Him Law Shares Humorous Changes After Daughter’s Birth

Since their marriage in 2016, Him Law (羅子溢) has been the breadwinner while Tavia Yeung (楊茜堯) took a long-deserved break from acting. The couple welcomed their daughter Hera in April 2020, with Him filming TVB dramas The Witness <木棘証人>, Armed Reaction 2020 <陀槍師姐2020> and Children’s Hospital <兒童醫院> to be close to his family in Hong Kong.

Changes At Home

Now a devoted husband and a loving father, Him shares that his wife Tavia will always be his biggest priority. “On the day that my daughter was born, I walked into the ward and saw Hera in the incubator and Tavia on the bed. Of course, I went to the bed first! Wasn’t I smart? Otherwise, there would be a lot to talk about!”

Him continues to share humorous changes he has noticed about themselves since Hera’s arrival. Like most parents with a baby, the couple’s home is overrun with baby items and clutter. Him said, “There is less and less space to move around, since the floor is now covered with toys like a rocking horse, tents, and toy stoves. These are all things [Tavia] wanted to play with when she was a child but didn’t get, so now they are in the house. The toys are given away by friends, and we rarely buy any.”

As new parents, Him and Tavia have already started thinking about Hera’s future and her education. They are both worried about the stress and pressure in a traditional school setting, yet they are concerned that international schools would be too westernized. However, they hope that Hera would understand everything that they have done for her, “I won’t be a monster parent, but I can’t answer on behalf of my wife!”

Fortunate for Continuous Work

Feeling fortunate that he has work during the pandemic so he can provide for his family while supporting their elderly parents, Him said, “I don’t spend a lot of money, and I always had a habit of saving money. My mother-in-law lives with us and [Tavia’s sister] Griselda Yeung (楊卓娜) has her own place, so we don’t have a lot of expenses. If we didn’t have children, we wouldn’t need to rush and would be living comfortably. With a baby, we need to think about her future. We have a lot of elders in the family, so we also needed to make some preparations. It’s not a lot of pressure. As long as there is work, I will be working because who knows what tomorrow will bring.”

Although Him has been the breadwinner throughout their four-year marriage, he does not mind taking turns caring for Hera so Tavia can take on filming projects. “As an actress, Tavia definitely has her own dreams. While she gave up her career for our daughter, I am also willing to pause my own to let her continue her career. Taking care of a child for a long time is stressful– she can relax by filming.”

Source: HK01

This article is written by Sammi for JayneStars.com.

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  1. Well neither has to pause career, Tavia’s mom is like a free live in nanny. And nowadays it’s normally for both parents to work…

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