Selena Li Changes Her Name in Memory of Grandmother

Yesterday, Selena Li announced on her Weibo blog that she has decided to change her stage name, Li Sze Wan (李詩韻), back to her original name, Lee Sze Wah (李施嬅), in memory of her grandmother, who has recently passed away.

She posted, “In 2015, I’ve decided to change my name back to ‘Lee Sze Wah.’ This is a name my grandmother gave me, but my family decided to name me Li Sze Wan instead because it sounds and looks more elegant and beautiful. However, my grandmother always continued to call me ‘Sze Wah’. My grandmother has passed away, and I’ve always cherished this name in my memory, because it feels more intimate. I hope that everyone can call me Lee Sze Wah from now on. Do you think this name suits me? Thank you for everyone’s support.”

Selena subsequently changed her Weibo profile name to Lee Sze Wah, with fans’ support of her honorary gesture towards her late grandmother.


This article is written by Addy for

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  1. Why bother to change her own name? She should just get married quickly and have a daughter and name her after her late grandma.

    1. It’s always easier to said that done. Meeting the right person is never easy, it’s not like you go to the market and buy some vegetables.

      1. Hi Bloom,
        I kind of agree with what you are saying but it is a lot easier for some than others. Some meet the right person right away while others can search and date around their whole life and still not find anyone suitable. I still remember what one of my old friends(who is happily married) told me that there is not just one right person for you but several, however,it is a matter of when you meet them in life is what is most important. Basically timing is very important.

      2. Why was my comment deleted? I am very mad! I did not say anything offensive!

      3. Deal with it hetieshou. It’s always at the discrepancy of the site owner. My comments got deleted before, though it contained nothing offensive and nothing vulgar. Not even a negative comment. Oh well

      4. HeTieShou and Qwerty,

        Your comments were not deleted, but rather put under moderation due to certain words which were labelled as “sensitive” in our filter.

        Our filtering system is very strict to prevent the posting of vulgar/pornographic comments which cropped up in recent months. As a result, sometimes innocent comments will get held up under moderation.

        Please be patient if your comments are flagged; they will eventually be approved for posting if there is no offensive content.

    2. Agree with bloom. That easier said than done.

      There are many uncertainties.

      – Maybe God want to play tricks on her and give her only sons.

      – Even if she has a daughter, maybe be grandma, grandpa, husband also want to give the girl their very special name.

    3. Maybe her birth cert wasnever changed so she just wants to be publicly known as her original name in honour of her grandma. I think that is sweet of her. And if she has to wait till she marries before she can honour her grandma what if she never marries or have children? She is merely reverting to her original name much better than those who chnages their names for luck or fortune. Thats so cynical and materialistic. This one is for her grandma and i say good for her.

      1. Yes, very sweet of her. I actually original name (李施嬅) more. 🙂

    4. Thats not very nice thing to say. Its obvious that she has sentimental value to her original name and also because it was her grandmother that gave her that name. It’s personal preference. You cant name future daughter a name that grandmother had given to you. Thats wrong..

  2. Well, she will get married eventually and I think it’ll more meaningful to have her future daughter to commemorate her late grandmother.

    1. I’ve always found it weird people name their kids after someone who’s passed away. And what do you mean she will get married eventually? Maybe she doesn’t want to get married or have kids.

      1. It is her ultimate wish to get married and have a family. At least it was recently reported. So I assume she would have kids.

  3. i think it’s a sweet and filial gesture. while i prefer sze wan, sze wah is quite easy to remember. it’ll take time for viewers to get used to though.

  4. Sorry but i don’t buy her story. Showbiz and ordinary people do change their names in the hope of changing their luck. She’s probably just spinning up this grandma story as an excuse.

    1. yup.
      her grandmother had already given her the name. why did her family name her something else?

    2. If she’s using her grandmother who’s passed away as an excuse then I think she’s quite despicable… which I frankly refuse to believe.

  5. So her name (grandma given one) wasn’t “elegant and beautiful” enough when her grandma was alive? Lol…

    1. I’m thinking she ultimately decided to change her name in rememberance of her grandmother who passed away, Not purely because it sounds elegant and beautiful to her…

  6. Why bother changing her name now? It’s what she personally prefers to be called now in rememberance of her grandmother. It’s that simple lol. Whether she has a daughter in the future and calls her the same or similar name, that’s also would be her own choice. I don’t see why she can’t change her name now being as an act of a filial granddaughter. As a celebrity they already don’t have the protection over their privacy and personal life, they can at least have some sort of control and title to their own name right lol.

  7. if she had wanted to use the name her grandmother gave, she should have done so when the person is still alive.

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