Sonija Kwok Feels Frustrated and Helpless with Daughter’s Homework

Sonija Kwok (郭羨妮) attended a recent promotional event and shared her frustration with her daughter’s education and homework. Although Sonija’s daughter Kylie is only in first grade in Hong Kong, she knows that her daughter is stressed out from the school work. Hoping to see Kylie grow up in a happy environment, Sonija is considering sending her daughter to study abroad
As Sonija studied in Canada when she was 19 years old, she had always wanted Kylie to follow her footstep. However, a recent incident made Sonija seriously consider sending her daughter to study in Canada sooner.
Explaining what happened, the 45-year-old actress said, “As schools were suspended for a few days, we needed to catch up on the course works. Normally there would be six or seven homework, now there are eight or nine homework plus two dictation assignments. We couldn’t do them and expect to fail some courses. Seeing my daughter falling apart, I said why not stop doing them, but she said no. While she was supposed to complete her homework independently, she ended writing everything I said. In the end, we ran out of time for dictations.”
Watching Kylie crying over her homework, Sonija also felt the pain, “I want my daughter to be happy. While she enjoys both gymnastics and dancing, she only has time for dancing. Now her school wants her to learn to play an instrument. As a mother, I feel helpless and stressed. I can’t hurt her, and I was going to explode. In the end, I went to the bathroom to cry and calm down.”
When asked if her husband, martial arts choreographer Zhu Shaojie (朱少杰), is in agreement with sending their daughter to Canada sooner, Sonija replied, “It makes no difference to him because he needs to travel to China to film. Being in Hong Kong or Canada is the same; the difference is just more hours on the airplane. Instead, I have to leave everything behind in Hong Kong and move to Canada with my daughter. I would need to consider that myself.”
Husband Can’t Find Enough Work? Sonija Kwok: “I Only Want a Modest Life”