Stephan Chan to Return to TVB

In March 2010, TVB General Manager, Stephen Chan Chi Wan, was arrested by the ICAC in a high-profile corruption case. Currently, the investigation has reached a stalemate and the findings have not been finalized. Yet according to an insider, TVB Deputy Chairman, Mona Fong, decided to have Mr. Chan return to work. Allegedly, Mr. Chan and Carol Dodo Cheng Yu Ling will host the upcoming The Shaw Prize <邵逸夫奖> program, to be held on September 28th.
During Mr. Chan’s six-month administrative leave from TVB, he continued to receive his paycheck. This demonstrated Ms. Fong’s friendship towards Mr. Chan. Returning after a half-year absence, Mr. Chan may potentially instate large-scale changes at TVB to demonstrate his revitalized power. The people who had once betrayed Mr. Chan should be aware!
This year, TVB’s management were embroiled in litigation and several artists suffered accidental injuries. Perhaps TVB’s feng shui is tarnished and needs adequate guidance to turn its fortune.
Jayne: Welcome back, Stephen Chan! Mr. Chan’s talent should not be wasted. I look forward to more episodes of Be My Guest, where artists reveal secrets they have not admitted elsewhere.
i really want to know what happen, hopefully dodo interviews him in a “be my guest” host by dodo.
i hope steven ma isn’t one that he considers a 2-5 jai. 🙁
Now doesn’t that make TVB look silly?
I think although TVB has some bad reps and all, they also have their good points too. One of them is if someone has ever worked for them and wanted to come back, they almost always seem to take them back.Even if an artist has had any disputes with them in the past, they still take them back… I am not sure if every company would do that.
No, from news report today, Stephen Chan won’t be coming back. In fact, he’s currently being held by ICAC as I type this comment. It’s high chance that they will be pressing corruption charges.
TVB have already announced that Dodo Cheng will be hosting the show with Leon Ko.
So back too square 1. TVB bent on destroying Stephen Chan.
Sehseh, thanks for the update. I guess the tabloid article I translated was based on media speculation only.
RTHK English release an audio report on this latest TVB corruption case: you need Windows Media Player to play this audio….
Stephan Chan is charged according to the news i heard from RTHK this afternoon. And for The Shaw Prize award, it was only a rumor that he will be the MC, because Mona Fong had already asked another person to be the MC that night with Carol Cheng I believe. The guy that is going to be the host is someone with music talent and has produce some songs, but I forgot what songs they were when i heard the news on RTHK.
I don’t think he is coming back anytime soon. It’s not like he was involved in some rumor or scandal that people will forget about after awhile. He is in a more serious situation-corruption. That’s breaking the law and if charged, it could be jail time possibly for him. But who knows, a lot of artists and famous people tend to get away with lighter sentences, which of course is unfair. If he does return, I doubt he will still be as popular as before as he lost his credibilty with the audience. It will take a long time for him to build his trust again.
This time Stephen Chan will never be working for TVB.
I was hoping girl hitting homeboy Amigo Choi wonbe be back to TVB… guess I was wrong. They are willing to give second or 100 chances to turn this jerk life back around expect he is connected to Stephen Chan favorite people…ouch. He is still not a good MC for TVB variety programs. I rather have Joey Leung who has a scandal kissing Queenie Chu Wai Man, he is better host then Amigo Choi.
Anyway, Stephen Chan… you been wrecking TVB for the past 5 years. Your fame is up.
I am waiting Virgina Lok to go down the drain with Stephen Chan FTW as well.
TVB might as well produce this drama with ICAC and dubbed this ICAC Investigators 2010 Stephen Chan in court.
BTW, TVB artist/employees are not allowed to talk about this case from TVB management mother. It will be interesting to hear their opinion about this.
LOL Larry M. I waiting to see Evil Lok going down the drain too. Since I am younger I would think that I can outlive her to see that day come LOL
The game is on. I support Evil Lok to compete with Devil Chan.
Evil Lok will follow Devil Chan soon.
Many TVB fans hate Lok for promoting talentless MHK and MCI and ignoring prettier actresses who can act way better than than some of the pageant winners.
Evil Lok is a bad manager.
I thought Ms.Lok has a hand Raymond’s promotion? How come Raymond’s fans also hate her? Raymond is under her camp what.
Some Raymond’s fans always say Raymond didn’t need TVB, Raymond should leave TVB for greater success. But, so far, except the ‘Yang Family Warrior’ movie, all Raymond’s movies are either produced by TVB or EEG. Yes, Raymond has talent. But, without TVB’s heavy promotion, can Raymond reach where he is now (and Evil Lok is a big help in this)?
Apparently, there was some confusing in it where TVB placed a gag order on TVB artist. Now some of top TVB stars already spoken some issue about the corruption case.
I’m still waiting for ICAC to hunt Virgina Lok’s ass down for god shakes….
^ Kidd: I’m Raymond die-hard fan and I don’t hate Ms. Lok nor Mr. Chan. Evil Lok is a good manager and she managed my Raymond’s career perfectly. We have chicken first or egg first? Raymond has talents and being promoted because of his talents or being promoted before people know his talents? I think you have the answer. Each year there are many stars, how many of them shined? Tony Leung, Chow Yun Fat and Andy Lau are managed by TVB but after leaving TVB, they have bigger success.
So far, he is having Legend of White Snake which is not a TVB movie. I don’t want him to act China movie because China movies are all crap!
However, Raymond fans don’t hate Ms. Lok. Can’t hate her when she always treats us very good. I took a picture with her in the group of Raymond fans together. She is very gentle. I love everyone in her camp.
I don’t think ICAC will hunt Ms. Lok because she doesn’t milk like Mr. Chan.
^ Oh, they will. ICAC will probably find something about Virgina Lok if she is getting some kind “gifts” from one of her “gold” artists like Raymond Lam. ICAC is really serious, it maybe a good thing for TVB mangers to wake up and dont even treat the employees like chickens and selling eggs to the consumers to make dirt cheap profit.
BTW, Virgina Lok has manage crappy actors like Kate Tsui. For one thing, Kate is out of the music scene for now, that is a good thing. But her acting…
* If Jayne or somebody can created list hear for who is TVB artists and seasonal/adjunct TVB artist under the mangers, that would be great to know who is under and who is getting good/bad treatment.*
If they could they sued her with Mr. Chan. ICAC Hongkong is one of the best corruption investigator offices in the world. She is not sued is a proof she didn’t milk. Present on birthday is different to milk. Raymond is high educated, born in a business family then he knows what is milk, what is present. He won’t do the stupid action to ruin his own career.
Kate is not a crappy actor. Keep your comments for yourself. Kate won the Best Newcomer in Eyes on the sky. It’s the proof of her acting. She is awesome in 14 Blades. You are too focused on her dresses and forgot her talents. She is famous in every where now will make you cry silently every night! Go Kate! Go Raymond.
Kate is not a top singer like GEM but she is the second Jolin Tsai.
Kate is a crappy actress. You like it or not, She can not act at all. All of her roles in the TVB series were awful. Virgina Lok is constantly take some beauty pageant contestant and miking them when they still have poor acting and singing skills.
The awards are flaw. It is obvious that TVB insider made some altercation when Kate and Raymond receive the award. The viewers know that. Some smart fans should know that as well. More people already hating Kate. Im sure people will get sick and tired of Raymond when is in a lot of news lately.
Virgina Lok willl have to be testify in court and Im sure some questions will grill her related to Stephen Chan’s case.
Anyway, the sooner when it reveals Virgina Lok is corrupting TVB with some kind of deals, TVB will be better without these ass hats running TVB to the ground when they clearly losing viewers and money because of this year debacle.
Jade Solid Gold is TVB program and TVB can alter the award (Raymond’s much contended Asia Pacific Most Popular Male Singer award), but, HK Film Awards is independent of TVB and the most prestigious film award in HK. I can’t say that this award is 100% independent and unbias (even Oscar is not totally unbias), but, TVB don’t have as much hold on this independent award as JSG. Kate won ‘Best Newcomer’ in the HK Film Award for her role in the movie ‘Eye in the Sky’.
Personally, I don’t have a problem with Raymond winning that award since it’s a rule that only those attending JSG ceremony can get an award and since the artists of the 4 big companies cannot attend, the choices are VERY limited. Raymond’s album did sell well and his concerts were full house and he has a lot of fans in Asia. So, I’m ok with him getting this award. If they give it to Bosco, then, I’ll have a problem with it. But, Raymond, it’s still reasonable.
I agree with Macy. If ICAC has anything on Ms.Lok, they would have sued her. I know a lot of people disliked Ms.Lok because she keep pushing her favourites and neglecting other actors. But, that doesn’t mean she’s corrupt.
I notice that actors tend to act better in movies than TV series. Maybe it’s because filming a movie is not as rushed and you can film again and again until perfection. Also, if filming under a good director, the artist will get a lot of guidance. I think Kate benefited from filming under Johnny To in ‘Eye in the Sky’, thus giving a good enough performance to garner her a ‘Best Newcomer’ Award.
Eye in the Sky was produced by Johnny To and directed by Yau Nai-Hoi. Sorry for the mistake.
^ Larry: You are get sick and tired of them but others are not. People in Hongkong love to see Kate and Raymond and people in many countries love to see them as well. After the concert of Raymond, everyday a group of Kate fans waited for her. If you have chance to go to Hongkong and go to Sino center, you will see many pictures of Raymond in there. This place sells pictures of the stars and the famous stars will have many pictures. Raymond Lam and GEM Tang are the most popular, followed by Charlene Choi and the singers. It’s the best stats of a star in Hongkong. In the TVB group, except Raymond Lam who is very popular, Charmaine Sheh and Kate Tsui have many pictures, too. The shops buy pictures from the cameramen and sell them to public. Who has more people to buy will have more pictures in the shop. It can’t be controlled by TVB because the shops do the business not under TVB’s management.
^Kidd is right on Kate’s award. And Raymond’s award as well. His award is Most popular in Asia – Pacific area award. He deserves it. He has fans in all Asia – Pacific. In his concert, the light board from Hangzhou, Malaysia, Singapore, Beijing, Vietnam, Hongkong, USA, Canada and so on are bright. His concert tickets were sold out in 2 days. His album gets platinum in 5 days. He is very popular. I has been to Joey’s Perfect Ten concert and GEM Tang’s 18+, they don’t have fans from that many countries to come. The award for Raymond Lam is obvious.
Ms. Lok promotes her favourites because all of her favourites are good. She is disliked by the jealous fans of Mr. Chan’s favourites. Mr. Chan also promotes his favourites. The difference between them is Mr. Chan corrupted and Ms. Lok didn’t.
Wayne Lai, Tavia Yeung, Shirley Yeung and Sharon Chan will be testified in the court of Mr. Chan as well. So that Larry, you think they milked, too?
Im pointing out Kate Tsui winning that “TVB Most Improved Actress award” in 2007 which that is probably a laughable award on the performance of “On the First Beat” and “Steps”. The film “Eye in The Sky”, I didnt see that movie but the reviews was mixed. If she performed that well, great—it was a debut for her first movie. Now, she is mostly concentrated on TVB series which at a glance on her next couple her series 1 costume and 1 current drama towards a Gem of Life o Drive of Life ripoff crap. She still has 1 unreleased movie with Raymond Lam – “Perfect Wedding”
Movies tend to gain better acting and rest time then tv series which it needs to be shot periodically in limited time.
Raymond Lam on that JSG Asian Pacific most popular award was really too early to get that award during his beginning of his music career. He has fanbase all over the Asian countries. Its either Leo Ku or Raymond to get that award. That year was really a crappy JSG award show and it probably going to repeat again this year. I dont blame Raymond to receive that award but I blame TVB and the Big 4 for really screwing people because of royalties and money.
Virgina Lok issue, Im sure ICAC will already have find something when they were at TVB HQ. The media knows this and Virgina Lok will see a lot photogs to grill her or spy her at functions. Im sure you and others know that Ms Lok will be next but the question is WHEN? Virgina Lok appears at functions and meetings to help heir wonderful artist to promote. Except she does make some deals in between to get into functions and ads….Even that famous tabloid scandal… her birthday party gifts. When Stephan Chan is done, they will watch Virgina Loks moves
I think Kate deserved the “TVB Most Improved Actress award” that year because she improved a lot from her god awful performance in OTFB to a pretty good performance in “Steps”. I think she portrayed her character well in “Steps”.
“Wayne Lai, Tavia Yeung, Shirley Yeung and Sharon Chan will be testified in the court of Mr. Chan as well. So that Larry, you think they milked, too?”
Stephen Chan milk his artists, and its obvious if ICAC has the case. Mr Chan really needs to get a good defense attorney.
There will be more artist and mangers including Virgina Lok and Mona Fong have to go into court to speakout against Stephen Chan.
Kate’s fanbase is questionable, thats all i can say. Im love Virgina Lok’s style to overwork, under or over promote her people, attend at functions, listen people praising, listen people dissing at her and her artists and gain more money of it.
Kate’s famous movie is 14 Blades. She gained praises with 14 Blades. Highly recommended for you.
It’s about 5 months from the investigation of Mr. Chan in TVB and Ms. Lok is not sued or invited to ICAC to investigate. It’s the best proof she didn’t milk.
Mr. Chan milked the Jade Singer Party. Mona Fong opened the green light for Mr. Chan to come back.
Kidd, Kate’s performance was ok on “Steps” but there are other supporting role artists could gain that award then Kate. I feel TVB jump too quickly to award her at that time just let stupid people aware of her. I agree on her bloated awful reek performance on “On the first Beat”… I dont know what TVB producers or casting thinking……
Macy, ICAC did questioned Ms Lok on Stephen Chan and that other company involved the TVB corruption case. She still has to testify on court and as well many others…
Hell, TVB wants to save money on filming series… really need to consider it “ICAC Investigators 2010”!!! just to film Stephen Chan’s happy weird looking face in litigation.
“Mona Fong opened the green light for Mr. Chan to come back.”
Thats probably a tabloid rumors.
^ Larry: just let stupid people aware of her? You are not one because you dislike Kate? Her award is deserved as everyone else’ awards. Linda Chung has award for her crap portrayal in Heart of greed and Shirley Yeung has for her portrayal in Always Ready and Tavia Yeung for her portrayal in Beyond the realm of conscience then why Kate can’t have the award in Step? You forgot Kevin Cheng has the highest award for his portrayal in what series? The TVB producers or casting think Kate has potential.
Being testify on court doesn’t mean she milked. Wayne Lai, Tavia Yeung, Shirley Yeung and Sharon Chan will be testified in the court as well and you said they are defense or Mr. Chan.
ICAC 2010 is canceled because of Mr. Chan’s incident.
No, if you look closely at Kate Tsui performance in TVB series. Her roles or maybe her acting is dreadful, its ten times worse then Charmine Sheh’s role in DIF IV or Sonja Kwok’s acting in TVB series. If you like Kate Tsui to death then you really didnt notice at her performance at all. BTW, she is also ratings poison when she is leading a tv series only she is the first lead. She has not improve her acting since her debut role in a TVB series “When Rules Turn Loose”. Maybe TVB series really doesnt work for her. Movies might be better for her since she did won that award. But I dont really watch HK movies that much anymore. Kate Tsui career is not really a primetime star thanks to Virigina Lok toying her around.
The Ms. Lok issue, Im saying two things:
ICAC ask her to testify in Stephen Chan’s mess, thats the fact….
IMO, ICAC should investigate or any body to look into Virgina Lok’s work to see if she has similar deals like Stephen Chan. Its been on tabloid news, even on other HK/China entertainment news channels show some issues with Virgina Lok’s work environment deals. Maybe she did corrupted or maybe she not. Lots of people feel she did corrupt in someway…. Anyway, thats just one of more TVB management under lots of speculations. I will not be shocked if Virgina Lok or current/former TVB employees will might be investigate by ICAC for more corruption in TVB.
ICAC 2010 is not canceled. Stephen Chan is a bogus leading guy who works from TVB, he can play by himself in his role to get out of the court. That will be a better drama the Kate Tsui’s TVB series “Men In Charged”
If you hate Kate to death and deny to see her improvement, I have nothing to talk with you. My view on her portrayal is positive. I like her after her portrayal as a bad girl in Moonlight resonance. Her awards are well-deserved. 14 Blades is the top of her acting so far. For the rating poison, can you name her series with very bad rating? Her newest series When the land merges has good rating and responses. You don’t have a point.
Ms. Lok doesn’t promote the actors you like so that you think she is corrupted? Since there is no proof of her corruption, I have 1 sentence 2 say 4 you: Keep your mouth shut.
Wow, you act too childish. If you can not take this conversion then you really need to face the reality. Whether I hate Kate or not. I critique her stances in her acting in TVB series. Fans should accept the criticism of her since she is in her early years in the crappy HK entertainment industry, Again she is awful in her roles. Watch “On the First Beat”, 10 times at least and you really will point out some acting inconstancy.”When Lanes Merged” was ok series, her role really didnt match to Raymond Wong’s gf., odd couple.
There is room for improvement. Its typical that Virigina Loks manage under artists, their acting is always up and down because of roles… especially Moses Chan, last 3 series this year was crap.
I have no proof about Virgina Lok,? I can see some comments of “Evil” Lok all over the forums. Whether or not its true or not, there is pressure for Virgina Lok take down on controlling TVB.
BTW: canceled that order: “* If Jayne or somebody can created list hear for who is TVB artists and seasonal/adjunct TVB artist under the mangers, that would be great to know who is under and who is getting good/bad treatment.*”
I found great article in AsianFanatics:
Back in March:
Read those comments from that article link,,,,
^Above…. Ms Lok trys to takeover Mr Chan role…. but really read those comments, there great!!!!!
You deny to see all of her improvement through years and try to bring her down. You can’t face the reality that Kate is arising star in Hongkong. In the early years, she was a bad actress but who is not in the early years? Now she improved a lot and shining but you can’t accept that and live with the old days. I can see you cry silently every nights. Your words can’t bring Kate down, but bring yourself down.
These tabloids have no points that Ms. Lok is accused of corruption like Mr. Chan by any government authorities.
Kate’s acting is not all times that good in movies. Her acting was horrendous in 72 Tenants. Linda wasn/t convincing in that movie but her parts are more watchable and enjoyable than Kate’s. Not everyone liked Kate’s acting in 14 Blades too. All she was doing just posing cool and fierce in fights and being seducive. There’s not much need for acting skills for these cool scenes since Kate was just being herself.
Kate showed improvement from OTFB to Steps but become horrible again in BOTG. When Lanes Merge got good ratings but all the praise go to Raymond Wong and not Kate whose acting is forgettable and neglectable in the series.
As Kidd said Ray’s Asia Male Singer award isn’t rigged since he’s really famous in Asia. It will be rigged if TVB give to Bosco or other singers as Kidd said. The likes of Bosco or other HK young singers who I can’t hardly keep up with their names anymore because of HK bad music industry can never held a concert with fans coming from all over to attend the sold out concert. Ray fully deserved the award I agree with Macy there are no other deserving winner that night.
The news keep writing about TVB female executives receiving expensive handbags and gifts and I’m sure it’s Miss Lok. There are also rumours that some female artistes make friends with Miss Lok and give her handbags to be promoted as fadans. Sooner of later someone will report Miss Lok away.
Wow, I lol at you. What a ridiculous comments you made. I have not seen any Kate Tsui’s improvement in TVB series… Tell me which of her TVB series is her breakthrough role? IMO, none at this point. If she is a rising star, then what the hell happen to her music career when she won awards in her crappy album? Do we see more albums coming out more? Thank god, she is out of the music scene right now since she cant sing nor she cant dance if you look at the live performance at Miss Hong Kong pageant.
If we hear more expose secrets about Ms Lok deals in the past then it will be great in my case. She hasnt been truth to herself, she havent promote other artist in her under management like in this article:
Re read that million times for your sack Macy.
^ That comment was refer to Macy.
I agree with you Vivien on Raymond’s JSG award, there was really only two to get the award Leo and him at that time. I dont blame Raymond’s reaction to receive his very emotional award just TVB and the Big4 stupid argument really wreck the JSG universe.
It will be interesting very soon on TVB’s anniversary award show, so I wouldnt rule out if he has some kind award in which he has a chance whether he deserve it or not.
Hey guys, this article/translation is two years old, but thought you guys might be interested in it still 🙂
^ larry: Kate’s music company bankrupted so that she can’t release more album until the music company is solved. You can’t see her improvement but many people can see and you are so lonely in this universe.
The truth is Ms. Lok is not accused at this moment. Unless she is accused, she is innocent.
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