Song Weilong Sues Agency Label and Yu Zheng

Chinese actor Song Weilong (宋威龍) is taking his agency and director Yu Zheng (于正) to court. The news has caught many netizens by surprise given that Song Weilong has been heavily promoted by Yu Zheng over the past few years.
According to media reports, Song Weilong is in a contract dispute with Dongyang Huanyu Films Ltd and its subsidiary Khorgas Huanyu Films. Yu Zheng is the founder of the companies and is directly impacted by the lawsuit.
Song Weilong has been with the agency since 2015 and has shot to fame after starring in a number of hit projects including Long For You <我与你的光年距离>, Love the Way You Are <我的青春都是你>, and Find Yourself <下一站是幸福>. Although some netizens are skeptical of Song Weilong’s acting skill, Yu Zheng would publicly defend the actor and continue to offer him leading roles.
Despite Song Weilong and Yu Zheng’s years of collaboration, many netizens believe that Song Weilong and Yu Zheng had a falling-out. As the legal battle continues, many netizens are worried about Song Weilong’s future acting career.
Source: Sohu
This article is written by Sammi for
Yu Zheng is a b*tch to sue…. Weilong really need to have a solid case. After the trial, I bet we will heard how Yu Zheng will shed him online as he does all the other artists that went against him.
I was wondering why Weilong has no new projects this year…this really came as a surprise to me…
Will be interesting to heard the ins and outs of this case… Weilong really does not strike me as a person who will sue without a good reason….but that is just personal opinion. I may be very wrong… Hope we get more updates in time.
And that is what these people want. They want these actors to think that they will not make it without them. They want the actors to be under their control. They want them to think that they can’t move on or succeed without them. I still can’t believe a silly young actor is still under the clutches of a vampire after all the horrible things she did, and continues to do to him. She even has his parents fooled, and his mama follows the monsterger, ohh, my bad, I meant manager. I too, worry for Song Weilong’s future. Anyways, I wish Song Weilong all the success in his case.
Having recently only found time to watch Record of Youth Kdrama where the agent/manager of ML is such an a**hol*, I truly hope SWL wins his case if his agency is in cahoots with the director to cheat him of his dues.
I may not be his fan but I think each artiste’s path to stardom may not have come easy if they’re not born with a silver spoon.
Best of luck to him.
I agree each artiste path may not be easy if their are not well connected from the beginning… I wish we heard more news about his case. I too hope he wins his just dues…
I hope Weilong wins his case too. These agents and directors team up to destroy artists they mutually dislike. They control these young artists with an iron fist. Imagine your agent having control over who you talk yo, hang out with, what you eat and wear, having all paswords for your devices, deciding who you date, if you are allowed to date. Deciding where you go, if you are allowed to go anywhere, choosing who your friends are, if you are allowed to have any. This is happening in this day and age, and I’m not joking. Actually, there is such an artist who is not even allowed to talk with others from his pose, only his old dried up manager. It is an open secret in the entertainment business he is knocking her boots, if you all get my drift. Nothing wrong with that, except that she is married, but hubby cannot do a thing about it cause she controls him too. She wrecked havoc , humiliation, belittlement on a costar her young client fell madly for. I would not have wanted to be her competition. If he ever grow a pair and decides to sue her, I will pay his lawyer fees. I notice these women managers who control these artists are narcissistic controllers at home too. Yes, they cheat these artists out of their hard earned money. They usually take 60 to 70 percent of the cut, and the artists, who do all the hard work, can have the leftover money. I hope Weilong wins. The fans scream when they see these men, tell them how handsome and appealing they look, but they do not have the slightest clye of the mind control and sll types of abuse these men go through. That is why when the artists wake up and decide to stand up for themselves, we need to support them. I sure hope he wins.
Name drop afew… I dont know about many evil industry b*tch except Xiao Zhan’s…
Wang Yibo’s manager has a bitchy reputation. There are strong allegations that her company’s marketing were deeply involved in the anti-XZ hate campaign and used CP to build up WYB by leaching on XZ’s unbeatable popularity.
I will not. I am rewatching a Taiwanese BL drama as I type. If you figure it all out, do not name names. I would not be able to bear bare it if you get into trouble for being an innocent easter hopper.
@Renren No worries, it was a passing comment.
@Hohliu , I am in a BL mood and I’ve started rewatching History 3 Trapped. The lives of the two main casts are very interesting offscreen and they are very talented. Very, very habdsome. One og them does have a vidro of him mas…ba…g on the internet. Xxxx rated. The poor thing apologized to his fans. Very fantastic drama.
4l I meat the lives of the two main cast cps are very interesting offscreen, especially the lives of Chris Wu and Jake Hsu. One of them, Andy Bian, even had someone post a video of him pleasuring himself several years ago. That cruel person posted the video online years later, 2021, after Andy made a name for himself with History Trapped. Their real lives, especially Jake and Chtis’ are more intriging than in the drama.