Mandy Lieu Becomes a Writer

After gaining notoriety as Macau tycoon Alvin Chau’s lover, Mandy Lieu is now penning a regular column about sustainable food culture for a UK-based international lifestyle magazine.
After being absent from the public eye for some time, ex-model Mandy Lieu (劉碧麗), the mistress of Macau casino magnate Alvin Chau (周焯華), made her high-profile comeback online as a columnist for a lifestyle magazine. While raising their three children, Mandy found her new passion in sustainable food and healthy living. The 35-year-old’s new position is even interpreted as an interest in entering the food industry.
Love Triangle
Mandy’s extramarital affair with Alvin was exposed in 2014. At first, Mandy had claimed to deny knowledge of Alvin being a married man, saying she would break up with him after finding out. However, she continued the affair and accepted a luxurious mansion worth over 100 million Hong Kong dollars from him. Eventually withdrawing from the entertainment industry and leaving Hong Kong, Mandy had three children with Alvin.
Separation rumors between the two arose in 2019 with Alvin giving Mandy a HK$300 million separation fee. He returned to his wife Heidi Chan‘s (陳慧玲) side, spending memorable occasions and celebrations with the family. However, this arrangement merely lasted for a year before he got back together with Mandy again.
Managing Dual Families
After leaving Hong Kong, Mandy moved to Singapore and eventually settled down in England to raise her children. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mandy is currently staying in Thailand to make it more convenient for Alvin to visit. Their two daughters and son entered a local international school where they had the protection of a bodyguard and a nanny, bringing Alvin peace of mind.
In July this year, Alvin and Mandy were photographed enjoying a hot date on a beach in Thailand. Wearing swimsuits, they openly held hands, hugged, and kissed. The sighting brought to light that Alvin and Mandy are still together, with Alvin splitting his time between his two families.
Alvin remains married to Heidi Chan, with whom they have two children. Initially irate over Alvin’s affair, Heidi brought up divorce a few times, but Alvin refused to let go because of their long history together, exclaiming, “There is only one Mrs. Chau!” After a “cold war” between the two which lasted for a year, Heidi eventually accepted Alvin’s continued involvement with Mandy and reconciled with her husband. Heidi and Alvin continue to celebrate occasions such as their children’s birthdays together.
Mandy Takes Surprising Position as Writer
Though gaining notoriety as Alvin’s mistress, Mandy also has a talent for writing, which she is putting to good use as a new columnist for Sublime Magazine, a sustainable lifestyle magazine. Raising her children helped Mandy discover a passion in food culture and healthy living, and her ideal is to have her own farm so her children could eat fresh produce without added preservatives, chemicals, or genetic modification.
For her debut article, Mandy mentions the reason what prompted her to become a writer. “Five years ago I moved to the UK to bring up my kids, and started exploring how I could provide them with fresh produce. I asked my kids what Christmas gifts they wanted this year, and one of them mentioned wanting a cow and a chicken which s(he) had already named. In my daily life I’d share historical and cultural knowledge with them, and encourage them to experience the best our world has to offer.”
Source: Netease
This article is written by JoyceK for
Alvin Chau’s Wife Accepts His Cheating: “There is Only One Mrs. Chau”
i think it’s many women’s dream to grow their own food and raise animals after having children but few actually have the time/money to do it due to lack of resources and time
@m0m0 and now she can even be a writer? lol haha…Oh boy!!
she might really be a good writer despite what she’s done. some people are just lucky to be able to find a good life for themselves while having a talent that most of the population would envy. i actually don’t hate her for what she did. i read that she had a very rough and neglected childhood, so in a way i can understand why she went the route she took.
@m0m0 “some people are just lucky to be able to find a good life for themselves” — Well, she had to trade her body and dignity for a good life so she isn’t exactly lucky. She is just getting what she “paid” for.
she’s lucky to have a good body and good face. those things along is luckier than most people in the world. there are many others who are willing but no such luck.
Wow.. super talented.. good looks.. husband stealer… now writer… what next? Badminton champion?
@jingxi2943 Psss.. Jacqueline wong.. watch and learn 😉
ROFLMAO … however, Mandy has style-type of looks Jacqueline doesn’t. And obviously, what it takes to keep this dude still captivated, even after 3 kids – normally interest starts to wane.
That’s Pakho dad too isn’t, don’t hate player hate the game as they say 😛 Smart of Mandy as well to just pop out 3 kids too!
@exodus Alvin’s son is Pakho but not the celebrity Pakho. Same name.
@annebee oh thanks for the correction all this time thought it was his dad.
His wife is the smartest woman ever. She has the biggest share to his empire because she built it with him and the rights to everything since she is the legal Mrs Chau. No matter how many women he has and how much he gives them, she still has the biggest portion.
@annebee Don’t they get 1/2 of whatever the unfaithful pigs have even if they get divorced? I don’t know if I want to call such women smart for blinking an eye and keep that Mrs. title. :0/
@wm2017 Because she is merely protecting the assets and business for her children. It’s not hard for her to give up the title and take the money but she is clearly smart and calculative enough not to leave the best crumbs to his mistress’ kids. While the latter may get money, I think she at least wants to ensure the business succession goes to her own kids and stepson whom she has a good relationship with. At this point, I believe she is aware she has completely lost her husband so her maternal instincts will step in to make sure her children are secured of their futures and what they deserve.
Financially maybe like Lin Fong Chiao (who’s the CFO of JC’s finances) … “smart”.
Sure if it’s only money – that’s her entitlement because she’s the support backbone with whom he built his empire.
Diff strokes for diff folks. To me, basic peace of mind and eotions, and peace of soul within is invaluable. More than any assets or empire in the world.
But as a woman … I would say I do not find it “smart”. There’s little joy in holding onto a disconnected relationshjp and a partner who’s not in the relationship.