Dicky Cheung Opens Up About Wife’s Miscarriage: “Don’t Forget Yourself”

In love for 18 years, Dicky Cheung (張衛健) and his wife Jess Zhang (張茜) are the epitome of a loving couple. In 2008, Jess suffered a miscarriage—their daughter’s heart suddenly stopped beating inside the womb, and Jess had to undergo an emergency c-section. The couple were heartbroken, and their souls torn apart.

It took years for Jess to recover from the loss—and many more for Dicky to forget the pain. In a recent interview, Dicky opened up about their struggles after losing their daughter. He said, “I gave Jess everything I had—my mind, my cells—all for her. I wanted to use the shortest amount of time to heal her 100 percent.” Even if it would make her happy for an hour, or even 15 minutes, Dicky was willing to do it for her.

“Everything is enough as long as my wife is happy.”

In the end, Dicky’s efforts paid off. Jess recovered, both physically and mentally, but for Dicky, he was still trapped in darkness. He dedicated all his time for his wife, but has not once considered taking care of himself. It wasn’t until earlier this year, in 2018 at a seminar, when Dicky realized that he actually never left the shadow of their child’s death behind. “Many people tend to focus on the mother’s recovery. Of course the mothers suffered, but many seem to neglect the fathers. They are also suffering.”

It was that very seminar about spiritual healing when Dicky realized that he had never recovered from the loss of his child. From here on, he urges others who are suffering from their same experiences to not neglect the father—for he too would suffer just as much.

Source: Ettoday.net

This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.

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  1. This segment was actually excerpted verbatim from the Mingpao Weekly interview that D-icky did…there was actually alot more to the interview than just what was mentioned in the article though (including, related to this article in particular, the part about how he and Jess don’t plan on ever having kids again and why — in a way, this is important because now that D-icky has said it, reporters can stop asking him). [As a sidenote: I hate it when news sites take bits and pieces of stuff from other sites — I’m referring specifically to ettoday in this case — and use it for their own articles without crediting back the original source….it misleads audiences for one, and two, doesn’t give the complete context of what the person actually said.]

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