Kong Wah Considers TV Comeback

Fifty-year-old actor, Kong Wah (江華) began his acting career in 1986 with ATV. Moving later to TVB, Kong Wah  became known for his excellent portrayal of emperors in many popular TVB historical dramas. Kong Wah is also remembered for his stage imitations of Andy Lau (劉德華), who jokingly praised Kong Wah as someone who does Andy Lau better than Andy himself! With Kong Wah’s incredible charisma and brilliant acting, he has been deeply missed by audiences since his 8-year acting hiatus.

A Long Break

Since filming 2004’s The Conqueror’s Story <楚漢驕雄>, Kong Wah has entered semi-retirement. He left TVB because he was disappointed with the company producing the type of series one after another. Growing tired of playing roles with no substance, Kong Wah decided to take a break from his TV career.

Since then, Kong Wah and his wife, Mak Kit Man  (麥潔文), whom he married in 1992, have been living a quiet life away from the limelight. Converted to Christianity with his wife, Kong Wah has acquired a greater inner calmness and ability to let go of things easier. Kong Wah revealed, “We don’t watch TV as we don’t even have a TV at home.”

For the past few years, Kong Wah’s involvement in the entertainment industry has been limited to performing with his singer wife in occasional concerts. The couple is still very loving and enjoys spending time together. Kong Wah said, “The tours are a great way to earn money and take our honeymoon the same time. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!”

Back in the Game

At a concert, veteran singer Sandra Lang (仙杜拉) told Kong Wah, “You are so selfish to hide yourself away. God gave you such a great talent, so you should not waste it!” He was touched by her comment, which stirred his desire to make a comeback in the TV industry.

Kong Wah has a different perspective about his TV career now. He said, “I am acting because I love it.”  Kong Wah said he is open to work for any TV station as long as the script is well written and the cast is easy to work with.

Advice to ATV

Last week, Kong Wah, Nathan Chan (陳庭威), Pat Poon (潘志文), and Gilbert Lam (林韋辰) dubbed as “ATV’s Big Four” appeared as guests at the 55th ATV Anniversary Gala in Shenzhen. It was reported that Kong Wah’s singing segment was the only highlight of the long and laborious show.

Despite ATV’s recent ratings decline, Kong Wah feels that the station has a chance to survive. Instead of importing dramas, ATV should make it their number one priority to produce good quality TV series in order to earn back their popularity and respect.

As he has been in the TV industry for many years, Kong Wah understands that a TV company’s ultimate goal is to make money while having a limited budget for producing TV series. He remembers while filming the TVB historical drama The Conqueror’s Story in 2004, producer Lee Tim Shing (李添勝) had to cut costs when filming a war scene that was supposed to involve thousands of soldiers and horses battling. However, the end result just showed Kong Wah fighting Adam Cheng (鄭少秋).

After being absent for eight years, Kong Wah still has many loyal fans who has not forgotten his memorable TV performances, including his role in The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow <九五至尊>. Many fans still discuss his TV dramas and look forward to his return. Kong Wah is very happy that he has not been forgotten. “I am very sorry to the audience,” Kong Wah apologized and said that he hopes the audience can see him on TV very soon.

Source: Face Magazine #288 via ihktv.com

This article is written by Lance for JayneStars.com.

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    1. same here, i love him acting especially as a king. he gives of a very grand kingly feel

  1. When Kong Wah complained that he was given the same type of roles at TVB, was he referring to emperor roles? That he grew bored of playing an emperor because he can do it in his sleep?

    1. Well, when something becomes too easy for a person, of course a person would seek to do other things. His pros are his greatest, but at the same time his pros are his cons because he’s stuck doing the same thing. It’s like looking at Lawrence Ng. He portrays a doctor so good that we only look at him as a doctor.

    2. Have to say, without him Conqueror’s Story would have been a bored. He’s such a great actor…. and truly talented too.

    3. But you have to agree that he acts very well as emperors! He looks like one too! He’s probably the best actor in TVB series for emperors IMO 🙂

      1. Yes that is so true 🙂 he’s a very handsome emperor. no one else can do better 🙂

    1. if he comes back to tvb im guess he will mainly get second leading roles cos we all know how tvb treat people that can act and have left the station

      1. Doubt it. He will come back as honoured guest much like Esther Kwan

    I always loved him and Anne Heng Chemistry together in a lot of dramas!

  3. 50? Wow!! Still looks ok. Still too thin.

    I hope he comes back. TVB is in need of actors around that age. And I hope he considers coming back to TVB and not the disastrous ATV.

    And who is he to complain his roles got no substance! His roles are usually the meatiest!!

    Kong Wah, come back!!! COME BACK!!!!

    1. I was just searching about him couple days ago. I thought he said he won’t be back to filming drama?.. Don’t think he aged that well. Watch the video n YouTube he look quite old for 50 compare with hot ajusshi Michael miu haha.

      1. If he gains a few pounds he will look good. He is just too thin.

    2. Yeah he’s had a lot of versatile roles! I think though, he was never leading too often? Or had to share the spotlight? Like JTTW, Dicky was the monkey. Seven Sisters, Gallen. Step Into the Past, Louis. …. But then again, he’s lead a lot too…. Hmm… I think its just TVB politics honestly. He didn’t seem overly promoted or favoured.

  4. Super excited! I love watching his movies. Cannot wait for him to come back to film more for TVB!!!!

  5. Miss him for sure as he’s such a good actor!!! Looking forward to his return for sure!!!

  6. I love Kong Wah but I agree with him – he shouldn’t just come back to tv with just any role. I did quick review of all the TVB shows this year – I don’t think any would be appropriately “meaty”.

  7. COME BACK. lol. He’s a great actor, and seeing him in TVB again would be great.

    1. 100% agree. He was great actor in that movie and so was Wayne, Evergreen, and the one played Monkey – I forgot his name.

      1. LOL how could you not remember the monkey, but remember the pig and monk? 😛 Well, in part 1, it was Dicky Cheung, part 2 was Benny Chan.

  8. awesome that he is coming back my family and i are loyal fans. he is such a great actor whom you can see is very serious.

    1. Mine are Lady Flower Fist, Happy Ever After and Seven Sisters 🙂 He’s great in comedy too!

      1. I love him in everything that was listed. His role in the King of tomorrow and yesterday was my least liked. I actually loved him in 無業流民。 I think he was in that one with his long hair and headband .. hope that’s the right series.

      2. Yeah I know that series & also I love him in “I have a date with spring” along sheren tseng. He’s just so cool. My fav actor of all time.

  9. Wherever he chooses, just don’t go back to ATV. I doubt he’ll pick TVB though. The promos from the sales presentation look terrible, except for Big wheel.

  10. Kong Wah!!! Come back!!! I’ve been waiting all my life for you to return, lol…no one can portray an emperor with such high charisma except for him. He’s just freakin’ awesome! *faints*

    And he’ll always be the most adorable and innocent, cutesy monk in JTTW. One of my favorite actors, as you can tell, lol xD

    1. Yes absolutely agree!!! if tvb are recuiting veterans it should be Kwong Wah..I missed him so much…the charm he had..

  11. Such a good and talented actor .Hope will see his drama very soon in future 😉 .Good luck Kong Wah .

  12. Yay~~!!Few days ago, I was typing about wishing him coming back to act and now my wish is about to come true!! Kwong Wah plz come back to Tvb!! This is such a good news!! 😀

  13. Haha, I just read the headline and my mind nearly exploded. Yes please~ I loved him in Secret Battle of the Majesty, A Cruel Lover and the one with Esther Kwan. It’d be nice to see him and Esther pair up again…

    1. Me too, I still watch the movie he was paired up with Esther Kwan, Kara Hui and another actress – don’t remember her name. That movie is so hilarious…

  14. He’s a fantastic actor, but I don’t know if he should return to TVB. Of course, TVB should jump at the possibility of getting him back

  15. Kong Wah is a very versatile actor. Looking forward to see comeback!

  16. I like to watch Kong Wah, too. He is good looking and acts well.

    Hope that he will film some good drama series for TVB.

  17. Seems like he still has tons of fans.

    I am so excited too! Can’t wait to see him acting again.

    The first time I took notice of him was in ATV The Silver Tycoon. I was thinking who’s that handsome young man. Also took notic of Christine Ng. She was so sexy in that drama.

  18. omg let this be true!
    i lovelovelovelove this man!
    From Journey to the West to Lady Flower Fist to Happy Ever After to Crimson Sabre to A Step into the Past to everything he does…I just l0ve him. I wanna see him in HK dramas again. He was good as well in Hong Fu Nu, but I hated his character, lols.

    1. I know! During his time, I hated a lot of his characters then realised how great of an.actor he mustvr been to be so convincing. Then he becomes the monk in JTTW, the ultimate goodie, and is still convincing. Honestly, it’s hard for me to think of KW as the monk.

      1. Sigh, di-cky’s name is causing a lot of problems!! I can read your comment on him not being a lead much in series and yet not here. Anyway not true. Kong Wah left ATV as the top actor in ATV. He was practically in every series in ATV. Then he came to TVB as leading actor, JTTW, etc. He was never the 2nd line, he was always the leading actor even amongst a series with many leading actors, he had the good roles. And at one point, the babysitter of Miss HK coming into acting. He is to me considered the veteran pillar as in if you need an actor to lead a cast of new or unknown actors, he is the one. I suppose he got bored with the babysitting role.

      2. Oh yeah now that you mentioned it, he was in atv amd paired with joey meng a lot. Totally forgot because i only occasionally watched atv.

  19. he has been in some china dramas over the last 8 years and he was in Criminal Investigation

  20. OMGGGGGG PLEASE COME BACK. I’ve been waiting for this article for ages! And hopefully he’s back at TVB, despite their decline, they’re still the most accessible company!

    Seriously I don’t care what TVB does, if they can bring back Kong Wah I will overlook any stupid TVB Awards fails.

  21. Wow! Dis guy rocks, mann!
    He has the grace of a historic king(KOTAY) I bet his portrayal of an eunuch or as Li Lianying is super magnificient as well!

  22. It is untrue that Kong Wah has an 8 years hiatus. I read another article and it’s only 3 years. He filmed a Cantonese Mainland series that is 106 episodes back in 2009 with Amy Chan, Mimi Kung and Liu Kai Chi.

    This is the series.

    Kong Wah and wife really made effort in their marriage. When Kong Wah was filming in Mainland, his wife accompanied him. When his wife is having his concert tour now, he accompanies his wife. This is their way of moving as one and maintaining their love.

    At one time, Kong Wah was having severe depression. It was so severe that he has hallucination and suicidal urge. It was due to his back pain which causes lack of sleep which later brought to other problem. It was during this time a doctor asked him to let God heal him. So, he joined Christianity. He was a Buddhist at that time. His wife was surprised at the sudden change. But, she joined him anyway. She is of the opinion that a husband and wife should be on the same path.

    Read these 2 insightful article about Kong Wah and Kitman.


    1. I never knew why he changed to Christianity. Now I know. And since religion helps, what more can anyone say at the change? What cost the back pain? Filming caused the injury?

      1. @Funn,

        Its easy for minority to talk about religion change but its definitely ‘dangerous’ to talk about it here u know where and sensitive for those you know who ^^.. Was just saying since you mention about religion 😀

        Anyway, if Kong Wah really make a come back, Im sure tvb will tailor made a role for him since he’s still prtty much a rating puller.

      2. Veejay,

        No worries! Buddhists and Christians, a great pair!

        Tailor made role? Probably an emperor role which means he won’t come back. Give him a modern day series, a comedy, I am sure he will run back.

      3. I would personally not be happy if a doctor told me that God would heal me… I don’t think religion has the answer to everything nor can it solve everything. It can actually cause more problems in various cases…. A doctor once did that to my late father and he got really upset…

    2. He went to the doctor to get himself healed but instead was referred to God by the doctor. Is this how Christianity is preached now, using doctors ?

      1. I’m sure the advice to go to God is as an extra help and not as a substitute to his primary medication.

        It’s like medication + faith.

  23. I have not seen Kong Wah act for a long time so it would be great to see him again… Can’t wait for his comeback!

  24. No don’t go back to tvb and play their politics games, what if they put him and Aimee together? Or some crappy drama with people who can’t act? Join cti after they get their license.

  25. BY FAR one of TVB’S best actors. I loved his chemistry with Anne Heung. Too bad Anne Heung retired to pursue her lawyer ambitions! I wouldn’t consider Anne Heung to be a talented actress but Kong Wah really elevates her. At one instance I thought they were dating

    1. Anne Heung has already gone back to acting in some Mainland series. No idea what it is, but there was news about her going back to the industry.

  26. Anyone remember the series where he’s the Yongzhen emperor and he loves this lady called Miu Yan, played by quite a famous actress back in ATV? It’s the one where it shows the battle of 14 princes (my first exposure to the Kangxi era!). His performance has left a deep, deep impression on me. I was so little back then, yet, I loved everything about him and the series!

    1. I remember, Secret Battle Of The Majesties I & II and I believe her name was Choi Hiu Yee from my review.

      Even at his most rotten (in that version), my sympathies lie with Yongzheng.

      1. Oh! So this is the title? I couldn’t recall there’s two parts to the series, ah.
        I wonder what happened to Choi Hiu Yee now. Not much news of her from Google.

        Yeah, dont know why, but I feel the same for Yonzhen too despite how he’s being depicted.

  27. There was an article I read before, asking him what he disliked most.

    Guess what’s his reply?

    ancient costumes

    1. Aw what a shame. However, I like him in modern series too! He’s quite funny with his comedic timing!

      1. For some reason I just envisioned him as Law Ba and he’s one of the actors I believe can really pull it off, even better than those first and second choices.

      2. Law Ba? No no, that is Bowie’s role!

        He will hate me for saying he is ideal for Prince Gong.

      3. I still can’t see Bowie as Law Ba. I think Kevin would’ve done better than Bowie because he doesn’t have that aloof charm.

  28. Hope Ricky will give him a call. Would love to see him along with Felix in a series.

  29. I’ve seen him in comdies too & he’s sooo…. good & funny! LOVE him…. please come back!

  30. I was just wondering when Kong Wah is going to show up as I read about Andy, Fatt Gor, etc going back to TVB. I adore him and all his series. He has this charisma that makes him a joy to watch. Hope he does not join ATV though…. TVB do something soon!!!

  31. Kong Wah’s Aunty lives near my block, and I saw Kong Wah and her a couple of times. Anyways, his aunty said he might go back to TVB depending what TVB is going to say etc. Though Kong Wah is a lovely person, and if he does return back to TVB, I’ll support him.

    Please don’t ask me where his Aunty lives, because we do sometimes get people popping in and out…so..

  32. Great. I still re-watch his old drama. It is totally refreshing to watch him act instead of those overexposed actors like Bosco, Raymond etc. I hope to see him with Anne again as their chemistry is excellent….is like milk with tea….perfect!

  33. I really like Kong Wah but it’s kinda funny when he bashed Txb that much and now considering to come back. Like Lawrence Ng, pretty funny through.

  34. he and wife made a choice to be christians, then he should not go back to work in the entertainment field anymore, should be seeking the Kingdom of God

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