“Love Like the Galaxy” Fans Yearn for Wedding Scene

The two-part, breakout drama, Love Like the Galaxy (月升滄海), is coming to an end. With the final episode to air at the end of the month, Tencent Video is allowing members to pay an additional fee to see the ending before its public release. Allegedly, more than a million eager fans have signed up and paid to see it first. Although the drama ends on a happy note, the last ten episodes are allegedly heart-wrenching, causing many fans to cry and lament that it is nearly “too painful to watch.”
Fans recounted five classic scenes from the drama that were tear-inducing, including: (1) when Leo Wu Lei’s (吳磊) character, Ling Buyi’s past was revealed; (2) when Rosy Zhao Lusi’s (趙露思) character Cheng Shaoshang was determined to break off the marriage; (3) when Cheng Shaoshang and Ling Buyi got engaged; (4) the reconciliation between Cheng Shaoshang and her mother; and (5) the death of the empress after her resignation.
Ling Bu Yi’s true identity was not revealed until episode 48, when it was exposed that he is actually Huo Wushang. Ling Buyi and Huo Wushang looked similar when they were younger. When the Huo family was to be executed, they exchanged the two children in order to save young Huo Wushang’s life. Raised by the enemy all these years, Ling Buyi/Huo Wushang was set on exacting revenge. In order to keep Cheng Shaoshang safe and not drag her into the mess, he decides to take revenge on the eve of their wedding. Although able to avenge his family, Ling Buyi/Huo Wushang fell into despair and depression.
Sent to guard the frontier after killing Ling Yi, Ling Buyi and Cheng Shaoshang were separated and tried to move on with their lives. Five years later, Ling Buyi is finally summoned to return to the city. They meet again when Cheng Shaoshang is in danger and Ling Buyi comes to her rescue at the risk of his own life. Although the couple eventually have their happing ending, the events leading up to it have viewers on the edge of their seats, on the verge of tears, and pining for the couple’s reunion.
Furthermore, viewers were disappointed to learn that the couple’s actual wedding scene was not included. They lamented, “I beg the director to film the extra episode and let the couple have their sweet wedding! Do it for the fans!”
Source: Up Media
This article is written by Huynh for JayneStars.com.
Wu Lei Impresses with Great Figure in “Love Like the Galaxy”
Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi Face Romantic Obstacles in “Love Like the Galaxy”
“When the Huo family was to be executed, they exchanged the two children in order to save young Huo Wushang’s life.”
Maybe true in the novel? In the drama (spoiler alert) it was purely by accident. Fake LBY’s (Huo WuShang) shirt got dirtied and ripped from getting the real LBY fruits up a tree. In order to avoid Fake LBY from getting reprimanded by Fake LBY’s mom, real LBY offered to swap clothes with him. As a result, when folks were getting killed, they weren’t focused on Fake LBY because they didn’t know he was Huo WuShang.
Anyways, yes to marriage scene! How can they show BTS for these scenes, but not include in the drama?! Rude
I just started watching this drama… I was on a very long flight back home and watched the few eps I downloaded. I was taken aback just how well produced this drama is.. I have to say, even the major clean up… I noticed we are getting more better produced dramas.
This novel is so interesting, I will have to read the novel after I watch the drama… the romance story is not predictable… I love watching how the characters grow up and learn how to love each other.. The supporting characters are just as interesting…
It is rather lacking to not see a wedding and their first night….
@Hohliu haha glad you’re finally on the bandwagon! Did you finish the entire show or still have some remaining? It’s def a show to savor and will become the standard upon which other dramas will compare.
Love Between Fairy & Demon is doing spectacularly well, too.
Both of these shows are lacking a bit when it comes to the ending, but overall, very satisfying.
Now I’m gutted on what’s next to watch. These two literally filled up my weeks. Now I have nothing else.
@Coralie I am definitely a new fan of Rosy Zhao, she is a really talented young actress… I am catching up on a couple of her previous works… I just finish watching this drama… and will watch a second round later…
I am waiting for Discovery of Romance to end before I start on it…it will be my stop gap till the next good drama.
Being a Hero and Checkmate seem to have good ratings… not your cup of tea?
@Hohliu yeah republican dramas and thrillers are usually not my cup of tea, plus I’m not a fan of hu yitian.
I’ve been meaning to check out a couple of kdramas (like alchemy of souls), but my patience with reading subtitles has declined precipitously once I had a kid lol. Now I need fast entertainment that I can understand reasonably well without needing 100% brain power.
I really wish we got the opportunity to see the Emperor force them to hold another official ceremony. I also wouldn’t have minded a short time skip to see little Zishengs and Niaoniaos running around :(. I don’t think I’m being greedy, just another 15 minutes would’ve done the trick!