Crystal Fung Denies Dating Arnaldo Ho

TVB actress and Miss Hong Kong winner Crystal Fung (馮盈盈) was recently photographed attending a yacht party hosted by Arnaldo Ho (何猷亨). Paparazzi described her interactions with Arnaldo as close to intimate, and Crystal was also seen boarding the same mini-van Arnaldo was riding.
But the actress is putting a firm line between her and the fourth son of the late Stanley Ho (何鴻燊). “We’re all just friends,” she said. “And I also don’t feel like he’s trying to pursue me.”
Crystal expressed that she does not want to carry a gold digging image, as she understands that it would affect her career. “When it comes to making friends, you shouldn’t do it for money. I want my friends to be sincere, funny, and people I can get along with.”
With Stanley Ho’s recent passing, did Crystal offer her condolences to Arnaldo? “We just met,” said Crystal. “I don’t even have his phone number, but I’m sure that he is grieving with the rest of his family.”
Asking if her dating rumor with Arnaldo had affected her relationship with Leonard Cheng (鄭衍峰), who is also her rumored boyfriend, Crystal said, “Of course not. We are all good friends. He has expressed concern for me after [the rumor with Arnaldo] was published, and I for him. This piece of news has affected a lot of people, and I want to apologize to them. Some of my HKU classmates were exposed in those yacht photos.”
Crystal admitted that she’s been the center of topic of many rumors, and she needs to start reflecting on how to manage her image. “I need to focus on work. I’ve been attending Lawrence Cheng’s (鄭丹瑞) acting classes, and he has acknowledge my improvement. He’s been very encouraging.”
There were reports claiming that actress Kaman Kong (江嘉敏), who also attended the yacht party with Crystal, was very disappointed in getting “dragged into” Crystal’s mess. Crystal said, “If anything, I did drag her into the water when we were wakesurfing. But no matter what, I don’t want my friends to get involved so I’ll stop talking about it. I hope this will come to an end soon.”
Source: Ming Pao
This article is written by Addy for
I feel like this girl is always on the news for her relationship problems only.
being on the news is better than not at all. she doesn’t have much talents other than being a loud mouth and relationship problems.