How Aimee Chan and Moses Chan Stay Connected in Their Marriage

In TVB and Mango TV’s collaboration Infinity and Beyond <聲生不息>, the newest episode continued on the topic of “The Love of My Life.” Moses Chan (陳豪) and Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) made a surprise appearance on the show to talk about their relationship, and many were excited to see Aimee after a long absence from the small screen.
Although she has semi-retired from acting to focus on caring for her children, Aimee still looked beautiful and fit. Her skin was also in prime condition showing that she has been taking care of herself while away from the industry!
The crew asked the couple to choose a song that described their relationship and they coincidentally both chose Jacky Cheung’s (張學友) “Loving You A Little More Every Day” <每天愛你多一些>.
Aimee shared that the key to maintaining their 9-year marriage was to find time to go on dates. The couple would take an annual vacation together without their children to maintain their close bond. They would also try to do activities together such as a 30-minute grocery run or picking up and dropping off their children at school together. Moses stated that if the relationship is a happy one, then you would not even realize how quickly time went by.
Source: HK01
This article is written by Kiki for
Love their relationship with one another and their tips on sustaining their marriage. Also really agree with Moses about time flying by when you are in a happy relationship. Everything is just easier and time goes by quick when you are together.
Their relationship kind of reminds me of Joey Meng and her husband, they are always laughing and smiling – always just happy. And they say laughter is the key to happiness 🙂