’s case, it is really easy to sympathize with Theresa since she is the woman and got bruises which Him admitted to giving her. However, we all do not know what really happened. What if she did something bad to provoke him and he got angry so he hit her not realizing that it would give her bruises?? As someone mentioned, one hand cannot clap… I have a feeling that Theresa wasn’t as innocent as she tried to be. But of course it since she got injuries and showed them, everyone will side with her. I think we should all think of the whole scenario and what can happen behind the scenes instead of what we see on the surface only.
It’s ok if you’ve never met any domestic violence victim before but I’m definitely not sympathize Theresa just because she’s a woman. As a matter infact, I dislike Theresa for her exeggerating attitude onscreen and looks. It’s just that a guy who has violence past will hardly change. That’s all.. I’m not cursing you but wait till you meet someone who has this experience or anything.. then you’ll understand why I said the above.
Well, I am just trying to be fair and am not trying to defend Him or any abusive guys at all. I think it is wrong to hit anyone(whether you are male or female) unless it is in self defense or some other really good reason like saving someone or something. I don’t like people who abuse others, women or men…
I’m not blaming you for being rational and fair but most cases which involved Domestic violent is really no joke. Either you walk away from your abusive partner or stay there to support him and face the risk of being hit the 2nd time. It’s always easy to blame the girl who might be the one who provoked the guy until he ended up hitting her but as a gentleman or a real man, he shouldn’t lay his hand on a woman despite how annoying she is. He can walk away and ignore her. But when things like u said happen like she hits the guy first.. then it’s ok for the guy to defense himself prolly push her away from continue hitting him or etc. But in Him case, theresa is a small built woman who has “limited” strength to surpress an average guy so how could she possibly hit or injure him in the 1st place? Maybe she was too possessive until she checked on Him’s mobile etc but still, HIm shouldn’t had lay his hand on her.. maybe Him can just walk away from her leaving her alone in the house or nicely break up with her w/o injuring her.
I don’t think it’s fair to compare spanking one’s child to hitting one’s spouse. A young child should not be handled as an adult in terms of reward/punishment or vice versa. Would you arrest a child for trespassing? Do you give your spouse a cookie every time he/she pays the bill on time? Children are socialized into responsible adults by reward of good behavior, rebuke and punishment. You don’t treat your 25+ year old GF as you would a child because at that age, she should be mentally aware of the fact that bad behavior has adverse consequences.
That said, I don’t think it’s ever okay for a man to hit a woman or child with a closed fist, regardless of intent. But without knowing for certain how Teresa’s bruises were inflicted, it’s hard to say where I stand in regards to Him.
I think in Him’s case, if he is telling the truth, he pushed her in the midst of trying to get his phone back, in which she fell then got the bruises on her butt. Is this ‘pushing’ the same as intentionally raising one’s hand to slap/punch/hit or even shove against the wall? Only the person in that situation can tell. I suppose that is why so many people still like him. Unlike the Chris Brown case where the hits were purposeful, Him’s ‘push’ can be still questionable.
If it were me, I’d leave regardless. The fact is, he pushed her for a damn phone, which is really not the kind of person you want to be with anyways.
It depends… I think if a guy hits a girl in self defense, then that is acceptable… I don’t think it is fair for a women to be hitting a man intentionally either.
The main reason I believe in a no tolerance policy regarding physical violence is that while the forgiver may be doing it out of love, it can easily become an act of enabling. If it continually happens, and all it takes is a sorry t get out of it..those who have actual anger management issues are more likely to dismiss the need to seek help if they feel it doesn’t.affect them negatively ie through losing someone they love. l
“The main reason I believe in a no tolerance policy regarding physical violence is that while the forgiver may be doing it out of love, it can easily become an act of enabling.”
The reason you cited is often what women believe in regarding cheating, but not always practiced. Woman usually say that they will not forgive their partners for cheating because if they say so, then it would become an act of enabling him to do so again in the future.
Past history may or may not be a prediction of the future. If the man has punitive tends, vicious, tends to hold grudges, rage, lack of control, etc. etc., of course it becomes a very dangerous combination and she should leave at the first sign of violence.
I think it really depends on the scenario, the examination of intent versus self control, and under what circumstances it occurred. And how the injuries occurring through which form of violence. There is also a difference in:
-rough holding
-shoving and fierce pushing (against furniture)
-the man using fists and pounding into her
From Theresa’s butt bruises, they were likely from rough holding and fierce pushing, rather than pummeling fists. As to whether the fierce pushing against furniture is intentional or not, it’s hard to say.
Agree with you that who commits the act of violence should not dismiss that the act was done. But I do question the circumstances behind the violent act, such as the intent and the means of the violence.
Even if the woman provoked it (through harsh words and verbal threats) is not a reason for the man to strike back. Unless it was to the extent where his personal safety was at stake and he had to defend himself, thereby resulting in her injuries (such as her holding a knife and threatening to stab him). Otherwise, the right thing to do is just leave the scene to avoid further violence.
He’s just like Chris Brown where very talk about how violent they are but all the girls still crazy about them lol
Him Him is just TOO HOT!
Honestly i not a fan of Tavia but i think we should leave her nose alone lol
Maybe we can use the old quote “Man is not bad, woman won’t love” to Him Him.
That’s what TY is thinking. Let’s see how TY can change her “him him”.
I rmb there is a quote tat you can’t change the color of crow.
I find nothing wrong with going crazy over someone just because that person is hot. What Chris Brown has is the voice and the looks (which I find questionable, tbqh lol). What Him Law has is the looks, and regardless of how violent he was in the past, people will look past that because he’s nice to look at. Who cares if he’s violent? Who cares if he does drugs? No one ever admired him for his personality. All they care about is to have someone easy on the eyes to stare at.
What Him Law has left now to make it big is not his so-called “idol’ image, but his acting talent. That’s the only way his career can sustain. There are many Hollywood actors that are known for having a very controversial past – Sean Penn was charged with domestic assault, but he’s still going strong in his career. A even better example is Robert Downey, Jr. He did drugs, got arrested several times (for doing drugs lol), and look at him now! No more drugs, no more arrests, a healthy lifestyle, and one of the Hollywood’s most successful actors.
Besides, looking at the way how Rihanna turned out after Chris Brown’s beatings, he deserves to be considered as Him Law’s sifu, lol. Just look at Rihanna! At least Theresa’s face was still in tact.
Many Hollywood stars do have DUI arrests (even going to jail), drug addictions, and go to rehab for alcoholism. They make the headlines for their crazy “antics” which people laugh off as dumb, but still entertained though. There is a lot of negative publicity in the cheating, divorce, crash diets, etc. What wasted opportunities to live life this way, when there is so much money, but it appears to be about excess and extremity.
Hong Kong is still a traditional society and the media publications morally judgmental. There is negative gossip and we have had some drug scandals, a few sex scandals, cheating, DUI, but still not as extreme as Hollywood.
You also have to wonder about positive media coverage on a star. When Theresa Fu was favored by Filmko two years ago, she was constantly featured in the press, often just mentioning her appearance and nothing substantial. But she was a regular name mentioned several times a week. Management companies such as Filmko must some powerful press influence for promoting their stars. Now Filmko have put all their resources behind Him Law and the press coverage has been pretty positive after only 6 months since the physical beating scandal.
Amigo Chui got bashed by the paparazzi for almost 2 years. His ex-girlfriend, Elizabete Kwong, had bruise marks on her neck, but they are not even close to severity to Theresa Fu’s butt bruises. Yet Him Law was never battered by the press as Amigo was. Even until this day, they continue to call Amigo as “woman beater” while Him is praised as handsome doctor, lady charmer, etc. The press has been very kind to Him Law.
@Jayne: Totally agree. Amigo is just killed by the reporters. I think it is the method of promotion is different to them. Filmko stays behind Him Him while Stephan Chan at this moment had his own problem.
I disagree, its one thing to acknowledge their talent and a whole different issue to justify their actions. To me the worst thing about Chris Brown scenario is the horrible violence and his seeming lack of remorse. He know plays up on the whole bad boy image and it grosses me out. Sure, his music may be catchy. But to look to him as a role model and say his actions were ok would reflect your own morals. It would make me question someones stance on domestic violence. When you see so many fans saying “He is so hot, he can beat me anytime” it essentially enables him and other people to believe that domestic violence isn’t that bad and can be forgiven. What they forget is that there is always a victim who is usually emotionally, physically and mentally scarred from the incident. I do understand in Rihannas case its tempting to dismiss their past because of the way she’s dealt with it, but doesn’t that send the message to Chris Brown that its ok?
In Him’s case, to immediately come to his defence because he is cute makes me feel that that fan is very shallow. I mean, look at Edison Chen. Everyone turned on him because of the sex scandal. But those women knew what they were gettinf into, were consenting partners. And sex is normal. It may be less acceptable to talk about it in society but its still natural. So how can domestic violence, subjecting someone you love to pain caused by your own hands, abusing that power and trust formed through that relationship, taking your own frustrations in physical means and directing it at someone who loves you, ever be less serious than that? Yet it seems so easily dismissable just because you’re hot? That makes me feel that anyone who overlooks that because he is hot, very shallow and insensitive or unempathetic. Its the whole “you don’t know it hurts until the needle pricks you” thing to me.
Yes I understand that some people feel he is innocent considering the vagueness of the situation. But I direct my sentiments more to those who acknowledge he did it, but just don’t care.
I think TVB in trying to promote Him Law is going all out to minimize bad reports. Doing a damn good job!!
Poor Amigo did not have that advantage.
Is that somewhat reflective of how shallow our society has become?
I haven’t seen anything of Him Him, but seems like lots of young girls are crazy over him.
If even normally calm Tavia seems open to him… I am thinking this guy must be a charmer!
Normally any guy wilth rumors of being violent/ physically abusive… that’s a warning for any girl to stay a long long way away from. Once you get sucked in, it’s difficult to remain objective.
But this guy Him Him seem to be like a cat with nine lives. Girls are forgiving him so easily… maybe he’s really charming…
He’s cute. Tavia, Theresa, the other girls and all the female fans must’ve been charmed by this 🙂
Yummyyyyy! My goodness! He’s like a god! Unreal!!
I think they’re both good looking. But what matters more than appearance is one’s personality. If Him is indeed violent,then he is not an ideal lover.
speculative! whtr Him Law is violent or not, no one knows. But if he ever beats up TY, she should just leave him instead of enduring the torture and abuse. the abusive speculation reminds me of Brown and Rihanna b4 she finally walked out of him life.
Something positive. I really like Tavia’s fashion in that Hippocratic Crush series. And I am beginning to ignore the nose issue since the camera is now less on her side profile and more on her full face and so could appreciate the fact that she can act if she doesn’t need to go all emotional.
And Him Law can act as well. Cute. But in real life all his pictures he looks rather solemn, so I don’t think he is anything like his character in the series.
No Funn. Him him’s playful and not solemn in real life. Where did you get that?
Watch interview clips of Him him. He’s quite playful and cute. I have one video latest of him and Tavia but the link won’t show here
Jayne,how do i bookmark thread that i have commented?
Go Him Law!!! If she really got beat up like she said, how come she didn’t call the police? Isn’t this worse than Benny Chan’s drunkily caught in pictures sexually harrassing Rose Chan which was reported to police. She is probaly jealous he has a lot of phone numbers from girls, so I guess she does not have a lot of phone numbers from guys. I believe it is her fault too, she probaly said, “Hit me, I dare you because I’m going to the media with this if you do,” or “Your nothing, your a 0, watch me walk over you on TV.” It is not right and sad to abuse ladies, at times, what is reported is not the total story. Sensationalism sells!!!
This is an unfair and invalid argument in my opinion. Just because something isn’t reported doesn’t mean its trivial or never happened. It has always been the case, that domestic violence and sexual assault victims are scared to come out and report it whether because they still want to protect the person they love or for fear or shame and stigma.
And to speculate what she said… even if that’s true… does it justify his actions if that were the case? No it doesn’t, just because she talks **** doesnt mean he has the right to hit her.
I believe that if Him realizes his wrongs and tries, he could rise above his violent past. He’s only 27, and probably not too mature, but people can always change. Take Oscar from example. He used to be what he called a juvenile delinquent, but has come a long way.
The fact that Him had beat Theresa so severely keeps me from liking him as much as he first started. Knowing this makes it hard for me to enjoy his acting as I used to, which is a shame because he’s one of the better younger actors and is pretty natural. At the same time, I think the scandal was blown out of proportion. There’s no reason for a man to hit a woman, but Theresa was most likely not completely innocent as well.
Hopefully, Him will change for the better. I doubt he’s as bad of a guy as the press makes him out to be, but has a lot of personal issues to resolve as well as self improvement. He’ll have a bright future if he does. He gets overlooked as a decent actor due to being more known as a “sex symbol” and gossip magnet. He has a chance of being the next generation of siu sangs, but I would prefer Oscar and Edwin to be.