Joel Chan’s Son Turns One Month Old

Shortly after Joel Chan (陳山聰) married his longtime girlfriend Apple Ho (何麗萍) late last year, they revealed that she was pregnant. The couple finally welcomed their son Jaco (陳霆軒) earlier in July, and now, the family of three is celebrating his one-month birthday. Joel shared a family photo on social media to commemorate the special day since they will not be hosting a banquet given the COVID-19 situation.
In Joel’s Instagram post, he wrote birthday wishes for his son and used the hashtags “Stay healthy,” “Hope you grow tall,” “Hope you become smart,” and “Being Papa Chan and Mama Chan is not easy.”
Apple also dedicated a social media post to Jaco’s milestone. She wrote, “My baby is one month old. Mom hopes that you will stay healthy, quickly grow up, and be happy every day.”
Many of the couple’s close friends congratulated them and sent best wishes to their son. To name a few, Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼), Selena Lee (李施嬅), Candice Chiu (趙希洛), and Zoie Tam (譚凱琪) immediately left blessings on Joel’s post.
The new parents also started an Instagram account for their son to document his life. Due to Joel’s connections in the industry, Jaco already amassed a celebrity following on social media. Many of Joel’s friends, including Sharon Chan (陳敏之), Nancy Wu (胡定欣), and Mandy Wong (黃智雯), have already followed Jaco’s account.
The Origin of Jaco’s Name
Aside from getting his friends to follow his son’s Instagram account, Joel also asked good friends Pal Sinn (單立文) and Paisley Wu (胡蓓蔚) to help name his son. The couple helped come up with the name Jaco long before the baby was born.
Meanwhile, the elders in Jaco’s life named him Ting Heen. Joel shared that he has always wanted his child’s name to have the character “Heen,” so he’s happy the elders included it in Jaco’s Chinese name.
Source: Topick
This article is written by Hailey for
Love Joel and so happy he turned his life around. He seems so happy now
How adorable!! I thought Christine Ng were a good friend of Joel? I don’t see her name for his instagram? Unless they’re no longer a friend?