Vic Chou: “I May Get Married Tomorrow”

Above: Vic Chou stars in “Detective Gui”.
Vic Chou (周渝民) celebrated his 34th birthday at the press conference for the upcoming film Detective Gui <宅女偵探桂香>. Directed by Oxide Pang (彭順), the movie will be released on July 24, during the peak of China’s golden summer movie season.
Detective Gui tells the story of a young female detective Gui Xiang (Wang Luodan 王珞丹) who has a high IQ but a very low EQ. In one case, she is forced to work with the stringent but unsuccessful policeman A’Zhe (Vic Chou), who is waiting for a big break in his career.
Prefers Acting Over Singing
A big fan of detective fiction, Vic had a lot of fun while filming Detective Gui. Vic is not picky when choosing roles and wants to try everything, including characters with personality disorders. “I’m a greedy person,” said Vic. “I feel that I am only able to play one character in every film. It’s not satisfying enough. I portrayed twins while filming Mars <戰神MARS>, and it was really fun. If I get to play a role who has multiple personalities, then that means I get to play many people at once.”
On working with Wang Luodan, Vic said, “She’s very special. Very straightforward and honest.” Vic described the difference between working with Taiwanese actors and Mainland Chinese actors: “In Mainland, actors tend to voice their opinions. They know what they want. They plan it all out and tell you their thoughts. When we debuted in the Taiwanese industry, the seniors would tell us that we should learn how to endure and accept. It’s a completely different feeling working in these two industries.”
Over the years, the youngest F4 member has released three solo studio albums, his last record being a greatest hit album released in 2009. The 34-year-old admitted, “If it’s not necessary for me, then I will not release new records. When you’re a singer, you are given many invitations [to events], and that is something that I am still not used to doing. I like living in the camera more. I love being an actor.”
May Get Married “Tomorrow”
In the film, Vic and his father are estranged. Vic said that while he and his father are not very talkative, they share a tacit understanding of each other. “We don’t use words to communicate. We know that we are very important to each other.”
Vic does not share his career with his parents and family. When he returns home, he wants a normal life. “There is too much gossip in the entertainment industry. [My parents] will have their own emotions and opinions, and I don’t want them to be affected.”
Although his parents are divorced, Vic is still as family-oriented as ever. His father and mother may have left a scar in his childhood, but he still wants to have children and aims to provide a “complete family” for his child.
Currently dating Taiwanese actress Reen Yu (喻虹淵), Vic was often asked about his marriage plans. “I always think about this. Ever since I debuted at age 19, I’ve been thinking about [marriage]. You are always growing, and I feel that my relationship is stable. As for my next step, I want to follow wherever my frame of mind takes me. If one day, both of us think tomorrow is the right day, we may take the next step. I am not in a hurry, but I still want to have a family. It is something that I must do, and will do. I am not someone who plans everything out. Maybe I might [get married] tomorrow.”
F4 Reunion?
At 19, Vic met Meteor Garden <流星花園> co-star Edward Ou (歐定興) in Taipei. Edward wanted Vic to audition for the series with him, but the shy Vic could not deal with the pressure and “hid under a staircase.” It was there when producer Angie Chai (柴智屏) discovered him, and cast him as Hua Ze Lei, becoming a member of the legendary F4.
Although F4 is no longer active, fans are still harboring the wish to see the four members reunite. When bandmate Vanness Wu (吳建豪) uploaded a selfie with Vic recently on Weibo, rumors about F4’s reunion once again circulated the web.
Vic clarified, “I met with Vanness for dinner a few days ago as we were both in Beijing. We talked about many things, including the possibility of a F4 reunion. Should we do a drama or a concert together? There are many possibilities.”
He then added that a F4 reunion is not easy to arrange. “We are all very busy, and there are often times when we would we just disappear. When I disappear, they won’t be able to find me.”
This article is written by Addy for