Kelly Fu Completes Diamond Appraisal Exam

Saddened by the passing of her beloved pet cat, actress Kelly Fu (傅嘉莉) recently updated her socials with happy news! The 40-year-old, who has been studying for a professional certificate in diamond grading, shared about finally completing her diamond appraisal exams, much to her relief!
Anxious From Exam Nerves
On January 17, Kelly shared online, “I finally put down a huge load that’s been on my mind for the past 1.5 years, I feel so much more relaxed! Due to work, I delayed my DGA exams twice to film No Room for Crime <反黑英雄>, Broken Trust <神耆小子>, Forensic Heroes VI: Redemption <法證先鋒6幸存者的救贖> and my favorite Murder Diary <刑偵12>, so I dared not relax over the past year and continued to keep up with my revision. Yesterday I finally competed a 2.5 hour-long practical exam and today the final 3-hour written exam today, during the last 45 minutes I realized I had two big questions left unanswered and got super nervous. I’m really happy that the exam is finally over,” she wrote.
On completing her examination, Kelly immediately flew off to Macau to begin rehearsals for the upcoming TVB Anniversary Awards <萬千星輝頒獎典禮>. Excited about the exam results which will be released in three months’ time, Kelly recalled how she had brought her textbooks along with her almost everywhere to refresh her knowledge whenever she has spare time, and even had minor diarrhea from exam nerves.
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Wow Kelly is 40, no way she looks 40..
She is beautiful, and congrats to Keely for winning best supporting actress TVB awards